I Said Make My Abilities Average!

386 Request in the Empire 7

"" There's no way I can. Thanks a lot!!

The two cooks screamed.

"" "" Oh, I knew it?

"No, the cooking method itself may be possible to substitute in other ways. But whatever the sauce to add a lower flavor, I couldn't help but say a word about its' calamage flour 'and its secrets from my parents..."

But what, the youngest of the three cooks mentioned that.

Instead of deciding from the head that it's impossible, think about substituting that mile of cooking methods in some other way, and let me make my own sauce or so to give it a taste.

(Yeah, the cook, it's got to be like this! Challenge without breaking your heart, even in front of difficulties! This could be expected in the future. All right, hopefully one day you'll invent a delicious dish, and I'll serve you!

That's what I thought, and I decided to teach you the ingredients of karaoke flour. Miles. It will not cause food poisoning because it does not contain anything else that is easily damaged.

"Uh, the ingredients of karaoke flour are, flour, starch, salt, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika dye, yeast extract powder, amino acid-based prototype seasoning, baking powder, emulsifier, powdered soy sauce (prototype), glucose, sugar, black pepper..."

I got pale around the second half of the mile description, and around the end, I knelt on the ground disappointed, young cook.

"A bunch of materials I've never heard of, expensive rarities, that, and black pepper...... It's not a table for His Majesty the King, and there's no way I can use that..."

And then again, make ice cream using a combination of cooling magic and stirring (kakun) magic. There are many dishes and treats that cannot be imitated in the end, such as magically heating and dissolving sugar (sharks), covering them with a barrier, pressurizing them, and making many small holes in the barrier from which they erupt into thin filaments, making cotton confectionery, etc. ….

"I'm actually spinning it and letting it erupt with centrifugal force, but I'm letting it erupt with pressure this time because the magic combination will be troublesome"

... Pokémon!

"" "Ah, broken..." "

I see a young cook with a broken heart that I feel sorry for, it was the three Lenas......

And his employer, Mr. Vebdell, also dropped his shoulders disappointingly on a number of cooking methods that we could never reproduce ourselves.

Of course, the purpose is not to harass or break the cook's heart, so Miles taught the cook how to make dishes and treats that could normally be reproduced later. It is included in the request for the first time, so it can also be left unchanged.

"... but Mr. Gareidal, too, imitates silly... I don't know how much money I've smelled from munitions in a war economy, I still don't know what will happen, and the delicious part is that big stores monopolize it and only subcontract jobs come around to small and medium-sized people like us......

Well, that's probably why you thought crushing us or annexing us... "

That's what Mr. Vebdell, who looked lonely, said and talked to Miles, who had a culinary paragraph and was off for a little while away from the kids.

((((Delicious looking source, Kita ~!!)))

Nothing, the "Red Oath" does not oblige us to collect information, nor is it included in the request. But it was still the doctrine that if it helps employers, they get the information they get.

So I listen with interest to Mr. Vebdell, Miles.

But even though it's not how much confidential information or anything, is it okay to say that to someone from another country? Some people know, maybe it's an implicit understanding...

You guessed that's what Miles and the others were thinking, and Mr. Vebdell continued ahead with a bitter smile.

"... Well, when I say war, I don't mean to attack another country..."

"" "" "Yeah, yeah, yeah!!

Super important information.

I didn't expect you to get this information in a place like this.

Stunning miles.

"Ya, you don't attack other countries, so, civil unrest or something? The emperor's successor struggle, the usurpation, the local elite flying their independence from the empire against the flag..."

The empire is very, very wide.

The mountains are very, very big.

For this reason, it would not be strange for a frontier uncle or something to flip an anti-flag at an outer edge far from the imperial capital.

Incidentally, Borderline uncles are known as' uncles', but they are actually Marquis equivalents and in some cases may even boast power over Marquis. Therefore, the war that cannot be attacked by another country, if it is said, is the three houses of the thought cause Best Three, Immovable, combined with succession strife and usurpation.

So it is Pauline who casually asked so......

"Behold! Nah..."

