"Bubba, bubba, barriah! Filter, ventilate, clean magic Ugh!!

Miles, desperate, used all his magic.

First, put a barrier around your body to block the outside air. Next, filter the barrier and then drain all the air inside. The air then flows from the outside to the inside where the barometric pressure has dropped. The air removed from the capsaicin component by the filtered barrier….

Additionally, clean magic hangs on your body, removing and disassembling capsaicins attached to your clothes and body, and capsaicins attached to your body.

"Ha-ha-ha, I thought I was going to die..."

And the ogres and dwarves, who couldn't use such convenient magic, were still hovering around.


As Miles blew a red mist with wind magic, Lena and Mavis and Pauline, who had finished healing, approached. Apparently, the sorcerers have already decided it's okay to approach the orgasms to some extent.

Miles and Mavis then stabbed the orgasms to a halt, and Lena and Pauline hung cleansing magic on the dwarves to remove capsaicin components from their bodies and clothes.

Of the orgasms, some, especially the superior species, tried to get up and intercept Miles and Mavis, but were not in such a condition that they could concentrate on battles: eyes that could not be opened to the bush (Roku), noses with a completely lost sense of smell, throats that were also hard to burn to breathe, and wounds and mucosal areas of the whole body that were caustic (minor) to severe pain. As a result, he could barely demonstrate his strength and was easily defeated as ridiculously.

... Should I have used hot magic from the start?

No, then, there's no point in forming a recapture unit for the Dwarves and their subjects.

This is only 'The Dwarves', a battle to protect their village ', and' The Red Vow 'is nothing more than a helper hired to support it. It takes only the fact that' the proud Dwarves rose themselves to fight demons and defend their villages'.

Also, if you crusade with the Red Oath alone, the strength and threat of the demons that are this peculiar species will not be strongly recognized by all the Dwarves, including non-combatants, and will not be the experience of the combat personnel and cannot be utilized in the future.

Besides, it couldn't have been acceptable to the highly held Dwarves to say that they would go with the 'Red Vow' alone, etc., but let four human girls turn to an august crusade that was sure to be wiped out, and they would wait relaxed in the village, etc.

So he was going to wave the Dwarves all he could say, 'We fought as hard as we could,' and do it well so that there would be no injured people left with serious injuries or sequelae.

And to the extent that the augs were 'normal augs' and the numbers were a little more than what the scouts confirmed, that could have been done without a problem.

The crusade mission, where the other person is working as planned, cannot be the first. The 'Red Pledge', which had been going too well until now, was a little too sweet to think about. Still, without such an irregular, things would have gone well as planned......

He then used magic lights (magic lights) to investigate the pit and dispose of a few females and children with the "Red Vows" alone. The majority of females also seemed to participate in the battle, and what remained would have been child caregivers, illnesses or injuries that prevented them from fighting.

There, there is no such concept as' pathetic '. It is an act of betrayal against all human beings to miss such a special individual being fixed as a race.

Now, even if there were individuals who had left the nest for any reason, it would be about two or three heads at most, so the villagers alone would be able to handle it. There will be a lot of damage to the Dwarves as well, but I can't take care of it that far. Because the Red Oath lives in this village, and I can't protect it all the time.

Of course, "The Red Vow" was going to come back here before he returned to the city to see if the remaining individuals had returned to the nest...

"Then we're going back to the village!

"" "Oh!

'Wait, Master Miles!

I can't hear the nanomachine. Mavis and Pauline walked out with Lena, but as the miles stopped, so did the three of them immediately. And the Dwarves stopped as well because four of the Red Vows wouldn't move.

"Hmm? Miles, what's wrong?

Lena and the others came to the side of the mile as Miles shut up with a look of surprise. But Miles is a serious face, he's got something in mind... pretending, complaining to the nanomachine in a brain conversation.

(What's the matter, suddenly... With everyone's gaze together, we can't talk!

"I'll be right there, I'll be right there! Please, order us to" plug the hole "!


I'm with Tin!

(Is that very important?


(... well, that's important... Bye......)

'Thank you!

(Later, can you honestly tell me why?


The air froze.

... No, there is currently an unlikely collection of nanomachines around here, and the airborne nanomachine density was quite array. Because those nanomachines were solidified at the same time, the mileage sensitive to that kind of thing really had the illusion that the air had solidified and frozen.

(... purposefully seeking my orders is something the nanos shouldn't do at their discretion, right? But we're not allowed to, but we have to do it anyway. That's what this is all about, isn't it?


(And what you can do at my direction with a level of authority of 5.... you even demand authority level 7 to make natto!

Miles seemed to have pretty deep roots in his previous Japanese food planning setbacks.

(And what's more, "Block the Hole"? Something happened recently, I blocked the one that was about to open...)


(I wonder where 'hole' connects with where. If I don't know that, I don't think I can give the proper order...)

'... come on, kill it!!

"... so if you don't figure out the cause, you don't know when a population of specific species will show up again, do you? Don't worry, don't even look into it, just go home..."

Miles explained that he suddenly thought about it because he was worried, "Can I just go home like this," and explained to everyone what that worry was about, and the Dwarves turned pale.

This time around, there was not just one Dwarf, such as the seriously wounded and those injured with sequelae, and those who simply didn't recognize that it was only 'because they were lucky' that they were able to crusade that peculiar species without letting the dead out.

No, there were quite a few injured ones, but they recovered from the healing magic of Miles and Pauline, so that's no count. The Dwarves, however, were 70-80% injured at the end of the battle, nearly half of whom were seriously injured, or injured with possible sequelae. If there is no healing magic between the two......

... lucky.

Yes. It was all about the incredible survival of an out of common sense party called "The Red Vow" who happened to be there and received a request for support.

So if this time the orgs didn't occur naturally here, it was a mass occurrence somewhere. If they had come looking for a place to emigrate by sharing stock because it had become narrow there. And if the next group came again.

If a group of orcs or orgasms of the same size appear again after the 'Red Vows' have left here, can they be eliminated by the Dwarves alone?

"... Let's investigate!

The pale-faced captain affirmed so.

"We might still have the rest of the orga, and then we'll check the orc nest, and crush it. The request for you is" Supporting the Crusade against Demons ", so it's the scope of the contract (Han-chu).... please!

That, as a village defenseman, would say. Without the "Red Vow," instead of a new herd, it's not weird to let out a few remaining orgasms or even an orc opponent, seriously wounded, or dead if you do poorly. Now that I have The Red Vow, I'm determined to want to get everything cleaned up. If they say, "The next group is" and so on, it is decided in a hurry.

Fortunately, the healing magic of Miles and Pauline has almost restored the power of the war. I just have to do it now.

"I can't help it. Well, it's definitely the scope of the contract. We'll hang out till it gets dark.

… but I'm sorry for the night fight. "

Lena didn't have to tell me, and the Dwarves weren't willing to go to night fights with orgasms and orcs in places like this.

We have a deal.

"Okay, reschedule, do a survey around the mine. If you feel anything at all unusual or unusual, report it without hesitation. Okay, let's do the grouping!

There is no point in walking around in large numbers to investigate.

If you discover an org or orc, never think about fighting alone, but contact the others immediately. Command it strongly, captain to do the grouping.

...... I didn't have to bother to say that, there was not one person, such as someone who thought such reckless things. Except for The Red Vow.