I Said Make My Abilities Average!

324 Death Struggle 4

Parallel to Pauline's magic attack, Lena was also slapping that anger and hatred against her enemies.

"... burn down our enemies... Dragon Extinguishing Fire!

This one, a flare bullet appeared right on the side of the lana.


Fast, if you're not like Pauline is attacking, a chunk of flame flying toward another ancient dragon.

"If it's a magic bullet, the magic barrier is more effective than a physical bullet. The barrier alone is extinguished...... '


Contrary to what the ancient dragon was about to say, as the barrier passed, although the wax weakened for a moment and the velocity dropped, the flare bullet kept flying straight.

"Come on!"

It was an ancient dragon swinging its tail quickly in an attempt to fly with its tail, but on the verge of its tail hitting, the flare bullet split itself. And as it is, the fragments (pieces) of the fire that hit the body of the ancient dragon.

"Hmm, something like this, played by my urchin..."

A small magic bullet of this magnitude makes it easy to play with a magically enhanced urchin and outer skin.

It was supposed to be, but the flames wrapped around my body, and I wouldn't leave.

"Damn, this..."

Whether you wave your body or pay with your hands, the flames won't go away. On the contrary, it is wrapped around the hands and the flame spreads throughout the body.

"Water polo (water ball)!

An ancient dragon that produces water polo with water magic and hits its own body.

"Hey, why, why don't you just disappear, okay!

This magic was fundamentally different from fireballs and flamebullets, which are ordinary fire magic, which produce fire only by magic without flammables.

On Earth, it was a crude grease incendiary bullet scrap, famous for its napalm ammunition, made of a mixture of naphtha, a crude petrol, and a thickener to add viscosity (called 'napalm', a synonym that stuck together the abbreviations of palmitic acid aluminium salts extracted from palm oil), created by magic (nanomachines) with reference to substances in this world similar to it, that could hardly be taken together and the fire could not be extinguished by spraying water.... I mean, it's not a magic bullet, it's a physical bullet.

"Hmm, you thought this one, a magical genius, didn't have countermeasures in place against a once struggling opponent? Don't lick a human!

"Ugh, haha, gibberish!!"

'Uh-oh, hot, hot, burning, burning, burning, burning, burning, burning, burning, burning...'

Abyssal (Abyssal) Screaming (Today).

That's not the case for the words, for the occasions they deserve.

Those who roll around the ground desperately trying to put out the flames that burn their bodies.

Except he who turns to severe pain.

And he who peels off his white eyes from earlier, falls down, and remains motionless.... because he is a highly viable lizard, perhaps he is not dead yet.

Then Todome, when Lena and Pauline began chanting about the great moves, the ancient dragon, who was twirling around due to Pauline's attack, suppressed the pain for a moment, approached Lena and Pauline in a quick move and shook up their tails.

"Die, yeah, yeah, yeah!!

Lena and Pauline, weak in flesh and bullet warfare, saw their bodies for a moment and could not move. The magic of the great moves, which have just begun chanting, will not make it to the end, and there is no time to switch to other magic now.

They just stare down at their tails as they wave down at themselves.



A tail that falls in front of both of you and moves with Bikun Bikun.

... of course, it is not connected to the body of the ancient dragon.

"Secret moves, EX (Extra) · True · Divine Speed Sword, Ginseng's Tai Knife," Dragon Slash Sword "!!

"" Mavis!!

do it, and run over to Mavis, who shows his white teeth and laughs, Lena and Pauline.

"Good! I'm so glad I made it to the show..."

And it was Mavis who ruined the famous scene because of it, in the words of a genuine dada leak.

"Oh, oh, you, my arm! What happened to that arm!!

That's what Lena asked because Pauline is stiffened while looking at Mavis' left arm......

"Using the magic of the name of friendship, the knight's body is immortal!


With a frightened face, a lana of bitter laughter. From Pauline's eyes, tears overflow.

And from Pauline's mouth, a merciless word.

"In the meantime, let's stab the ancient dragon with a todome first. Talk, then slowly..."

The ancient dragon, which was attacking me, wandered around again, this time in a scream, 'No tail! No tail. No!!' There is an intersection of screams, which seem rather confusing, but I do not know when they will strike again. Indeed, the element of danger is limited to just eliminating it.

"Then do the magic of todome..."

A glimpse of miles coming out of the rock shade after Mavis, when Lena said so.

'Wait! Let me confirm your intention to surrender, please!

Beredetes, who watched the battle a little further away, flew in a hurry.

'I have already decided to win or lose! If all three surrender, I want my life saved!

Sure, killing these three heads here and now doesn't mean a lot.... or I'm going to buy grievances from a clan of ancient dragons, and the situation is going to get worse and worse.

There will be plenty of ancient dragons in the ancient dragons, so with about three fewer heads, Mu's fighting power will not change much. Then I might as well miss it rather than buy a grudge poorly.

Besides, it was only in order to fulfil this role that Beredetes accompanied him in a position that had nothing to do with the battle, as a guide. It is commendable as a young man that he withstood the waiststroke and dared to gain that position and accompany for his people.

... Especially when it comes to young making, it's probably hundreds of years old...

Lena looked at everyone and made sure they all snorted.

"... you have no choice. Well, if you promise to admit you're totally defeated and you promise you won't let it happen again, you won't miss it, will you?

'Thank you! Just give me a minute!

And Beredetes managed to attach his consent from both crying and crying, rushing over to the two heads that circled.

'One head, give me a break because I'm unconscious. It's not strange to be killed, so I want you to see it as surrendered. The three of us will surely convince you later. If you don't seem to agree, I swear we'll handle it responsibly'

Lena and the others snorted around in tears, but the rest of them snorted, so Lena and the others did well.

Besides, I probably don't think I'm going to be challenging the fight again with just one head when I hear about the outcome of my guys' fight, nor is that a physical situation that I'm likely to be able to do that in the first place. If we don't hurry up and hang the healing magic, even if it's just a sturdy ancient dragon, it's going to be time to worry.

"Then... eliminate the impurities in your body and break them down! Healing power, repair bodily damage and heal wounds…"

Miles removed the capsaicin component from the victim's body by Pauline, followed by a healing magic on the first ancient dragon to be hit by an octopus.

The only victims of Pauline are the removal of capsaicin. As for physical damage, except for the slashed tail, it is a plunder wound, and the ancient dragon can heal that much with its own healing magic. In the first place, the symptoms can be healed if even the bumps are applied.

In contrast, the breathing is still stable because it is a sturdy and vitally powerful ancient dragon, but the first ancient dragon, when left just like this, was in a rough state. Especially with Mavis slashing and tearing a lot and his guts sticking out is pretty array. For that reason, Miles was also seriously focused on healing magic.

Lena's victims are doing it with Lena removing the sticky flammable material that snagged into her body due to an enhanced version of her body cleansing magic herself, and Pauline hanging a healing magic on the burn.

Like cluster bombs, although they split into lots and hit, not every one of them was so massive a burning agent, and although all over the body burned and swept around, from the surface area of the ancient dragon giant, it wasn't so extensive. The fever hasn't even reached the gut. So even if you don't panic so much, now that the fire is out, you don't have to worry about your life.

Exactly, if it kept burning like that, it would have been dangerous......

Anyway, somehow, the ancient dragons were likely to be able to get out of the crisis where death and great after-effects remained.

… except for mental sequelae.