"Huh? Neighbors are the Kingdom of Brandell to the west, the Alburn Empire to the southwest, the Kingdom of Marlein to the east, and the sea to the north and southeast, right?

"Just a little bit in the Northeast, I'll be bordering the Kingdom of Aubram! The Kingdom of Aubram is a country extending elongated to the east and west along the northern sea, with extensive borders to the south with the Kingdom of Marlene and the Kingdom of Trist, and even more to the east, a country with very long borders with other countries with respect to area.

Besides, the opposite side is the sea, so if it is invaded by another country, there is no escape rearward above shallow vertical depths, and the king's capital could be besieged in an instant.

So it is a country that is committed to maintaining good relations with its neighbours and invests in diplomacy anyway in order to form a situation where other neighbouring countries will attack that country from the side in case it is attacked by some country.

They provide assistance in times of famine and disaster in neighbouring countries, and impressions from other citizens are never bad.

I really don't think such a country is going to do anything crazy. But...... "

"I don't think so, but there's a funny rumor going on, and besides, it's just a 'rumor', so I can't make weird confirmations or inquiries from here, and I can't imitate hitting the relationship,..."

"That's the thing. You guys are so quick to talk, it helps."

It is as if the 'Red Pledge' had already decided to take this request, guild master, but of course, that would also be a deliberate statement as an operation.

But the 'Red Vow' was not so sweet that a small hand move of that magnitude prevailed.

"So, what exactly do you want from us?

"We don't get jobs that are illegal, that are a war hangover, and that we can't explain with dignity in front of the goddess when we die."

Lena and Mavis stabbed the nail with a preemptive attack for now. Well, I don't think that's what happened from the last time, but it's just in case, and the appeal that we have the lead.

The guild master is also expected to be a little girl's initial bargaining technique, but it is adult spare time that I will deal with that properly.

"I know. No matter how many countries request it, there will be nothing illegal or shameful in the work mediated by the Alliance. It's all a regular request in the Guild Charter.

You can't impersonate an entire guild with immediate interest, and if you do that, instead of banishing the guild, it's a good, decapitating sentence, or worse, hanging. "

"Ha... Neither of them seems very different..."

Mavis overflows a dry laugh at the words of the Alliance Master who doesn't know if he's serious or what he's got.

Anyway, mutual restraint and 'greetings' are over. And then...

Well, let me give you a detailed explanation.

Yes, it was the point.

According to the Alliance Master, something is wrong in the neighboring kingdom of Aubram.

It doesn't mean there is a conspiracy or a glimmer, but it doesn't mean that something stands out, but the small village suddenly perishes, the damage caused by demons suddenly increases, and more merchants are going to perish altogether...

No, for one thing, it's not that strange. It is common for more demons and one village to disappear, multiple villages and cities to disappear in a flash due to demonic outbursts (stampede), and for large bandits to form and dramatically increase damage to the merchant corps.

Yet why is' Weird Rumors' circulating......

If there is anything really troubling, a formal reminder will come for the neighbouring countries or a request for assistance will be made. Does the absence of it mean that you are not having other difficulties or that you are not having enough trouble to inform other countries, or do you mean 'I do not want to be informed'......

Indeed, if we were to seek help from another country, we would owe a great deal, and we would be exposed to shame as a country. There is no reason to think of that as a last resort. So I can't even persevere to inquire from this one. But......

"If you're as troubled as you are to some extent, the spies usually grab the information, right? Besides, if you're a far away country, you don't know when it's going to affect your neighbors..."

Yes, Miles is right. Rumors are circulating, but they don't officially move up there, and spies from other countries can't easily grasp the situation. And I'm too worried to leave you alone.

... Then where rumors are circulating, that is, in Shirai (Shisei), we will have to carefully pick up information among ordinary people. That, too, is unofficially, secretly not to be noticed on the part of the Kingdom of Aubram......

"Oh, what about the 'grass' people?

No matter how friendly the country is, it doesn't mean we don't plant spies like them. Because we don't know when a coup d 'état will take place and a hostile regime will be created...

