I Said Make My Abilities Average!

239 Viscount Askham Territory 8

"Hey, what's that!

"Is that a bird?

"Is that Wyburn?

"No, ah, that's..."

"Meh, a goddess..."

We're in havoc, Imperial Army.

And more miles of voice sounds.

"Justice without power is pointless. And unjust power is evil. Therefore, I take this in the name of the goddess. You are guilty!

That's enough. The miles that have gotten yaked are just a proper line of 'dialogue series I'd like to say someday'.

"It's a bluff! There must be some trick..."

That's what the sergeant screams and tries to put away the upsets of the soldiers, but there are no tricks, nothing, no buildings or big trees that seem to be available to hang people in the vicinity, and there are no cranes or piano lines in this world. And above all, in this world, the existence of gods and demons was normally believed. So the officer also could never throw up only the words' there can't be a goddess'.

But it can't be done with 'The Goddess told me, so I pulled it off'. If I'm going to say that, it's definitely beheading, or hanging. But that has nothing to do with the general military. Even if there are rulers who execute commanders and officers who failed to meet expectations, there is no such thing as executing all 5,000 soldiers. Absolutely......

So the soldiers' legs stopped and they didn't try to move on any further.

"Those who broke in without a declaration of war are neither army nor soldier. It's just an unreliable person. Those who die will not be invited to the Gardens of Brave Warriors (Valhalla). The only thing you can give to an unreliable person is a bill of passage to hell. Come on, take the divine punishment!

And floating in the air, a magical formation mimicking the head of a wolf. From that mouth part, thunder was unleashed on the front of the Imperial Army.

"Unreliable (blah) Thunder!

Yes, it was the thunderbolt of divine punishment, the 'unreliable Thunder', released from the Wolf (Wolf) patterned magic formation (Mark) against the unreliable.

Psst, duh!


Around, I was surrounded by silence until I was horrified.

And the Imperial Army.

And the people of the territorial capital, who should be hearing everything due to miles of air vibration magic.

Just stunned, from outside the territorial capital and through the windows of buildings in the territorial capital.

Some enter into fear and fear. Some shine their eyes in hope and awe.

I just stopped moving and looked up at the sky.

(... what to do...)

Miles was in trouble.

Nobody tries to move, nobody talks about anything.

(How long, if it floats like this............)

Yes, Miles was waiting for the Imperial Army to just pull him off. You can't just hit thunder in a row and kill all the soldiers in the Imperial Army. Yet nobody moves......

The condition of the Askham army, and looking back, got into the view of the miles it was floating over.

A bunch of soldiers approaching from the north side of the territorial capital, that is, the opposite side of the Imperial Army, soon to reach the territorial capital.

That number is far greater than the Imperial Army on the south side, four to five times the 5,000 Imperial Army, no, more, a bunch of soldiers. Coming from the north in this situation cannot be the Imperial Army. That means......

Yes, it was the joint army of the Royal Brandell Army, or Wang Metropolitan Army, and the Territorial Army, which Mavis had seen as soon as possible ahead of miles that had not turned backwards since rising above.

"Duh, why... Both Pauline and Mavis said that the kingdom side would not send out soldiers yet... so the Royal Army increased its speed? I noticed the presence of the Imperial Army...... so muzzy muzzy muzzy muzzy muzzy, the Imperial Army anyway, muzzy good if I noticed!!"

It's miles talking out loud, but of course I don't use air vibration magic, so that voice never reaches someone. Then, the hurried miles descended straight as they were, once again penetrating the Imperial Army and exiting behind them to rendezvous with the Lenas.

"Look, guys, right away, let's get out of here..."

"I'm leaving!

Lena takes miles of words from the side and directs everyone to do so.

"" Oh!!

"... ooh..."

And I said, "I like red blood! 'left the scene at full speed, moving away to the south, on the battlefield left......

"Commander, enemy forces have appeared on the north side of the territorial capital!

The commander of the Imperial Army was informed of a report by flag signal from a lookout placed on a slightly higher hill overlooking the territorial capital in order to understand the overall situation of the battlefield.

"What! The Lord's Army of Askham is not caged in the Land Capital..."

The reporting Tabernacle denied the words of the commander, who suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared, whose surprise for the goddess and the dot earlier still could not be accommodated.

"Chi, no! It appears that it was not the Askham Army, but the King's Capital Army of the Kingdom of Brandel or each Territory Army! I haven't been able to fully confirm the number of soldiers, but at least 20,000, probably considerably more than that!

"Hey, what is it!

If we go in at full speed soon, we may be able to get into the capital before the Royal Army. But enter the territorial capital in a situation where the Askham army 300 lurks and all of the inhabitants turn to the enemy, intercepting several times more royal armies than their own? It's suicide.

Besides, the territorial capital is not a castle city, it does not have a fence that surrounds the town, nor does it have a castle. In a situation where supplies are lost and arrows are scarce, there are few advantages and many drawbacks to being forced into such a place. This was not the kind of situation where the law could be applied: the 'law of triple attack', that is, the offensive side needs three times the power of the defensive side.

