I Said Make My Abilities Average!

353 What lurks in the mountains 9

After a while, I came again with Shakashaka.... the scavenger.

"Please, take it!

Miles to push the metal placed on the ground toward the target.

Watch It Still Scavengers are faceless, but do you consider the extra contribution 'appreciated', 'Get it out at once!' You think......

And then I look at the metals that Miles pushed out further, and again I stare at the faces of The Red Pledge, … the Red Pledge to just follow the scavengers who grabbed the metals and tried to leave the scene.

But soon the golems blocked forward again and blocked in front of the 'Red Vow'.

Apparently, it's not in the mode of an immediate attack,

"The gift is working! Apparently, they recognize you as a friendly opponent!

As Miles said, if it were normal, anyone attempting to break in any further would be subject to compulsory exclusion, but the attitude of the golems felt like a gentle refusal.

The scavenger thought it was something too, he stopped and turned around.

"Can't I follow you? This will also contribute…"

That said, Miles took 'it' out of storage.


Look at 'it' offered to me, frozen scavenger.


Yes, it was an array, left in the mileage storage (item box), retrieved from the rock golem I knocked down during the rock lizard hunt.

… a metal sphere in the center of the body of the rock golem.

The scavenger, which had been solidifying for a while, received its sphere with the two hands above it and held it to his chest looking precious. He then grabbed the metal unwrought with the lower two arms and tried to follow the scene.

... Apparently, the sphere was something far more important than metal chips etc.

And the 'Red Vow' I try to follow.

And to block it, the golems stand in front of The Red Vow again.

"I don't know... I was able to go with my patriarch, so I thought you'd be okay..."

"Wouldn't it be so easy to bring someone we don't know into our home base?

Mavis just slashed away the words Miles said as he leaned his neck.

… is an argument.

"That's right!

And he came up with something, Miles.

(Nano, as the same fellow creators, can't you communicate?

[Become! I didn't know you would identify us with these things! No matter how many miles, there are good and bad things to say!!

(Ahhh, sorry! I didn't mean to...)

[With this insult in mind, I don't think it's a bad thing,! 'I didn't mean to offend you,' so being able to say that flat out means I'll continue to be fine and think so...]

(Ah, it's a pain in the ass...)

Are you serious or are you just kidding me......

Anyway, I just have to ask a nanomachine for this place.

(There, do something! Because I'll make up for something later!

[Do to…]

(Why are you making phonetic noises there!... not my mouth...)

Yes, I'm just vibrating miles of tympanic membrane directly, and there's no 'put it out in your mouth'.

[Okay, we'll try to communicate our intentions. These people, according to Miles, are "a long time ago," but by that time they were used among the human race. Some means of information exchange seem to be available, such as ancient languages and data transfer formats used to exchange high-speed information between the creatures of this world...]

And in a second or two.

[Miles got permission to visit the facility over there]


[This is the data transfer format for high-speed information exchange…]

(Oh, a conversation where the computer's thinking speed stays the same...)

It's quick and natural.

"Something seems like you can follow me."

I thought I'd been silent for a while, and all of a sudden, Miles said that.

And the fact is, the golems seem to have stopped blocking the path.


Looking at the mileage like a frigid smell, it was Lena and the others.... Yes, as usual...

"Looks like you're diving underground from there..."

For those Lena pointed out, there was a gap between the rocks. Again, there seemed to be no visible entrance door.... With such a thing, no matter how much behind the mountain, it would have been discovered so much.

And then, following the scavenger, into that gap, the 'Red Vow'.

The Golems and I have already broken up. Probably went back to where it belonged. Do the golems, who don't even think they need a meal, have time to spend on something other than the mission they were given......

... Something was miles to the nanomachines that I felt like I had free time to do whatever I wanted.

I'm not looking back at the miles behind me, but they're properly aware of their existence, Scavenger.

If not, the usual shaka-shaka walk should make them invisible in no time. So it seemed to me that walking so slowly was something I was quite concerned about. How the hell did the nanomachine explain it and how did Scavenger interpret it......

"... Sounds like it's time for a major compartment"

Apparently the entrance I used this time was not the original authentic one, and in the beginning, it was just a narrow passage of rock skin, even if it was beautifully scraped and polished. That turned into a passage of material along the way that I didn't know if it was metal or resin, and I walked pretty deep underground and came to a compartment with doors to the left and right of the passage.

But the scavenger's legs didn't stop, he went further, and when he stopped in one room and gave the Golem sphere and metal to the other scavengers, he started walking further again.

"I wonder how far we're going..."

Scavenger finally stopped in front of one door when Lena began to overflow so much.

All the doors in this facility are manual and many rooms do not have doors at the entrance or exit, whether it is a reliability focus of operation, energy savings or soldering or durability issue, even though you have the technical skills that seem to be as easy to make as automatic doors. Is it troublesome for scavengers to open and close doors...

And in this room, there's a door.

… would mean that it is not a room where scavengers enter and leave very often, or 'a room where there is a reason why the door should be attached'. I don't know what reason it depends...

Then the scavenger lowered the door opening and closing lever and pushed it open.

"Let's go"

That's what I said to the Lennas, who hesitated for a moment, followed by a scavenger for miles into the room. The others followed it with some vigilance.

"... This is..."

Miles stopped as he stepped into the room and opened his eyes wide.

It was there...

Complex intertwined wiring.

A lot of metal lumps, like the one I took and put on, with distortion (Ibitsu).

And the apparatus that sat in the middle of them, originally supposedly a neat electronic machine, lost its original shards of sophistication, like the various parts (parts) and auxiliary machines that were now somewhat messy were forced to stick together.

[Resource saving type autonomous simplified defense mechanism management system auxiliary device, third backup system. It's just the terminal device of the control system here. … and is the current, only residual control system]

A nanomachine vibrated the tympanic membrane of a mile so that the word could be passed on to the brain.