I Said Make My Abilities Average!

382 Request in the Empire 3

"Back off! And protect us alone, near us!!

"" "" "" "Eh..." "" "

To instructions from a merchant, a sudden employer, a hunter party that leaks surprises and the face of the Vorrell Chamber of Commerce, the merchant who hired The Red Vow. Of course, although it doesn't get to the point of leaking their voices, neither can the four of them hide their surprise looks.

"Hey, what..."

The owner of the Chamber of Commerce of Vorrell, Mr Vebdell, grumbles so, but when he notices, the other group, those on the side of the Chamber of Commerce of Dilabolt, was solidified by moving a little further away from the people of the Chamber of Commerce of Vorrell, at the direction of the owner of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr Gareidal.

"You guys, I hired you to protect us. The request is to 'protect me, my family and those of the DiLabourt Chamber of Commerce', not to scorn it and protect the irrelevant.

So if you try to protect the irrelevant, you will sue the Alliance for malicious breach of contract in front of your enemies!

"" "" Become... ""


The party hired by the Dillabolt Chamber of Commerce was stunned.

In such cases, it is natural to integrate all the fighting forces to deal with the enemy. What are we going to do with it, deliberately splitting up the power? It is a perfect prey for each destruction.

... But what Gareidal is saying, which can't even be described as absurd, was the problem.

If this was a joint order for a request for escort, the hunter's decision to act as commander would prevail. In addition, in order to protect the subject of the request, the hunter's judgment takes precedence over the client, who is an amateur, in the battle.

But, 'Prioritize yourself as an employer and a client. It is not wrong to claim that it is a breach of contract if we leave to protect those who are not the subject of the request.

If this was a joint order and the escort was all those on the spot, we can ignore such a stupid thing. However, the client was only Galeidal, the owner of the Chamber of Commerce of Dilabolt, whose request was for 'the protection of officials of the Chamber of Commerce of Dilabolt'.

The party leader was troubled.

We're good.

It is a party only for women, but as a C-rank, of which it is said to be in the B-rank, with five people. If we get some injuries to ourselves, our clients will be able to protect us, and if we don't get a few killed and a large number of seriously injured, we can fight to the extent that the bandits will give up and escape.

The bandits won't be able to kill a lot of their people, so there's nothing like continuing the fight with total annihilation or readiness to deal with each other.

... or, in the first place, it is strange in itself to attack those with escorts, even though there are no loads of gold...

Anyway, whatever we were, the problem was with the other Chamber of Commerce guys and their escort party.

On a stranger's face, too young.

The young men, who had just floated in C-rank, were on a training journey, on track and without merit, and asked for a less dangerous escort for the road bank earner.

With that degree of strength, and only four party members.

No matter how many opponents say bandit style, there is nothing you can do about this number difference.

However, disregarding the request received and the order from the client to 'comply with the request' would be a mess. B-rank promotion should be delayed to the extent possible, but if you abandon your obligation to protect your client in front of your enemies, that may not be enough.

I don't know if the guild will decide that there is room for extenuating circumstances in view of the circumstances, and as a consideration for commercial guilds, it is possible to make tough decisions. Do we need to shake our future on the stick for strangers......

And there's a way the other party can help.

Yes, if the other party wants to help themselves, we can come here and join them. Leave our client alone...

Or surrender.

That is a disgraceful act as a hunter, but the right to surrender at the discretion of the escort leader is recognized in the event of an overwhelmingly dominant enemy attack. No matter how much you are hired as an escort, you can fight an overwhelming majority of bandit opponents until you die in small numbers, and you will not be forced into such blatantly unscrupulous behavior.

Neither do the merchants take their lives. The golden-eyed one and a woman and child would be enough to be taken away. That too, if it were so close to the Imperial capital, the guards would be on the move soon, so even with women and children, the bandits, who are on foot, would escape. So you should probably just take the hardware and get away with it right away. Because we see everything, there's no point in killing those merchants.

As a party leader, you have to think about all the party members, not just yourself. When I thought of it that way, I couldn't really choose the option I wanted to choose, I was a distressed leader, but after thinking about it all, I made a decision.

"Prioritize protecting your client by……………! Everybody, get in front of the Dillabolt Chamber of Commerce!

"" "" Eh... ""

For a moment, I am an eye-opening party member with the face that no way, but the leader's orders at times like this were absolute. If you can rub it in a situation like this, no matter how many lives you have, it won't be enough.

So I immediately moved as instructed.


In such a situation, not a joint order, but a party hired by a separate client, subject to different escorts by request.

Obviously tactically foolish, but as instructed by the client, it is as requested and the correct order.

Even as a guild, it's hard to say what the client's downfall or irrational instructions are, subtle orders.

And our future and the young hunters of the strangers, who have no step-by-step whatsoever.

Perhaps your judgment is wrong.

Maybe you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

Even if I thought so, I couldn't choose another option.

And this burden, I bear.

The others just followed their own, leader's instructions.

Because that's my role as a leader...

"" "" "... Huh?

Members of the Veterans' Party who ignore completely the Dilabolt Chamber of Commerce they protect and leak their doubts to the bandits who are headed to the Vorrell Chamber of Commerce, where the young party protects them.

... That's good. If the enemy is divided into two parts, it is the stone of battle that concentrates its power on the weaker and crushes it first. But usually in this case, isn't it something you threaten or demand by saying, "Give me the golden-eyed thing" or, "Let me keep my daughter"?

Yet why don't you say anything and go silently wielding your weapon?

Now it's as if slaughtering was the purpose of the attack......

If you do that, you won't make any money. Yet why......

When the veteran party people turned pale, they heard a carefree, fluent voice.

Then I'll do it.

"" "Oh!" "


"Ring of Fire Dance (Rondo)!




Ooh, ooh!

"" "" "" "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" "" "

With the riverside rock, I had no problem using fire magic at all. For this reason, not only Lana, who is good at fire magic, but Pauline and Miles also chose fire magic for long-range preemptive attacks.

By the time they landed simultaneously, Mavis had already packed more than half my distance. And while running......

"Wind Edge!

It wasn't Mavis who gave cool moves and spared them in the showroom.

And chase Mavis, whose speed dropped a little to release Wind Edge, as Miles pulls out his sword.

"Shh... All four, including the avant-garde swordsman, are attacking magic users..."

Those at the veteran party leak surprises, but Mavis and Miles had already jumped into the bandits.

"Divine Speed Sword!

"Divine Sword!

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Ba Shi!

And landing, the single-attack magic of Lena and Pauline.

In twenty seconds.

By the river, there were around twenty bandits rolling around. About half of that, put a good burn on it......