
"What's going on?

"Oh, no, it's nothing..."

Miles who accidentally leaked their voice and managed to mislead Lena for hearing it.

(With that said, Nano said he would report to me when he had a dimensional fissure. You can't do anything out of authority on your own without my orders, so tell me you need instructions from me to repair the rift...

I was told to give a preliminary order to repair it on my own without having to report it to me, but I couldn't figure it out, and I felt like Nano and the others were hiding something, so I refused to give a summary instruction in advance and told them to report it to me every time and ask for my instructions.

... but the fact that nothing has been reported...


It's a mile I thought about checking with the nanomachine, but everything I asked the nanomachine is not fun, so I reconsidered.

I can't say that about myself or the lives of people close to me in such cases, but that's not the situation right now. Besides, nanomachines never vomit lies, and they never betray themselves. … refuses to provide information or only provides insufficient information….

So I don't think the nanomachine was in such a hurry, leaving the 'dimensional rift open' thing unattended, nor did I think I did the rip repair work on my own without permission for miles.

(Mine, it's not a prospect...)

In conclusion so, it was a disappointing mileage to drop shoulders.

(... so I went on the journey to Wangdu (Michinoli) Jun Sanders (Hanbunjaku)...)


"There's nothing..."

Lena was right, there was nothing.

For once, some requests were received at the nearest guild branch, but they were normal.

... and now it was a 'red vow' going through the woods to do only free-flowing requests for investigation, that is, constant requests that are not tied to the subject or delivery date.

The main prey is oak. The oak was the most fruitful way to carry some hunted prey by storing miles (item box). Crusade rewards are normal, but because meat sells there for a good price.

... Apart from dragon species and rare things, of course, there's no way such things are so wheeled up close to a city like this.

Ordinary parties mean that even if the crusade itself is a relatively easy meritocratic party, there is a limit to the amount of prey that can be brought back to the city. Where a few 200-300 kilometers of oak have been knocked down, it is known how much you can bear plus weapons, protective equipment, food, night gear, and other gear.

So for The Red Oath, the constant request, Orc's crusade and meat delivery, was a far better prey than any other party. Normal requests with somewhat better conditions (regular, individual requests from individuals. also referred to as a general request) than......

Besides, when there is a different purpose, normal requests that are tied to due dates, minimum guaranteed quantities, etc., feel somewhat burdensome. Even a request that seems easy if it is a "red vow" can't help but fail to meet or discover the subject. Because the magic of exploring miles is also impossible to 'find what is not there'......

(Five goblins...)

miles that I detected goblins forward with exploratory magic, but that doesn't come out in my mouth.

Whatever Miles is pre-detecting and reporting, it's not good for everyone.

Lena and the others also understood the idea of Miles, and they themselves thought 'relying excessively on Miles sucks', so they were convinced that Miles was necessary due to the characteristics of the request and to the extent of being 'a little clueless' … like exploring herbs… or not giving much detective information except when it really sucked, which they thought was appropriate.

So, as always, in visual discovery, Mavis is the first to find...

"Goblins! Four......, no, five? Is that it?...... alert!!

Like Goblin, it is not a "red oath" that requires vigilance until it is deliberately drawn to your attention.

Yet the fact that Mavis deliberately instructs vigilance, not just discovery reports….

"Target, 30 meters in one o'clock direction, goblin 5. Possible peculiar species!

I didn't envisage the presence of a peculiar species, but I still can't hide the surprises, the Lenas.

But whatever it is, it's no big deal, even if it's a mutant, such as goblins. If the good enemy is twice as strong, it is important (oh and), but where the strength of the miscellaneous fish (Zako) has doubled, the miscellaneous fish is the miscellaneous fish. Though I pay more attention than usual, I usually approach them and intercept the goblins who notice this one and attack them, instantly killing them.

"... this is..."

Looking at the goblins lying on the ground, one was a peculiar species and the other four were regular goblins.

"Mr. Mavis, you've often noticed that you're a peculiar species even though you only have one. It's amazing!"

"Haha, I, my eyes are good..."

Mavis laughs at miles of praise for saying that with a little smell of light.

Sure, because it is the highest height in the party, some of the "Red Vows" have the longest foresight, and because it is avant-garde, it is always leading the way, etc., but except for the magic of exploring miles, Mavis is always the first to find enemies.

"So, the problem is..."

"Yes. Movements of the goblins earlier. Obviously, it was a move to take the peculiar species as superiors, leaders…"

As Lena and Pauline put it, the goblins made quite a controlled move.

... That's good.

Herds of wolves and wild dogs also act as a group under the command of a leader (leader). There is no wonder that a goblin that seems closer to man than that behaves like that, and in fact, it is just a common example of what is normally witnessed. Yet why does everyone see it as a problem......

"How is it that the peculiar species that is supposed to be the 'leftovers who got lost in this world from beyond the rift' are directing the ordinary goblins who are the locals (Jitsu-Pei)..."

Yes, as Miles put it, that was the mystery......

(Ro ~ nbrozo......)

Softly, that's the kind of mile I squeal in my heart.

And it was a mile, sad that not a single person made the penetration that 'it's a "nazo" denko'...

(... So, what's this all about!

Miles to inquire about nanomachines if the story is different.

No, it's not a good idea to ask nanomachines right away about everything, but even if they betrayed you, that's not good enough. So it was a mile that we were holding a brain examination committee at everyone's bedtime......

[It's a misunderstanding! We do not lie to our users! In the first place, there's no reason or need to do that......]


If you ask me, I'm not even convinced. The nanomachine has no desire for merit, no desire to make money, and the creator... what a god... is just a 'little tool of progress' to carry out the tasks ordered to them. There is no reason to deliberately deceive or betray miles with the highest level of authority on this planet at the moment.

(... Skynet. HAL 9000. Blaine. Eucom. Guyzoc. Chiron 5. Cylon. Bleaking Boss...... No. No, no, no, no!

Shake your head and pay off the ominous names that come to your mind one after another (of) miles.

(… give an overview of the situation)

Since it's not an emergency, the 'emergency' lettering has been removed miles.

But a nanomachine who didn't know his ex didn't know what Miles was saying as a story, so he decided from that hard tone that Miles was pretty angry and in a hurry.

[I follow your instructions from Master Miles properly! Because we repeat everywhere that dimensional fissures disappear in a short time as soon as they appear, there is no need for us to repair them, no time to afford them, and therefore no need to obtain permission from Miles...]


Sure, Miles said this then. 'Nano, keep me posted, if there's a rift. Each time, I give instructions for restoration' and….

Then, before you report it, if the rift is closed immediately.

If at the time I tried to report it, the rift had already closed......

It does not meet the condition of 'if there is a rift'. By then, there will be no more rifts.

And even with the instruction 'Well, I don't think so, but if you get a rift here again, report it immediately', 'here' meant that place near the village of Dwarf, and the rest of the place was not covered by the instruction 'If you get a rift, report it immediately'.

(Damn, I missed the way you said it. Ahhhhhhhh!!)

miles screaming so in my heart, but I can't help it. Humans, because it's not something you can do in all that...