I Shall Survive Using Potions!

241 New Merchant 2

And for some reason, Kyoko likes the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Alliance because he explained various things directly to the Alliance Master.

At a time when the Chamber of Commerce and Industry had given an explanation of the guild and the real estate agent it recommended as a special service and no need to say anything else, the Guild Master left the rest of the explanation to the Associate Guild Master and he left his seat.

Then he went down the stairs and declared against the merchants who were with the guild staff.

"Special measures for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Alliance, paragraph 2, Article 3-2 apply!"

Those who heard it did not seem very surprised despite the Alliance Master's pronouncement of reverence.On each face is a convincing expression saying, "Well, that's right ~".

The merchants who were there when Kyoko came, of course, stayed without going back alone, because most of them knew what was going on.There could not have been a merchant who would have gone home without seeing the results of such a story.

The term "special measures" refers to "matters that apply in preference to other rules in cases where there is a possibility of causing significant harm to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and its members", and the term "Article 3-2 of Paragraph 2" in this paragraph refers to the alley.

If a noble person or a powerful person's child comes in hiding, we'll treat them special, but don't complain.And don't do anything extra...

The Alliance will not support you in any way, no matter what happens, if you make a joke with the person who made this declaration.

... on the contrary, I turn to my enemies.

For businessmen, it is a fatal wound.

Of course, this information is to be communicated immediately to members who were not here.

Therefore, even the next day, commercial guild officials who do not know about this are as childish as orphans who are given half-work.

"Never be tempted by yourself!"

The Guild Master hurried away, giving instructions to be surrounded by good merchants and have fun playing with the shop without being made aware that he was the subject of special measures, that is, the daughter of a powerful man.

... of course, to explain and prepare ahead of the realtor who recommended the girl while the Associate Alliance Master was stalling.To that end, he deliberately recommended certain real estate agents until he bent the rules.

If a realtor lightly decorates a girl or looks at a duck and sells a bad property, it can be a big deal.Even if the probability is not very high, we must pick the dangerous buds.

It was the responsibility of a leading merchant and head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

And with the good fight between Alliance Master and Associate Alliance Master, the city's business community managed to overcome an unprecedented crisis.Without realizing that the subject is a much more dangerous bomb than we think.

... for now.

"Thank you for everything!"

Kyoko thanked the Associate Alliance Master with a smile and smile and left the Chamber of Commerce and Industry behind.

Of course, the next person to go is the real estate agent who was introduced to me.

After seizing the property and setting the scene for the opening day, he returns to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to deliver the goods.

Since we confirmed in the previous explanation that the business license will go down without any problems, we can proceed with the preparation without any worries.

I would have hired someone before the store opened, but I planned to think about it after the store was decided.

(Both the Alliance Master and the Associate Alliance Master were good people.I can't believe the top of the organization is taking the time to deal with such an amateur girl directly...

Yeah, good city, good guild. Good luck!)

The letter of introduction has not been written, but I was told that it is okay to introduce the Alliance Master and Associate Alliance Master, so there is nothing to worry about.

Walking cheerfully with a big wave back and forth, the people of the city smiled unexpectedly at Kyoko (who appeared to be a minor child)....

"This is it...."

Kyoko, who arrived at the real estate store, entered the store without hesitation.

Kyoko, who became an elderly member of society in Japan, had acquired the ability to "take care of" and "read the air" a little bit.But now I'm only 15 years old, pulled by the flesh of my junior high school year, and dragged by the "Memories of my student life when I was with Kaori", which became sharp and crisp unlike my post-employment memory when I became a violin, and I lack a little consideration... do you realize that I tend to take actions like that after a young day, or dark history...

"Um, I want a shop...."

"Hi, I'll introduce you right away, come here!"

Normally, if a seemingly young girl of age talks about such ambiguity and the need for a lot of money, it is either lightly embellished or carefully taught how the world works and how severe it is.

But for some reason, I waited (...) as if I was waiting inside the entrance (...), and Kyoko was guided by an elderly man who seemed to be in a fairly higher position rather than a lower end clerk, and passed through the back.

(Oh, that's the place the Alliance confidently introduced you to!Even if the opponent is a young woman, they will take care of it without licking it!)

... of course, since it is a first-class shop, it is definitely a shop that handles any customer properly, but I am usually only good at passing through the back without confirming the details of the business.

"Please, sit down. I'll get the person in charge right away.Hey, tea and sweets! There will be some baked goods that arrived the other day, please give them to me! "

The instructed female employee left in a hurry.

Normally, we don't specify the type of confectionery we serve in front of our customers.In general, employees make their own decisions and decide what to do according to the customer's rank.Tea leaves are also chosen from a variety of prices to match the rank of confectionery.

It was deliberately designated the finest of what is currently in the tea and confectionery pantry (still room).

This means that we cannot leave it to the discretion of the responsible employee, and we must definitely deliver the highest quality, which means….

Anyway, the fact that we have to prepare the finest sweets, use the finest tea leaves, and brew the perfect tea without any slight mistakes was communicated to the female employees without any misunderstanding.

The person in charge came at once.

As if you were really waiting in advance, right away...

And with the old man who guided me earlier, there is also a man who is quite consistent.Behind that is a female employee with a tray of tea and tea confectionery for four.

(Yes, it explains to me by myself, the three people at the store....)

That's right, Kyoko, who is a bit of a drag.

(The one who says, "Never let the customer get away ~"?)

Kyoko was a little scared, so she decided to cast a spell to restrain him.

"Um, I'm here to introduce the Guild Master and Associate Guild Master of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry..."

Now, I thought, "No, no one saw the girl at the end of entering the store..."

Kyoko knew that they were going to this store, and if there was anything, they would be the first to check it out, but the shopkeepers weren't upset.

"Yes, yes, of course I have.I'm late, but I'm Vallades, the owner here.This is Tobert at the forefront and Bence, Chief Sales Officer.From now on, let's find out...

Now, let's find out what you're looking for... "


On the scale of this shop, it is unlikely that there will be multiple wardens or large wardens that tie them together.In other words, there is a mix of the top and bottom seats of the shop, as well as the ACE in practice.This is a bit too luxurious for a seemingly small girl.

But that's not what Kyoko suspected the most.

(Why did you come straight from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and say, "Of course, I'm asking"?)

But Kyoko doesn't care about the details.

It's a very interesting nature (touchy) that doesn't matter what the details are....

So I thought it was just a stereotype or just a good match to my own words, so I flushed it.It's a nice shop that pays attention to seemingly visitors, but I'm impressed by the only shop that the Alliance Master introduced me to...

And Kyoko started the business...