After the discussion, we were headed to the exit of the cave.
"Will it work..."
So anxious as Mr. Link groaned, Luli, who was walking in front of Mr. Link, turned around and
"It's okay. Maybe... I'm sure... probably."
"Why are you losing some confidence!?
Luli's vague remarks have resulted in a further aggravation of Mr. Link's anxiety, but the operation he just set up is not that difficult, so if you act with great care, you should be fine.
"You don't have to worry about it. It's not hopelessly challenging, but rather a fully feasible operation."
"Yes... right? Good for you."
Looking at Mr. Link, who sighed in a ho, I felt a little guilty now that I had involved Mr. Link, who was not used to fighting.
Even Mr. Link shouldn't want to do anything dangerous...
"... uh, what's wrong?
"No, I was staring at this one, so I was wondering if I could help you..."
I didn't mean to stare, but apparently I was staring too much more than I thought.
But now would be the only time to clear up the guilt I felt earlier. I bowed my head to Mr. Link and said my apologies.
"Excuse me. I got caught up in something so dangerous"
"Huh!? No, it's nothing. It's okay! Never mind!
But - and on my shoulder I tried to go on, Mr. Link put his hand down.
"If you hadn't come in the first place, I might have starved to death in that hut. I'd be fine if I could thank you for your life."
Well, I'm still a little scared. and Mr. Link, laughing with his hands on his head, looked good somewhere.
"Mr. Link......"
"If you still feel sorry for anything, you can still enjoy one of the fruits in Wang Du when you get home safely from here. I know a good outdoor shop."
A good outdoor shop probably means Mr. Ginn's. That guy seems to know Mr. Link, too, and when we get back to King's Capital, we'll head to Mr. Ginn first.
"Okay. Then let's do that."
"Yes, you're looking forward to it"
Looking forward after I made a promise to Mr. Link, it seemed to have come as close to the exit at some point, and I strained.
"Be vigilant, you may encounter the moment you leave the cave"
Whether you are nervous to come to the point where you might enter the fight, Mr. Link has returned a shabby reply.
I left the cave alertly, speaking to Mr. Link asking him to pull out his shoulder strength, but I didn't see a synthetic warcraft (chimera) around me.
If you walk around for a while, you won't like it, but you'll encounter it. That's what I was thinking, but always the synthetic warcraft (chimera) didn't show up.
He's not here.
"You're not here."
You're not here.
If you don't show up like this, I'm going to loosen up a little bit.
"Could Synthetic Warcraft (Chimera) have moved away from this mountain somewhere?
"I know it's not an impossible story... but is it something that travels in such a short amount of time?
It hasn't taken long for us to escape into the cave and come out of it again.
With all this time, I didn't think that Synthetic Warcraft (Chimera) had moved out of this mountain, although not very much, as much as Synthetic Warcraft (Chimera) might still be looking for us.
"But now that I think about it, it took me a while to meet you earlier, and maybe that's what I'm surprised about."
"Well... this mountain is quite large."
I'm sure you'll come across it one of these days. That's what I was thinking, but Mr. Link rang out reluctantly.
"Um, how could it be that a synthetic warcraft (chimera), angry at you two for letting you go, is headed for Wang Du...?
It could certainly be. Or that you won't encounter so much looking for - to the Wang Capital.
I thought, I heard a bocco coming from the ground ahead.
If you think of something, only the head of a synthetic warcraft (chimera) was coming out of the ground from where it sounded.
What is that surreal sight?
And when the Synthetic Warcraft (Chimera) confirmed our appearance, they revealed the body that was in the ground.
Did you dive in front of me? I thought so, but now that I don't have time to think about it, I immediately stopped thinking about it and confronted the synthetic warcraft (chimera).
"Is that Synthetic Warcraft (Chimera) …"
After Mr. Link groaned pompously, the first thing that moved was the chimera.