Mr. Vebdell, who looked in a sudden panic, looked around in a hurry and exhaled loud as he was relieved to make sure there was no one else involved before shouting.

"Don't say inadvertent things!!

It's a "red vow" that yells at Mr. Vebdell for forgetting to speak politely, but if you think about it, it's important (oh dear) that a merchant leaks somewhere here with someone from another country and a family of murderers talking about "civil unrest," "succession feud," "usurpation," and "rebellion in the province". Perhaps it will be more catastrophic than Mr Galeidal waiting to be executed, no doubt.

((((Then don't shake that topic from yourself!

It is with the 'Red Vow' that sticks so in my mind, but it is the maiden's preference to keep it here and strive to gather information.

"So, with whom?

Even to prove you're not up to something funny, this place should answer honestly. If you are frightened that the spies of His Majesty the Emperor and the relatives of the Goddess are eavesdropping on you, absolutely, surely.

"Beh, nothing, it's not that it's a secret. I'm not purposefully promoting it, nor is it much like touching and turning around, so there's not a lot of people who know it, and there's not going to be anything to talk about among the civilians..."

That's what Mr Vebdell told me while saying......

"" "" "Fighting the Subhumans?


Yes, they look similar to the human species, elves and dwarves, who for some reason are not recognised as human species and discriminate as' subhuman 'even though they can communicate with each other through conversation......, no, those who are treated as completely different organisms, beasts and demons.

It is not a human species, so persecuted or killed, but it is not 'discrimination'. Same thing as killing demons and beasts.

If a human kicks a wild dog in the ass, is that 'discrimination'?

It's never been praised for animal patronage, but at least it wouldn't be called 'discrimination'.... and if you kick him to death, you won't be charged with murder. Never......

With that said, there were times when they were hunted, killed and enslaved, but now they are on par with the human species, with some marginal but friendly interactions, for once as reciprocal relationships.... while managing to contain each other's deep, deeply rooted emotions overflowing.

"But aren't beasts and demons living on a family basis and not forming a nation?

To Miles' inquiry, Mr. Vebdell explained it to me again.

"No, so I told you earlier, 'I'm not attacking another country'...

They are sub people scattered throughout our country. Specifically, Demons and Beasts. And of the halves, quarters, etc. of those people and the human species, you are the ones who act with them.

Especially since, as Mr. Miles said earlier, the subpeople only form a group on a family basis, this time only a fraction of the subpeople who live in this country by creating settlements.

… so far. "

"So far?

Miles answered Pauline's question, apparently understanding the situation.

"... that means that that battle may increase the chances of subhuman exclusion and start a feud with the subpeoples throughout the country, no, the continent, right? I taught at Hunter Training School, like The Subhuman War..."

Subhuman Wars.

It was a war a long time ago, a battle between the 'Union of Human Species' by humans, elves and dwarves and demons, beasts, and fairies and other minorities who lend a hand to them.

In the battle to be bumped from the front, the Union of Human Species, joined by humans who make the numbers say things, fought well, but in their combat power as individuals, the Demons and the Beasts prevailed above. Moreover, when it comes to ambushing and destroying forests, mountains, etc., the Union of Human Species is no match for the subpopulations, who have a favorable night's eye and an overwhelming difference in physical abilities.

As a result, human species no longer have access to forests or mountainous areas, and furthermore, they are unable to act safely in the plains unless accompanied by many soldiers.

That means you won't be able to get out of the fortified city. Peasants, hunters, miners, … and merchants.

Moreover, the ancient dragons raged at the Union of Human Species, which tried to burn down every forest where the main force of the subpeoples was lurking, taking sides on the subhuman side and destroying some of the cities of human species.

… stuffed, was.

As a result, even though there is a large difference in the number of people, the human species is more concessional and harmonious. It was here that equivalence, or equivalence, was granted between the subhuman and the human species.

And while mutual remorse remained, the current 'passive state of friendship' was maintained by the unanimity of the desire to avoid another battle together, which meant punishing the foolish acts that were likely to spark the battle. With a little malice, there's a brittle "peace" that's going to be easily broken...

"... isn't that important..."

"It must be important..."

"It must be important..."

"" "" That's right ~! ""