"Move bone to its original position, combine fragments to join, stretch tendons to join, repair blood vessels and nerves, restore muscles, enhance self-healing, sterilize bacteria..."

Behind the spell-catching miles, Pauline had a similar spell on the 'Blue Meteor' rattle. And Lena and Aetru, Shararil, have a very normal 'healing magical spell in this world'.


"How can you heal so beautifully at such a speed..."

Aetru and Shararil were stunned to see the healing magic of Miles and Pauline.

"Please, don't look around and focus on the treatment..."

It was Aetru and Shararil who rushed to re-chant the healing magic that had been so crying and interrupted by Graf and Karak.

"... so what do you mean!

Mavis, who is seated on the ground and is questioned by miles.

"Shh, I'm sorry. Think sweetly with the oak, be alert…"

"It's not that way! Why did you use three bottles! Normally only one bottle, really, is only two, and then be careful, that's all I said... You forgot your last 'instruction'!

Mavis couldn't have forgotten that. After the battle against the Ancient Dragon, you're talking about that hellish sermon for miles...

"But if anything happens to everyone in the Blue Meteor because of me..."

Mavis does not know that Miles may be able to repair site defects as well. So even though how many miles and Pauline could use excellent healing magic, given the possibility not only of death, but also of Hunter operating out of business due to injury, the possibility of that 'in case' was never small.

When they say that, miles are weak, too. Whatever, because Miles himself is a person who thinks, 'If you want someone else to lose 100 yen because of you, it's better if you lose 1,000 yen,' and is like going to a rendezvous place a few minutes in advance to eliminate the possibility of making someone else wait a few minutes.


"Well, still, up to two! Three, because you can't stand the shock of your nerves being pulled a thousand times and you could really die! The odds are not so low..."

Of course, Mavis was listening to the explanation when he was first given Micros. Even at the time of the sermon that follows, I don't like it anymore.

But I can't replace the life of a 'blue meteor'. So Mavis, who knew everything and did so, desperately apologized to Miles, but there was no fine dust on his face, such as fear, agitation, and signs of regret.

If you get in the same situation again, repeat the same thing again.

That's what knights are for, because they're a knightly girl named Mavis von Austin.

... No matter how much you say it, it's no use.

Miles thought so, clapping his shoulders.

Or miles themselves, if in the same situation, make the same choice. Just being aware of that, I didn't have any more words to say.

(It's Mavis's own fault...)

Even so, the medication that I gave you did not cause my companion to die.

(Could have failed......)

It's miles I regret giving Mavis Micros, but I can't take it up now.

Mavis was distressed and suffering from the difference in power because he cheated a pair of Lena and Pauline magicians in aquaculture leveling. That Mavis was so happy, taking up that Micros, etc...

(In the end, it's all, it's my fault...)

And I was listening to the conversation between Miles and Mavis, and the 'Blue Meteor' facial complexion was bad.

I had no idea Mavis had rushed to help himself until he used a magic drug that was in danger of his life. Besides, I can't imagine how much such magic drugs are worth.

At that time, if Mavis hadn't rushed us, our front would have collapsed in no time. He helped me with that, and until he used precious magic pills that risked his life, he struggled with a severely injured body that would have been impossible to move if it were normal, and he saved us.

The word we put to the benefactor was, "You're so pimpy, you act like you've suffered a lot of damage, so the rattle..."

"" "" "" Awwwwww!!

Five "blue meteors" moaning with their heads, self-loathing, so pitiful, so sorry.

That amazing exploratory magic, the storage magic of stupid capacity, is followed by two hardening elves who are shown a hell of a substitute called 'Magic Drugs for Human Body Enhancement'.

And it was Lena and Pauline who sat back on the rock and waited relaxed for everyone to settle down.

"I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!

Again, bow your head to Mavis and apologize, along with 'Blue Meteor' below the graph.

Mavis bows his head with a frightening face.

For Mavis, all of the "Blue Meteors" who stopped the orcs that hit Mavis with priority over protecting themselves, starting with the citation of reckless penetration, the rattle that shielded us from helping ourselves who were alarmed and unconscious, are the benefactors of life and the people who have caused us injuries because of ourselves. Because we think of each other as benefactors, the apology battle is hard to end.

"Come on! We're co-ordered people, so it's natural to help each other, you know!

And it was with a drink of Lena that the place finally subsided.

"Miles, please store the oak. There's no crusade reward for hunting in a place like this, but meat can be sold for a good value as an ingredient, so it makes a lot of money. Oh, and put in everyone's share of the Blue Meteor."

"Ha ha!

Miles at Lena's behest, placing Hikari and Oak's bodies in one storage magic after another (the item box that I'm supposed to be).

"Huh? Yes, okay?

Graphs that look at it and sound surprised.

"You fought together to protect your employer, and you protected Mavis by shielding your body. You've been shown a sincere attitude, and you're not going to be mean forever!

Hung, that's what Lena said in the attitude, but it was obvious, such as that it was a lightning up. Apparently, he's pretty grateful for protecting Mavis, but he wasn't good at putting that into words again.

"Ha, sorry, that would help..."

You somehow guessed how Lena felt, a graph that makes me laugh bitterly when I say that.

And three people, Pauline, Mavis and Miles, were squeaking in their hearts.

(If that's what you care about, and you feel like shielding yourself and protecting other party people, why didn't you treat them that way from the start? They're not bad people, and they're not bad arms, but then they won't be hot on women any time...)

But there are plenty of clumsy and stupid men in the world.

It is each person's inability to appeal to their virtues, or being a bad guy but only good on the outside (and so forth). In time, I had to wait for a woman to show up to realize their goodness..., and Miles finally realized it.

(These people decided on their own that they were single or they didn't have a girlfriend, but maybe they were wives or they had a girlfriend. But if we hear that, they might wonder if we care about ourselves, and it could be a hassle.

Oh, I'm somewhat concerned, but I can't ask...)

And it was Lena who looked suspiciously at the three boring miles...

"Hey, Miles..."


Suddenly Aetru spoke to me, and Miles replied with a decent face.

"Miles, when this request is over, aren't you going to be our exclusive? Oh, of course, the other three are with us, helping us with our research and accompanying us to the investigation..."

When Miles looked closely, Aetroo's eyes were suspiciously glowing.

To unexpected words, Pauline pinched her mouth from the side as Miles hesitated to reply for a moment.

"... that's not asking Miles to help you research, it's helping Miles research ', right?

"" Ugh... "

Aetru and Shararil, stuck in words.

"I knew..."