Two days later, it's time to go home to Wang Du.
When I was ready, I couldn't get out of the house.
The cause of this is of course the mother.
"Aroo! Don't go -!
A mother who cries like a child,
I try to let it go.
My mother didn't loosen her strength at all.
"Leave... and... give me...!"
My mother is grasping at my feet now.
I move forward with my mother grabbing my leg,
My mother just gets dragged down with cheats,
There is still no way to let go.
Did you see your father watching that,
I walked over here.
Dad... you are the only hope...!!
"Here, Lucica. Why don't you go around there?
Even Al's in trouble. "
"Shut up."
"I'm sorry."
It's early.
Just bear with me a little longer, Dad.
Why did you go down to the dungeon in one word from your mother?
They're taking it.
"Al... there's nothing Dad can do..."
Come on, we need to do something about this mother.
I can't get out of the house.
I have no choice...
I crouched softly and saw my mother's face.
"Al... I knew I'd stay here."
"If they do this to me, my mother's.
I might hate... "
"I'm sorry."
I'm so stylish about my mother.
I saw the jumping dungeon.
Why do I keep my father and mother grounded at the same time?
Do I have to see it?
"Ha... I hope you understand.
Then it's time for me to go.
I'll be back. Be well. "
That's what I said. When I put my hand on the front door,
My mother came running over.
What, you still got something?
"Hey? Could it be... still go on" Peasant "
Are you going to?
"...... Oh, yeah. So far."
Mother leaned down when she heard it.
"Al... mother, I don't think you need to worry about it.
If that thing caused you to feel obligated or something,
If you're tied to a sense of purpose or something... "
I controlled my mother's words with my hands.
"No, it's okay, Mother.
I'm in the king's capital. Do what you want.
I'm here to find it.
Besides, even if you chose the peasant path,
That's what I want to do...
So I'm not tied up anymore... "
I couldn't connect the words as I thought.
Then there was the feeling of being held tight.
It's not like I'm bound by force.
It was a fuzzy, gentle embrace.
The person who has been holding her, her mother,
Caressing my head gently.
"You're a really sweet kid, Al...
But, you know, you're about to be crushed by that kindness.
Sometimes, I think I can be a wagga mom.
Choose your path without regret.
If, until I push my feelings to death,
If you don't do what you want, then... "
Mother, when she strengthens her cuddling,
I put my mouth close to my ear and whispered:
I'm going to jail you.
"Choose a path you'll never regret! Yeah! I made up my mind!
I'll do my best!
I felt the biggest chill of my life. I
Understand that you must not defy,
I immediately expressed my willingness to affirm.
"Pfft... that's fine.
But it's not like peasants can't do it, is it?
If that's really the way you want to go... "
... because there are places like this, my mother...
I can't hate it.
Rather, I love it.
I would never tell the person, though.
My mother gets a little lonely when she leaves me.
With a face.
"It's time to go, isn't it?
Al, keep up the good work. Various (...) "
"Oh, thank you. Mother."
I waved back to my waving mother and left the house.
As I walked, I started thinking about two things now.
One is related to my mother's story earlier.
And the other...
- Why did your father keep sitting in the dungeon until the end?
I mean, were you there?
"Ah, I'm finally here! It's late!"
When we get to the rendezvous point, Luli is already waiting,
I was swelling my cheeks a little.
"Bad, a little... colorful at home..."
Mainly restraints and groundhounds.
Seeing my ill-determined face, Luli said something
Seems to have guessed.
"Well, I don't know... good day"
I feel like I've been turned to a gaze of no heart or pity,
Don't worry about it.
"Aside from that, bye.
Time to go!
You're still fine...
"Oh, no, that power, Amashi.
Better not use it in public. To someone.
It could be used. "
"Oh, I'm talking about that..."
Luli looked like one of the bad guys.
"... I'll explain when I leave the city."
Is something wrong...?
out of Lulugus, a little further away from the
By the way, Luli stopped.
"Well, I guess I can get around here.
So, I was just talking about the power...
Hey, look. "
Luli put his hands on his chest and put his strength into it.
At the same time as the hanging voice, the white light wrapped around Luli's body.
But without holding it for a few seconds, its light barely
It disappeared.
The only thing that now wrapped around Luli's body was the thin light.
"... and as such, not yet satisfied
It's unusable... "
That's what Luli said with a sorry look on his face.
"You mean it was special then...?
"Um, well, isn't that the idiotic power of a fire place?
I think it means something a little different, though.
I'm going to train you, so you can use it.
I'm going to. "
"Well... good luck."
Me, too, without being arrogant about the high status, a little.
We need to work out.
"... that?
"What's going on? Al."
"No, something..."
I think I forgot something.
The day I returned to King's Capital, Fall found me.
She was a little angry when she said she was worried.
I can't solve...