I Said Make My Abilities Average!

352 What lurks in the mountains 8

"Well, then, who's Golem next..."

Miles of words, three snorts of Lena.

"Of course, like those people, we don't fight to get rid of them, or get rid of them."


"Besides, in the first place, the Golems won't have taken over the 'sanctuary' and the others later. Maybe that's where the golems were originally, my guess..."


"Let me ask you more about your 'guess'..."

Urged by Lena, Miles told the three of them his guess. In addition to the information I have received so far, I considered the extrapolation by adding the information I heard from the men earlier...

"Maybe this is the same rocky mountain that the Demons were investigating."

"... you mean there are ruins with golems in the basement?

Miles snort to Mavis' question.

"Originally, the golem is heterogeneous as a demon. The other demons are just put into the category of 'demons', well, let me tell you, they're normal animals. Even if there are differences in size and strength, there is blood, giving birth to children and increasing......

But the golem, and perhaps the scavenger, too, the body is not flesh, and is repaired by 'repair' …. I mean, it's... "

"" "What's that?

"It's a crop. Yes, just like Mr. Mavis' left arm, it was made by advanced technology."

To the Lena and the others, what Miles called 'advanced technology' only seemed to be magic technology.

But nothing. That's fine. It is sufficient to understand what Miles is trying to explain if you recognize that they are 'made not by demons, but by intelligent life forms'.

"A crop that moves like an organism, made by humans, or by those who are better than humans. That's the golem. And against the golem in charge of the battle, who is in charge of its maintenance and repair, the equivalent of a technician…"

"Scavenger, right?

Mavis, a swordsman but with a high foundation, answered ahead.

... or we all witnessed a scavenger repairing the golem at a previous site, so it was obvious and natural.

"So we need metal to repair and manufacture all sorts of things..."

"Yes, the rock golem is made of rock, except for the sphere in the center of the torso, but that's probably because it doesn't require much metal resources to manufacture or repair, so it's convenient for combat machines as consumables. And precious metals are used in the spheres of the center and for other applications…"

"And the Golem is at odds with other demons, so?

Lena seems to have understood the situation just as well.

"Yes. Well, even if I say 'other demons', the Golem won't be demons in the first place,"

"So, is the Golem always with Scavengers..."

"I mean, the golem without the scavengers together is broken in the battle against humans and demons, deteriorating over time and wearing and so on. The number is decreasing, and in a few hundred years it will be wiped out, right? So, as a result, I was wondering if the golem exists anywhere but where scavengers are together and there are repair facilities..."

"Oh, I see..."

Pauline also seems satisfied with the mileage explanation.

"Apparently, the golem here won't suddenly hit you unless you take hostilities or force your way into an important section over there, so be careful around there, it's time to go!

"How can you be so optimistic!

Lena looked stunned by the mileage's much fluency (relaxation).

But Miles returned it in mild condition to it.

"'Cause the Patriarch and I were given a spell, which means we could have gotten somewhere with some kind of record, right? I don't think the golems and scavengers will gala vacate their home base, so the fact that both the golem and the patriarch were safe means that they could have gone where they wanted without fighting, right?

"" "Ah..." "

In this respect, Miles' thoughts were clear (dizziness).

"... ma, it's all just a pile of speculation!

"" "Ahhh..." "

My previous stories were ruined.

"But is that all you have to do to make sure?

That's Mavis, there's only one thing about leaders.

"In the meantime, let's go back to the kids and explain the situation before we go to those with the golems"

Everyone snorted at Mavis' words.

If it were to be a battle with the Golem, it should be able to leave the scene intact, if it is now the 'Red Vow'.... probably.

"... Coming, from the front, four golems!

Then I went back to the kids, and I said, 'I got along with the guys, I got drunk, I left,' and I said, 'Oh, my God, that's awesome!' And they frightened me, Miles.

No, I didn't lie, and I was very serious...

And just the four of us, we marched out again.

"The movement, slowly. The wand (staff) just grips lightly, without force..."

I don't know how far the golems will recognize the area, but I've never gone beyond caution.

The wand was not even considered for storing miles, but in the unlikely event that the presence of the wand might divide life and death, everyone decided that Lena and Pauline would be better off with the wand.

Beating the golem with a cane does not have an attack effect, but there is no significant difference without a cane, such as absorbing the blow from the other side, taking it with a cane, and using its power to limit the damage by flying backward.

And the golems showed up from among the trees.



At Lena's direction, Miles took a metal one from storage. By way of example, it is the rusty sword of a bandit, or a pot. How many bandit swords and pans does Miles have......

And push those things on the ground all the way to the golems.


"Little bird!

Miles to be slapped on the head by Lena.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid..."

"Don't be serious. Yikes!

Again, Miles getting hit in the head by Lena.

There is so much room for miles, because the golems are stopping. Even that mile wouldn't make such a mess at a time like this if the Golem kept approaching.

And some time after the golems stopped, Arre came.

Yes, "Master Shakashaka," it is a scavenger.

When Scavenger grabbed the metal offered by Miles with four hands, he looked closely at the Miles and flipped away. And the golems, right after that.... but unlike a scavenger who disappeared quickly, on a slow walk.

"I'll follow you!

"" "Oh!

And walk about the golems' wombs, the face of the 'Red Vow'.


The golems are aware of the "Red Vows" that follow them, but they don't seem particularly concerned, but it was only for a while.

Going to a certain place, the golems stopped, turned around and waved their arms to intimidate (ikaku) against the 'Red Vow'.

"Apparently, that's it..."

That's what Pauline said with a troubled face, but the miles were flat. And......



Hollow pots and rusty swords were taken from storage and placed on the ground.

What the hell, how much does it accumulate? Regardless of the rusty bandit's sword, burnt and hollow pot......



The golems stopped moving when they saw the metal pushed toward them.