I Said Make My Abilities Average!

407 gossip burning man 2

"Yes, no, it certainly doesn't say a rank limit, but in common sense, it is implicit that such a request is above the C-rank..."

"Oh, me, it's C-rank!

"" "". "" Yeah, yeah!

Up all over the guild again, screaming.

Well, in a country that doesn't have a hunter training school, there's no way that a regular hunter, or an F-rank, at the age of ten, can go up to C-rank in just a couple of years, or even 3-rank. Sure, there's a skipping system at registration, but the swordsman's fitting mileage didn't look like he could skip registration at D-rank or C-rank in the end.

If this is a magician, it can't be without a hell of a talent. Miles, however, were swordsman gear, and their physique, muscular attachment, walking, center of gravity movement, attention and intimidation to the vicinity, facial expressions and everything else clearly showed. … is a miscellaneous fish.

At least, whatever the E-rank is, it's definitely not C-ranked skill. Everyone here could confidently affirm that.

With a suspicious eye, I silently told the receptionist who stared at me, and I had no choice but to take the mile out of the mess and the pendant-shaped thing that was lowered from my neck with a chain from the inside of my clothes. And give it to the receptionist.

"Yes, this..."

"Oh... oh, yes... oh, yes!!

Stunning, eye-peeling receptionist.

Yes, it was a Hunter Registration Certificate, where the rank was known by the material and the design letter on the front, and the branch and registration number, name and job title (job) registered by the inscribed letter on the back.

"And a C-rank sorcerer..."

"" "". "" You're not a swordsman!!

So you're safe, your order is complete.

Desperately stopped by the receptionist and the local hunters, but to ban the ordering of a single C-rank hunter, the guild master needs to give formal instructions under good cause, and if he does so without good reason, it is inevitable that the guilder side will be subjected to any disposition. So if Miles said, 'That's my native country...' no one could have stopped me.

And while the Baron Territory is completely irrelevant, it is not a lie that the Kingdom of Brandell is the home country of miles. … I did not have to tell you why, but I was never refused an order.

And Miles left.

Across the border right there, if you're a regular hunter, you can walk a day, if you're a mile, you can wear it at your leisure, for a small baroness territory......

Kelvin von Bailiam.

of the Kingdom of Brandell, the five men of the Baron family who can never be described as wealthy. It is a concubine.

When I say concubine, I am not a formal sideroom or concubine child, but a 'mistress's son', so to speak, who gave birth to a samurai with her hands.

In this country, noblemen and royal siderooms and concubines are authorised to be authentic wives, and all their lives are taken care of by their masters and their children are recognised. But 'mistress' is not like that, it is the presence of shade and is not given any coverage. If my husband changed his mind and was abandoned, it would have been until then.

But both Baron Bailiam and his wife were good men as nobles. Both the samurai and their children were welcomed into the family and properly raised.... was quite a hobby. Especially my wife.

And Kelvin, who enrolled in Eckland School, met his lifelong rivals there.

... only, look at it from Kelvin.

The other side, on the contrary, only recognized it like a depressing feather worm.

Kelvin, who was unilaterally hostile to his opponent by making him obstinate (koji) in various ways, but one day he received a "noble way" from a rival who transcended the limits of his patience in Kelvin's attitude, and no, he was incensed with words and words about "how to live as a man" and opened his eyes to his own life.

And after the school graduation, he decided to ignore the National Army, which the lower Eckland School natives would not be able to emerge from anyway, or the Kingsguard, which would not be dealt with by anyone other than the advanced Ardley School natives from the beginning, and to join the Lords Army of the aristocracy.

The Lords Army said that the general and corporals consisted of volunteers from the territory and forced conscripts, but they could not have just not placed nobles in the cadets.

For this reason, it is common practice to hold three or fewer sons of lower nobility and raise them to become future middle-sized officers. Exactly, the command of the entire Lords Army is left to credible ministers….

No matter how much new America is, we cannot put nobility under civilians, so it is, of course, the treatment of officers from the outset, even if they are still young and immature. While underage, it is also a position to be called a cadet or cadet….

Whether they are trusted by their subordinates, especially the beating corporals, and truly recognized as superiors is another story from the very beginning from the rank they were given.

Kelvin was then hired as a cadet by a certain Baron family leader, facing the border with neighboring Alburn Empire.

As for the baron, he only hired personnel to take command at a dangerous site, but Kelvin had planned for the future with the knowledge and skill of the site. I didn't intend to end up with such a small, baron-led, lower-ranking officer.

The leader of the small baron family, the commander-in-chief, is, of course, the baron himself. And then the baron's brother, and two less than three men in the branch, and the few cadets, all occupied by relatives. There, it was Kelvin who was hired to let the leftovers do the chores, the troublesome jobs and the lower-end officers to push the dangerous jobs. So no matter how much you work or how much you handle, it's impossible for Kelvin to be born.

