I Said Make My Abilities Average!

264 Village 5 in Dwarf

"... So, Miles, how moist is the party budget going to be?

A smiling Pauline. But......

"Huh? This is a personal activity that I buy in my free time and sell in my free time, completely unrelated to the request that we all ordered this time......, HI!

A smiling Pauline. However, only a few seconds ago, the atmosphere that was entangling had changed 180 degrees.

"... So, Miles, how moist is the party budget going to be?

"Oh, wow, wow..."

To the evil aura that rises from Pauline's entire body, the miles that turn pale.

"... I'm having a hard time, too, my lady..."

The merchants, who looked envious of the miles where the storage magic could be used, had also turned into a pitiful face.

"Pauline, that's a little..."

"Last time, you thought Miles was' part of the request 'from the start, because it was the merchant's load, the client, and the merchant's squad, or personnel and cargo escort requests, right? Not this time, is it? And Pauline, you know that, right?


Pauline with a face embarrassed and regrettable by Mavis and Lena.

Miles, unlike Pauline, is not obsessed with money separately, but no, he wanted to be decent when it comes to money because he's one of us, no. It's everywhere, like talking about friendships broken because of money.

Money should not be borrowed from outside the bank. And more importantly, money should not be lent or deposited outside the bank.

And even if they threaten me, they won't pay me for it. Once paid, they eat it for good.

That was what his father had told him and his sister many times in his previous life, and that teaching was a mile he intended to keep, even after he was reborn.

Anyway, Miles kept selling booze. The Dwarves, realizing that no matter how much they sold, they didn't seem to run out of stock, reluctantly bought only a few bottles at a time at first, but started buying more and more extras. Those who run out of money are running back to their homes. And......

"Sold ahhh!"

Finally a paragraph, miles to stretch back.

Behind it, gizzard, and handkerchief biting Pauline.

In the end, a huge amount of alcohol sold out without waiting for lunch. After that, the merchants seem to be selling well. Anyway, I've been here many times, so I have a complete idea of how much I can sell. It would appear that this would result in massive sales surpluses, which would disqualify the merchant.

Besides, although this village is aimed at self-sufficiency for once, there are things that really need to be purchased from elsewhere. Yes, salt, medicine, that sort of thing. Those things and what you absolutely need to live with, but, well, what you need there. Paper, soap and all that stuff, of course, can be sold. Things that are not too tense and are less likely to be damaged are not so disastrously expensive.

And a hobby. It's called a luxury item. Condiments, high quality fabrics...

Not very good quality cloths, furs, etc. are also made in villages, but no matter how corny they are, women still want to wear them in lovely clothes when they matter, that is, at festivals, weddings, and various other events.... would be the so-called 'battle clothes'.

Because this is a mountainous village, the outbound route is a climbing path. If it's true, they want to lighten the carriage and emphasize speed and safety, rather than loading it with a barely profitable load, a dangerous condition with a purchase price. But there was also a request from the village side, and they didn't either.

Exactly, besides being heavy and prone to damage on bad roads and on the run, I ask you to spare me the liquor that it is not a necessity but a complete luxury, and yet it is not too expensive to sell, carrying only a very small number of 'for the mood'.

For once, brewed liquor for ales and cheap items is also made in villages, and if you just drink and get drunk, you don't have to force the merchants to take a high risk.

"Huh? I know that outbound travel for the village also takes a little bit of risk and loads of essentials, but it's a business, so why not just sell it for a price that suits the dangers, effort, and expenses properly? How come you're so busy and unprofitable? If you really needed something, the villagers would buy it for the price they deserved, right? If you don't buy it with that, it means' it's not what you need so much 'and you won't need to carry such an item until you increase the danger without profit!

Pauline, who heard the story from the merchants during the camp, was outraged to say so. Even if it's about others, if it's about commerce, it's Pauline with a low boiling point that's unconvincing and irrational.

"Business can be difficult..."

He was a merchant to say so, but his eyes seemed a little unpleasant. Not to Pauline, but to other things......

The leader of the merchant, who had gone to the village chief, returned as the mile that sold out the alcohol was withdrawing its outlet. I left the merchandise in my shop to the moderator who brought it to me, so the leader seemed to be in coordination with the various departments in the meantime. It is for that reason that only leaders are bringing employees.

But that leader's complexion is not Fang (Kanba).

"A little early, but let's make it a meal. Guys, once you close the store!

Even if it closes, it is open-air. It only takes a few seconds because I just hang the bills on the accounting desk for 'On Break', which they had prepared in advance.

The villagers too, it is usual for the merchants to take a lunch break, and they have already bought what they really want. I'm not in a hurry either, as I'm just going to slow things down later. Everyone went back to their homes. There are many villages with two meals a day in the countryside, but the people in this village seem to eat three meals a day because of a lot of manual labor.

A line of merchants with lined carriages on their backs and carrying meals. While in this village, the ingredients in the mileage storage are sealed, and the ingredients to be bought in the village are used from dinner. At noon, it's easy to save time and money. That much, the village grocery stores and their associates won't complain either.

Then, whispering the firm bread, one of the merchants whispered to the leader.

"... So, what bad story?

The merchants, who seem to have known each other for a long time, apparently perceived that the problem had arisen only in the atmosphere of the leader when they returned. Of course, the other merchant also looks as if it is already a certainty.

In the first place, that we still had a little time at noon, but we tried to get everyone together as soon as we got back. Everyone seemed to understand the whole thing because of the formation with the carriage on its back so that the surroundings could be seen, that is, because it instructed the way to sit as if the story prevented others from eavesdropping on it.

... Of course, everyone, is all about the merchants, The Ideal Home of the Evil God, and The Friendship of Fire. The three hired ones, and the four Red Vows, were completely unaware.

And the leader also answered in a whisper.

"It seems that iron products are only available for about half of the promises. And the total price is the same as usual, so be it."

"" "Become!

Three merchants raised their voices of surprise, including an understudy of the leader's shop.

I can't help it. This means that the price of the goods to be bought has doubled. And since the number of goods will be half, in order to ensure the same profits as before, the profits of the merchants must also be multiplied by twice. This means that the selling price in the city has to be roughly doubled. Otherwise, I can't even cover the necessary expenses.

... There's no way that's going to make sense.

Even though it's not a fresh food that depends heavily on the season and the weather, it's the same product, twice the price of the last one. I don't have any customers to buy me that. Exactly, it's an iron product, and there won't be a 'market value'.

Everyone is determined either to buy products from other stores purchased on other routes or to refrain from buying them until the value returns.

"... are you insane..."

Yes, at that price, iron products alone would be in deficit. Not to mention, it is out of the question, such as the sale of necessities transported outbound, which we are serving with its profits.

I mean, not next time.

This will be the last time the merchant corps will operate to this village. Nor without this purchase.

A village where bandits and demons travel along the path, also losing their way of obtaining essentials, along with their income paths.

... was the end.

"So, but the villagers, they didn't do that at all, did they?

"" "" They forget everything else if they have good liquor in front of them... ""

Miles' words were cut off by the merchants.