After that, we went back to the children and told them that we were going to pull them off, the Red Vow.

I won't bother to tell you that the Golem doesn't have much to worry about doing harm.

It's possible that the children are on track to do something that will be judged an attack on the Golem, or try to get their hands on something dangerous because the Golem thinks it will protect them, and the Golem in other areas may not be under the command of the management system, but literally, mechanically try to eliminate intruders.

Hazards have never crossed the threshold of heightened awareness.

And the face of the Red Vow, which was retained to the best of my ability by the children.

It is.

Delicious rice automatic manufacturer.

Fully automatic swordsmanship training device.

Magic teaching device.

Home Manufacturing Machine.

Hot pot scorching hole driller.

… those convenient tools are lost in one piece.

Human beings, once tasted, are the luxury that cannot be let go.

The last one, maybe, wants to let go......

"As much as I said that we can't live here forever, you'll see!

On behalf of Miles and Mavis, who can't get out strong on the kids, Lena yells so.

"... because... Because..."


That's right, Lena, too, the young children in tears seemed to be bad.


"I'm going back to the village!

Pauline totally puts the crying kids through.

"Huh? Because when your sisters are gone, our lives..."

To the child's complaint, Pauline pointed backwards at the children.

There it is......

Built on a safe tree, treehouse.

A washroom or water bath was created, a water field.

Made next to it, three kamadoku. On the side, a few pans.

Significantly expanded area, mountain vegetable fields.

In addition to bamboo spears and wooden swords, weapon storage areas lined with iron swords and handmade bows and arrows.

A bottle of iron and a large number of wooden farm tools.

Everything else......

"How far out of luxury. Ah!!

"" "" "Hi, no!" ""

... was too extravagant.

Miles got tired of his spare time and tried to make a lot out of his hobby in the days when it was waiting time......

It was overdone.

Rather than the city's stray children, it is a very different standard of living from the villagers around it.

Given the scarcity of dangerous demons and the large number of small animals that are prey to children because humans rarely come, they are likely to overtake the urban poor in their diet at a time when crops can be harvested from expanded fields..., no, definitely overtake them.

"Well, here's what we're going to do..."

Returning to the village, the ruins related matters were cut in full, the Golem told them that there was no great danger if they did not break into the territory, that the suspicious men were only coming to fight the Golem and were quite friendly to the children, etc., and that "The Red Oath", having successfully completed the commissioned assignment and received the reward, had arrived in the next town, which was for now the destination, to discuss what was to come at the Inn.

"Flip, doesn't that mean it's okay?

"Right. No objections!"

"Me too, same."

Unlike Miles and Lena, which doesn't matter where they go, Mavis and Pauline have a home and a family in the Kingdom of Tills. Nevertheless, the idea that the kingdom of Tillus is my country and my place never disappears from my mind.

… that is normal. Lena, who is heavenly lonely and doesn't even know her parents' country of origin, is completely rootless, or miles that she herself intends to be a rootless free man because you are so tied to the country as a nobleman.

And for Lena and Miles, there's no other place you want to live. We could also get to know each other there, and there was nothing different about making the home country of Mavis and Pauline, the Kingdom of Tills, our home country, our home base.

"The religion in the example doesn't seem to make a mistake that this area is the birthplace, either. And with the Patriarch, the sources were lost, and the rest of them,... well, not a great threat,...

So do you want to go back, to the kingdom of Tillus!

"" "Oh!

Suddenly, the "Red Vow" changed course to the west, leaving for the return journey.

"... so the first thing you get there, it's going to be here..."

Yes, naturally, the lady was exiled, and there were ancient dragons and urchins, the Trist kingdom.

"It just happened the other day, so the lady hasn't changed yet, has she? If you meet a bunch of gold lenders, there's nothing wrong with that, and if you meet merchants, you'll be annoyed to sell them again..."

"" "" Let's go through!

So I'm not staying here, and I'm going straight through to the next city on the 'Red Vow' line.

Of course, it's camping tonight. Shower in bath, portable toilet (private room type. I can carry it because it's in a mile item box), it's more comfortable than staying in an inn, and you can eat a tastier meal than staying in an inn, camping.

"... hey, do we have a reason to stay at the inn?


"Mavis, you..."

"Guys, it's something I knew but never said..."

"Finally, you said it, Mr. Mavis..."

"Huh? Was it that serious? I shouldn't have told you? Huh? Yeah, yeah?

"Guys, what I had noticed thinly but didn't dare say" was a subtle air because of Mavis who said Zubali, "The Red Vow".

Urgent Mavis.

"Well, you have to show your face to the guild, and you can't just not stop by the city, because it's a training trip... You can't camp all over the city.

And it will be the same when we return to the capital of the king of the kingdom of Tills. "

"Too bad......"

Pauline agrees powerlessly with Lena's words.

"... Home, what is it?

"" "Ah..." "

Miles shrugged, 'Home'. Correctly, it is a 'party home'.

A party that saved small sums of money, we all rent and live in, a whole house.

It is a testament to a somewhat successful party.

... and Renee, the innkeeper's daughter, is hostile, "Home".

Once I left the King's Capital of the Kingdom of Tills I stopped by, the subject came up and Renee was a little upset.

"If you rent a house, you can make a bath or a decent toilet in your backyard, cook in the kitchen, and make as many as you want at any time!

"" "Whoa, whoa!

To the words of the miles, the Lenas raise their voice of joy.

"... well, it's bad to let them cook every mile, so of course, sometimes we eat out, and then we all take turns. Of course, I'll make it right!

Rarely, Lena said something decent. But......

"Home might be a little early."

"Right! We need to save more money before..."

"Yes, we still don't deserve the new America!

While proper to everyone's sudden change of heart, Lena honestly accepted it, complying that the will of the party was to be decided by a majority vote.

"... right? Well, if that's what everyone says..."

(((Safe! Seyee ~ Huh!!

... Apparently, Renee's inn was going to be able to secure the cost of accommodation for four people and bath water attendants for a while now. Thanks to Lena's culinary skill......

"I hope you haven't broken your body, kid, because it's been a while... No matter how many mountain vegetables I could pick, I couldn't even cook them in a busy fashion. Then I'd be devastated.

Small animals, kids. Then you should get one every few days. Octopus, I need to eat some bread and soup... "

With that grumbling, I've taken a few hours to 'throw away' more 'overcooked bread' or 'overmade soup ingredients' than usual, villagers who are a little too good (ok).

... of course, not prepared by this man alone, but also included by the other villagers: 'I made too much and asked the man to throw it away with me'.

In a poor village, there is no food for the leftovers. If we do that, it will only be used as a pretext for the Lords to raise the tax rate, supposedly because they can still afford it.

But if you're "throwing away" what you no longer need, there's nothing wrong with it.

"It's time...... what the heck!!

To the very dramatic swing of the living environment of the children, it was a peeling villager a......