Besides, it is a constant means for regimes whose legitimacy is uncertain due to conspiracy or usurpation to attempt to seize power and immediately start a war with other countries, thinking about whether they should stray from the grievances of their people by creating enemies outside the country and crush their political enemies.

"They can pick up stories about where the village disappeared, where the merchant squadron disappeared, but so what?"

"Ahhh... But where is the 'weird rumor' in the first place? The village disappeared, the merchants were wiped out, it's just damage information, and it's not a funny story, is it?

"That's what I'm asking for."

"" "" What the hell... ""

Well, if we're going to find out their secrets, we can't find out what they don't even know, and it's going to be impossible for us to have a small number of spies who can only sneak up on what the Kingdom of Aubram can't even grasp.

"Phew...... That's a lot different than the previous request..."

"Good. With the same development, you'll get a complaint."

"Where are you coming from!

Mavis has said something about Miles' mysterious remarks, but he's been put through.

In fact, Miles was thinking of writing a series of hunter objects based on their activities when the novel ran out of stories in the future, and kept a diary in preparation for that.

And I thought it would be a bad idea for the same unfolding story to continue, but since the content is likely to change even if it is similar to the last Imperial edition...

(... but some readers complain just because they read the first part, so you can't be alarmed. You can see that the collection of the vocal lines, explanations, and the elucidation of the mystery will be written in the next volume, but it's hard to ask what's going on over there and if this is what's going to happen next!

What do you do with the author letting him rattle himself, at all! Wait patiently for a moment. Yo!

"Miles, what's wrong? Something suddenly scared me..."

"Nothing. Yikes!


"And anyway, should I travel through the Kingdom of Aubram and duly report what I've noticed?

Lena, who sensed she should not touch the current mile, spoke to the Alliance Master as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, yeah, that's the thing. Of course, regular spies... I don't think spies have any regularity or shit... but they will also be serving, and the breathtaking merchants, grass, diplomats, and all the rest of them in the royal palace operate normally, so there's nothing wrong with it, even if you guys didn't make any achievements.

It's just, you guys feel like 'wacko, if you could come up with some kind of unexpected accomplishment,' what can I say, uh... not particularly expected, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.... throwaway pawn? Oh, no, no, I don't have one now! Ahhh, uhh... "

Somehow, the guild master in a hurry, as if he had been fitted into a dotsubo.

"Somehow, I know what you're going to say, so you don't have to..."

"Oh well!

He was a relieved guild master on a help boat from Mavis.

Lena and the others seem to have grasped the general nuances. That's what this is all about...

"As a matter of fact, I hear there were some people who strongly advised you to ask..."

"" "" I knew... ""

From the content of the previous report, there would have been speculation as to who the Alliance Master had also recommended the "Red Vow". I was just bitterly laughing at the 'Red Vow' whine.

"... so I ended up taking it on... 50% more achievement points, on the condition that"

"Well, you have no choice. There's nothing the Alliance Master can do about increasing requests and reducing the length of gratuities, because the source of the money is not the Hunter Alliance.

Besides, I didn't have any interesting requests here anyway and it was Mannelli... "

"It's delicious to make double money, merit points, and a gratuitous sale to the upper echelons of the guild and country..."

"They say that the compulsory period counter should remain around until the obligation to repay tuition and dormitory expenses to the training school is no longer due..."

"" "So, the problem is..." "

"Why are you going on your second training journey so soon? Ahhhhhh!

In the meantime, you just got back from your first trip! Besides, soon afterwards, I'm going to the Empire on a long escort request, and then, even after that, I'm going out on just a few days' request, or inside an elf or something...

I need you to be a little more conscious of being a guest at the inn and seriously think about hot water for your bath and attracting guests!

"Um, I, Renee, don't understand what you're saying..."

"Don't worry. Because I don't understand it at all either!

"Me too......"


Miles were followed by Lena and Pauline, who overflowed with confusing words, and Mavis, who laughed powerlessly...

"I thought this would happen."

"Miles is what you call it, 'within the bounds of your assumptions,' right?"

"How far are innkeepers required to serve?

"Ha ha..."