I unloaded my things with everyone and the carriage went back to the city. And then they pick me up here in two days.

And everyone started preparing their meals. It's almost noon, and if it's enough to go out of your way to the dangerous woods and start preparing meals right away, you'd better get it done here a little early but before then.

Naturally, everyone was out of breakfast, although it was one of the reasons I decided to have lunch early, because I knew it would last a few hours of bitterness that would scratch my annoyance as well as pain in my butt, and no fool would come for a belly full breakfast before getting in the carriage.

If you're on a major street with some roads, there's still no way the road from the local city to the woods is that well maintained, and you're just pretty tired of riding a carriage. So this meal time is also combined with a break to recover strength and there is no need to rush. For this reason, an authentic meal was made by lighting a fire, rather than just eating a preserved meal.

… but only to the extent that it means' in an outdoor meal, authentic ', boiling water and serving simple soups with ingredients of soup and dried scum vegetables, or meat and bread being broiled (bruised) by fire, is nevertheless a sufficiently luxurious meal for those in outdoor action.

This time, the carriage is not accompanied all the time, so employers cannot afford to even provide food for the hunters they hire. Hiring a lot of hunters to carry food for the hunters is ridiculous. Therefore, at the request of this hand, it is often a contract that the hunter's meal is prepared on his own.

This time, there are many magicians, including employers, so I appreciate not having to worry about water. For this reason, the soup was provided for all by the employer. And the meal itself is prepared in front of itself, divided into three groups: the employer, "The Red Vow" and "The Blue Meteor".

"Mr. Aetru, Mr. Shararil, how about one?

The two of them were delighted to receive a simple (kamado) and frying pan served from the storage by Miles, and a meat sandwich and accompanying pickle made from pre-filled, blocked oak meat.

Like Dr. Cooleyria, it doesn't mean he's a vegetarian because he's an elf. He was like a Gatsuri, carnivorous woman.


"What is this, something spicy is applied, and that reduces the greasiness of oak meat, and the taste of meat... And the moist touch of gravy-smoked bread gently stimulates the tongue and gums..."

"Awesome in any gastronomic reporter!

miles into Aetroo and Shararil's comments by accident.

"Whoa, I need more meat for mine."

"I'm two."

"Me too!

"I got three."

"I'm fine with one. More meat!



"How could you clean up the pot or the jar..."

"Huh? That?

In the face of the noisy 'Blue Meteor', Pauline made a merciless proclamation.

"It was a story about each party being on its own, wasn't it? When we met, did you hear that?

"" "" "Eh..." ""

Indeed, that was the content of the contract. And of course, "Blue Meteor" also has food available. Three kinds of artifacts: sturdy bread, dried meat, dried fruit, and portable preserved food.

But it was just in case. Because there is also no zero chance that the storage owner will be killed by demons or taken away alive.

But unless that happens, the girl with the storage has tons of food and also comes hunting for her prey easily. And they act cheap or free of charge.

… that was the information "Blue Meteor" had heard from the soldiers and merchants of the leadership.

Because the Red Oath did not hide anything about storage, those who had been drunk decided that it was okay to talk about it. And the "Blue Meteor" also decided that it would not think that the "Red Vow" was anything but a problem even if it were known.

"... how much?

I will pay for a few small pieces of silver coins. That's what I thought. The graph asks......

"No, we've only just started two or three nights, so we need to save the ingredients and make sure we don't have enough for ourselves... Don't think about taking away what other parties have prepared, but eat what you have prepared."

That's what I said, Miles rejected me.

"How far are you trying to use these kids..."

"You're a total bunch of people..."

A contempt gaze was poured from Aetru and Shararil against the 'blue meteor'.

From two people who don't know the capacity to store miles, they are outrageous villains who try to take away the food the girls have prepared for themselves.

... I don't consider that to be a problem because I think that Aetru and Shararil only split the excess that they received one by one and baked more. Besides, if the girls ran out of food because of it, they were going to split their share.

Elves don't feel so painful spending a few days on water alone because of their slow metabolism or if they care about it. They had no problem losing all the food and beverages they prepared for a week or so, as the example of an elf who was good at magic did not leak and the Aetru and Shararil who could use the magic there had no trouble with the water.

"Are you serious... Or maybe they don't like us?


Silent, 'Red Vow' and the clients.

"" "." "Seriously!!

Lena asked 'Blue Meteor', who looked really surprised, and this again looked sincerely surprised.

"You guys, why are you so strange that they hate you for saying and acting like that! If you didn't hate me with that, it would be stranger!

And they were five women snorting at the words...

"So, but you had the luxury! You've been eating so much buck, with our luxury!

"Isn't that because you asked me to?

The cry of the graph was slashed and discarded by Mavis.

"But that's all I fed him, even if he divided up some decent dishes... Instead, you can give us the portable preserved food we have prepared!

"In the city and in the woods, there are different exchange ratios (rates) for decent meals. In this case, the outdoor rate will apply, so it will be about a 100-to-1 ratio."

Bastard slashed and discarded karacks on miles.

"For once, I'm a co-ordered fellow, so I'll provide as much water as I can. So, Mr. Malleywen can keep his magic for combat purposes. It's an extra big service."

That's what I said, Pauline smiling.

"Anyway, you licked us and you got to be kidding me. But, well, you didn't mean betrayal or criminal activity, you just fooled around and tried to use it because it's new America.

So, we'll do our duty as a joint order party, and we'll do everything we need to do to fulfill our mission, both combat support and healing magic.... just no special service by courtesy!

That's what I'm saying, Lena, to sum up.

"Yep...... so don't you treat them too differently than the guys from" The Ideal Home of the Evil God "or" The Friendship of Fire "! Those guys gave away their manners, their prey, their rewards, and they fed their mesh, didn't they? That's what the leaders and merchants said..."

"Oh, of course, those people are equal to us... no, they tried to protect us even as we were shielded. Besides, I didn't want to take the first demon pushback because it wasn't right for me, but it was because we were worried.

You want me to treat them equally and you who just tried to get on and use them for Miles' storage purposes? Ha! "

Pauline's mouth shot without clothes on her teeth, and the five men sank to the ground in dismay.

"... but the city of Mafan seems to have light-mouthed army soldiers and merchants. This is one thing when you get back to the city...

Hey, Mr. Graff. Tell me the names of the soldiers and merchants who talked to you about the extras... "

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... I was scared.

The creepy grin of the only girl with big breasts in this line scared me.

But we also have a hunter.

"I won't reveal my sources (news sources)!

"Ho ho..."

"Ho ho..."

"Ho ho..."

"Ho, ho, ho, ho!

"I'm scared, you guys! And what's the last one!!