"" Eh... "

Roland and Caorle, both sides voiced surprises.

Roland, look at the seven children Caorle brought.

Caorle, because Roland was equipped to go with the soldiers he brought.

"How can you take a child when Caorle says it's even a big problem to go! The youngest, I don't care what you think, is only about 7-8 years old though!

"Why are royalty following me!

They both accuse their opponents of being insane.

And we couldn't find a compromise with each other, and we were going to leave as we came to be.

The total strength was 20: Caorle, seven of the "Eye of the Goddess," Royal Brother Roland, Knight Francette, eight Kingsguards, and two carriage owners.

Caorle told the kids, "I could die," etc., but I really had no intention of taking such a risk. Because if you have to, you have a last resort, a special 'no self-weight'.

Nothing, in vain, took all sorts of qualities from Ceres or put all sorts of conditions on cheat ability. I wish I didn't have to use it, but I took every safety precaution just in case.

But anything can mean 'unexpected events'. It is a lot harder to die by the royalty that accompanied you. Also, it's not a very good thing to be seen by royalty and nobility if you decide to use 'that', regardless of the average soldier. Because there is no limit to human desire.

But I have no choice anymore. Even if they say that the Kingsguards and your men are those who have sworn absolute loyalty and don't worry about divulging secrets, it doesn't make sense because they have royalty with them who don't want them to know the secrets in the first place.

The royal palace forces were all to ride horses and the caorles were to travel in carriages. Of course the carriage is not a luxurious aristocratic boxcarriage or anything, but a front carriage, commonly referred to as a 'caravan'. One of the two carriages was loaded with water for eight cahorses and some food, and the other was loaded with food and water, horse leaves, camping supplies, etc. And the carriages of the cahorses are loaded with food and water, because, of course, at times only the cahorses escape, and the others remain to retain their enemies.

Initially I was going to walk away on my own, but at some point it was a caorle to flatter my face that it had become a great place.

The day after we left Wang Capital, the Caorles passed through a town of that size there. From now on, there is only about the village in this direction. There was no point in creating a large town on the part of the Holy Nation, a small country without any dizzying products, but only dotted with small villages for agriculture.

It's time for a row of caorles to start sourcing.

Villages passing thereafter were instructed to temporarily evacuate with a minimum amount of food around them.

Instruct him not to have anything extra because he can go back soon, but to bury what is important and hide it in the mountains. In addition, we ask for information on wells and water fields throughout the village and take notes. From the expected date and time of the enemy's arrival and the approximate march speed, tell them exactly how soon they must complete their evacuation and head to the next village.

There were no people who did not know the name of the king brother Roland, and there was no one to oppose it, if it were to be combined with the name of the 'Messenger', which Caorle had no doubt named. And after potions were given to those who fell asleep and could not move due to injuries and illnesses, the speed at which villagers were prepared for evacuation doubled.

Six days after leaving Wang Du. Arriving in a village about two days away from the enemy army, a line instructed them to evacuate, as before. The only difference was that it was an immediate withdrawal without temporal respite.

Four of the eight nearby guards were left to help evacuate and monitor the villagers, as well as horses and carriages, and the rest left on foot.

The four Kingsguards were left behind in preparation for not having time to slowly check the village later because there was not much time left after this, and for the enemy troops entering the village ahead of the cahors who were sending out scouts and advance squads and turning back.

In the course of the next day, Fransette, who had been ahead in her village daughter-like outfit as a scout, returned. Since she was the most physically fit of the soldiers, she was entering alone to ascertain the position of the enemy.

"At the head of the enemy army, we were on a small pause about two hours ahead. At enemy speed, I thought we were about six hours away..."

Assuming it took Fransette two hours to return, she moved four times faster than the enemy's marching speed.

"You don't seem to have a good place to go from here... It's possible that the enemy is progressing faster than expected, and we should go back here and pick him up in the mountainous area he passed a while ago."

He nodded at Caorle's words, and everyone turned back on the street and went.

Looking down the street through the mountain ai, on a cliff.

Fourteen Caorles, who had turned back from the streets since then, divided themselves into mountainous areas with no various paths along the way, and climbed up onto this cliff. The children also scratched…, their ankles were trained as part of their subsistence earnings, and they followed without any difficulty. At least there was no one behind Caorle. Caorle was able to safely follow him by drinking the recovery potion many times, but he was hungry and puffy.