And it is only in a state where companions frequent each other, there has been no food for the last few days, and the water drawn into their own water bottles in the river has been exhausted so that they can barely move with a slight distribution of water created by magic by magicians. There was no way the Imperial Army, with its morale, strength, and even loyalty, could have fought more than a few times as many enemies.

"Why! The experts' analysis should have concluded that there was no immediate response from the Kingdom of Brandell, that once the weak areas of the border had been abandoned, a defensive line had been built in front of it, and that it would go into counter-attack operations after being well prepared! To this end, it should have been made even more certain, emphasizing that no force other than our regiment would be moved and that this would not be a full-scale offensive aimed at the King's Capital! Yet why......

Are you telling me they were aware of a second stage operation, in line with the Kingdom's counter-attack!

It's just a casual prediction of the enemy's behavior. Even if you have a complete grasp of all the exact information and how the other side thinks, it can come off a lot. And it goes without saying if we are grabbed by a lack of information or incomplete information, the other person tries to scratch the back, and we make hopeful observations for our convenience.

"Vision at the head of the enemy! The flag of each noble realm of the Kingdom of Brandel and… those are the flags of the King's Capital Army and the royal crest!

To the scream of the tabernacle, a bewildered commander.

"Why...... Why, for the sake of the weak and aristocratic realm of the border, come so seriously!

Royalty? Exactly, I don't think the King leads the pro-recruitment army, but no way, is he the First Prince?

The second prince should still be young. But let the king prince, who was a cutter and carried the expectations of the kingdom, go to battles like this? Stupid! Impossible!!

Seeing how the commander was, one of the Tabernacles shouted, knowing that he would buy an unhappiness.

"Commander, give me your orders! There is no respite for time!

Retreat, storm, we must hurry. You can't let an enemy enter a unit that stays suspended without instructions. Even if it is an assault ready for total annihilation, obey the commander's orders. The chiefs stare at the commander with those eyes of readiness.

"... retreat! Flip it now, leave the battlefield!

This commander would not be surprised if he ordered an assault, and the bureaucrats looked a little surprised. And when he saw it, the commander muttered with a masochistic face.

"With future generations of historians, I don't mind being called 'fools'. But I don't want to be called 'the fool who let 5,000 soldiers die in vain'..."

And now he yelled out loud.

"Hurry up! Withdraw faster than the enemy's march, or you'll be attacked from the rear and wiped out!

Allow waivers other than those necessary for return journey. Hurry up!!

The Tabernacles rushed all over the place. If you were allowed to relinquish supplies and equipment, there is no zero chance that you could escape the enemy forces that took the supply troops with you in full gear. If only we could open the distance now without being captured by our enemies here......

"You've earned a lot of distance. It's time to change the direction of travel and make a big detour through the territorial capital to the east. If we keep going south, we'll end up in Imperial territory in a way that's always been chased by the Imperial Army."

"Red blood is good! '... No, the mercenary mission is over, so now we're back on the' Red Vow '... once we moved to the south side, it was time to come up with our next action plan.

But Pauline disagreed with Lena's suggestion.

"Wait a minute, please. Before we do that, I want to do a few things.

If it stays this way, there could be many dead in the Imperial Army who can't afford to go far and stop at the river. Because the water created by a small number of magicians alone will not provide a sufficient quantity to 5,000 soldiers and horses in need of large quantities of water......

The soldiers at the end of the spectrum are not villains or criminals, so they want to help a little... "

Yes, there are not many good magicians fighting with the Miscellaneous soldiers at the forefront of the army.

If you are someone who can exercise enough magic to fight, you will not become a dangerous, low-paying general soldier, and you will apply for an exemption with money for conscription when something happens. Even if it is military service, it is officer treatment. In other words, the number of people serving in the field is small.

Also, the amount of water that can be magically delivered is known. What humans need in a day is about two liters. Five thousand people, it's ten tons. And one horse needs around thirty liters. It is for fifteen soldiers. The great men of the army will give precedence to one military horse over fifteen miscellaneous soldiers.

Together, those who can use the magic of life only to produce a tiny amount of water cannot magically create a dozen tons of water every day. In the first place, when large quantities of water are created in the same place, the moisture in the air is lost and the production efficiency is gutted.

Moreover, those who could fight with magic were not willing to use their magic with water creation.

That is tantamount to saying 'On the battlefield, let go of the sword' to swordsmen, and few magicians accept that. Only about half of the magic, good and two-thirds, was devoted to watermaking.

In other words, the soldiers continued their unscrupulous march without being given as much water as they could move properly, and it was only a matter of time before they let the dead out.

"" "Yeah yeah eh!!

And three people who listen to Pauline and peel their eyes in surprise.

"Who are you!

"An enemy mage disguise? Goddamn it, where did you get the real Pauline!

"Mr. Lena, Mr. Mavis, please step back!!

"Hey, dude..."

And then there were three people who could yell at Pauline the Maggiere...