He would have gladly adopted Kelvin, the son of a poor nobleman's mistress, in a weak position, because the nobleman in public would not seek such a position.

And one day......

"You think the Imperial Army will invade?

"That's right! I'm going to ask His Majesty to send a national army.

I'm going to appoint you as an officer here and now, until we get back with reinforcements, to defend our territory.

I won't allow you to run away! If you escape, escape in front of the enemy, no, strike him in the neck as a hostile act!

Kelvin was ordered to do so by the baron who just tried to take himself and his family, ministers and belly-hearted men away by pushing all the blame on Kelvin, only a few months after he was hired.

They hire other aristocrats, weak people, like Kelvin, so that they cannot escape on their own at times like this. Because if you run away, you touch something, and your parents' names fall to the ground.

The sudden appointment of an officer is also probably why it can be argued that 'I pushed everything on the apprenticeship candidate' is a bad external source, so that 'I left the scene to the officer and went to the reinforcement request'.

I can't bother the Bailiam family for treating me as a mistress's child.

Likewise, we have no choice but to defend the capital, along with the general soldiers of the leadership, who have been drawn to the poverty lottery.

Yes, the soldiers, all of whom are from this territory, including themselves, such as their families, relatives, etc., were also those who could not escape against the Lord's command.

The information on the Imperial Army invasion had been grasped at a fairly early stage.

In this day and age, there can be no such thing as total secrecy of the actions of the military, and those who pay attention to such things by hiring mercenaries, buying supplies, preparing for transportation, etc., will soon know.

And he just had a territory facing the border, and the baron said to the imperial-based hunter, or to the Imperial Drinker's Oyaji, etc., 'If anything happens, if you let me know, I'll buy the information,' and he could afford it in time. While I don't think I can do it anyway, formally, I can afford enough to hang a recruit on a mercenary or hunter guild in a neighboring city.

And the recruitment extended to the city of friendly neighboring countries, where the border line was just around the corner.

… Of course, there are no fools involved in such a battle as Count Leader vs. Baron Leader, and the opponent comes ready to attack. On the contrary, it was the beginning and the end of the day when we saw the announcement of the recruitment of mercenaries in the Baron Territory and even went out to sell them to the imperial side.

And in the end, all the nobles and senior officers fled, and the baron's leadership, with Kelvin and the corporal and only the general soldiers left behind, intercepted the enemy in the territorial capital (named, just a small town).

It does not intercept at the border, of course, in order to impose a slight supplementary burden on the opponent.

If we bring the enemy into our territory, the fields of our own territory will be rough, but it will not be anything if the leadership destroys and the enemy takes our territory, giving priority to not vandalizing the fields.

"Commander, we've pulled the poverty lottery on each other..."

"Commander? It's such a big layer then..."

Kelvin is called 'Commander' by an ancient corporal and laughs bitterly.

"No, they're all gone up there, and they're the only officers left, so now you're a fine commander!

"... and so is that..."

If you ask me, you are absolutely right.

He is a fine commander (commander) because he is the highest in the field.

Kelvin, who is already fourteen because of his early birthday, is already a fine physique, sometimes working out since he was a child because he would fall into the European and American race on Earth. There is nothing disgusting about fighting adults or the purpose they see.

... but still, there is a period of nearly a year for the fifteen-year-old who becomes an adult.

Such an ancient corporal who recognizes and stands up Kelvin, who is about his own grandson's age, as a proper officer. That's probably due to an irreplaceable treasure, unlike the rest of the unnosed cadets, 'trust from the soldiers of my men', which Kelvin has won himself over the past few months.


Finally, the Imperial Army came as far as the territorial capital. … not the national army, but the leader of the county territory adjacent to this baron territory, but for those of this country, the same thing, because it is an 'invading army from the Alburn Empire'.

"All right, we're leaving!

It is baron territory. Even so, it is only a small town, and there are no fortifications or castles apart. So I couldn't do cage castle fights or anything, and the people in town were just caught up in the fight and damaged.

So get out of the capital and fight ahead.

The total annihilation is imperative, but if the territorial forces formed by the people fought splendidly, they would not be insulted even after being occupied by the enemy, nor would they be despised by the Royal Army if they were taken back, nor would they be despised as' a town of traitors who fell back to the empire without a fight '.

... and in return for the Bailiam family, who raised themselves as part of their family, the son of a mistress, with the honor of commanding the leadership and fighting splendidly as a young man.

With that in mind, Kelvin took the lead and left the Territory Capital.

But before you do, tell the soldiers:

"Allow those who wish to be discharged on this occasion. They will be dressed in private clothes and disputed among the people of the territorial capital as mere civilians. And as a common man, live happily ever after..."

And Kelvin, led by a reduced soldier to about half, was to set up a formation in front of the territorial capital...