"I think it's time..."

With that groaning, Caorle shifted his gaze from the street under his eyes to his rear. Arranged there, suspicious item.

Plenty, a sphere of vitreous about the size of a clenching fist. There are two types: red and white. And a few of them were attached to the tip of a branch of a tree about a meter with something like a net made of crawl. This was conceived and made by one of the Kingsguards thanks to Caorle's phrase 'I wonder if I can fly this farther than just throw it', which gave out a sphere of vitreous.

"... I'm here"

That's Francette, her eyes seem to be good as well as her strength. Example potion, how far did it work.

"The turn is still ahead. Don't be nervous, just be careful not to find it from below"

Thirteen people snort silently at Caorle's words.

The enemy army is closing in, and its lead passes right under the cahors.

The Cahors intended to attack the enemy forces. But it was not to the leading troops.

Arrigo Imperial Army passing one after the other.


Roland gave a small voice.

"What's up?

Asking Caorle.

"No, I think that's where the commanders are, but that's where they saw the priests and the clergymen."

If you say so and look, it does look clerical..., from the clothes, the bishop class had the appearance of those who were likely to go and a few who were armed with protective weapons in clerical but simple attire.

"I didn't know you were directly involved, not just in domestic streets and information concealment...... Perhaps he intends to call upon the people of the King's capital in the name of the Pope or to use the Great Temple of the Kingdom for his men. Or how distracted are you to secure the Caorle when the Imperial Soldier enters the King's Capital..."

In Roland's words, the children had an angry look on their face.

A considerable amount of time had passed since the head had passed, and directly below the cliff it was time to plug into heavy units near the rear of the line. On the cliff, everyone was already in position due to caorle signals.

There it is, Caorle's instructions.

"White sphere at the beginning and rear of the heavy unit, projecting!

Of those spreading along the cliff and taking up positions, those at both ends projected white vitreospheres each using the tools they had made. A major explosion that occurs with the landing. In havoc heavy troops. The soldiers in front also look for the enemy in a fuss, but they don't immediately realize it's on a cliff.

"Red sphere, continuous projection!

The next ball projected spread flames at the same time as the landing.

Not only is the projection made by the tool, but also by the red vitreous sphere, which is thrown one after the other by hand throwing, the carriage is wrapped in flames one after the other. Regardless of the soldier on foot, it is difficult to go off the road in a carriage. When the front and rear were blocked by holes and flames caused by explosions, no movement could be taken.

The white spheres projected were packed with 'like nitroglycerin', which dropped the detonation sensitivity for safety. The red sphere was filled with a thickener called a napalm agent in the naphtha of the main combustion material, used for oil-fat incendiary rounds, and jellied so that it would naturally ignite upon contact with the air. The fire does not go out inside when water is applied.

After attacking only heavy units for a while, Caorle gave the following instructions.

"Behind the battle unit, too, white and red sphere projections begin!

Although the Imperial Army realized it was an attack from the cliff, the caorles who threw the vitreous sphere and immediately fell back could not be attacked by bows and arrows, nor could they get to the cliff immediately. Just keep being unilaterally attacked as it is.

At first, he attacked only heavy units, but then the center of the attack began to shift to the rear of the main unit, the soldiers panicking.

The soldiers under attack started advancing at full speed, yelling at the soldiers ahead, out of the attack zone anyway. The soldiers in the front also notice the situation in the rear and start running at all costs. Not so fast due to heavy equipment, but desperate for the whole army to get out of this dangerous mountain height as soon as possible.

After a while, they finally realized when the Imperial Army, which had finally moved through the mountains to the safety zone, took a break while alerting their surroundings.

... heavy units are not following.

What the soldiers turned back to see was the wreckage of burnt carriages and blown luggage carriages and the figure of the surviving heavy soldiers and defeated fighters who stood on their side.

Food, water, leaves, arrows, spare armaments, camping equipment and various other necessary supplies, the majority of which had been lost.

Around that time, Caorle and the others used mountain roads to turn to the front of the Imperial Army, exiting into easy to navigate streets and heading towards the last village they stopped at.

No matter how many women and children you have, they travel faster than heavily armed soldiers. Besides, it was thought that the Imperial Army would no longer be moving today, possibly due to the impact of full mobility and confirmation of the heavy units, counter-measure meetings, etc. I can get ahead of you for a whole day. That's what Caorle had decided.

And then, an invitation to hell.