Sir, we're here.
After spending the night in the cabin, Linnea, as usual, cursed me but carried me by carriage to my destination, where I finally arrived at Tezil Street, the end of this carriage.
Tezil Street is next door to Gall Street and about 50 km from here is Gall Street.
"Thank you for your help. This is for you."
"Maido. Keep it up, customers."
When I finished paying the price by thanking the pilot, Linea pulled my sleeve hard.
"Mr. Al. You're walking from here, aren't you?
"Right. There should be a carriage out to Gale Street..."
That's what I said and sighed.
They say there was originally a carriage between Gale Street and Tezil Street, but a little after each other's city lords changed, the carriage between the two cities was abandoned.
According to what I've heard, the Lords of Gal and Tezil streets are now largely unfamiliar, and that seems to be the cause.
"I hope you're not getting along so badly that you're scrapping the line. It's not a child fight."
"Linnea is still spicy..."
"Even though the inhabitants are not unfaithful to each other, they are scrapped for convenience above. I'd like to complain a little bit."
"Sure, but... is it okay to say something bad about the lord?
"Don't worry. I won't say it in the city."
"No, is that the problem...?
You can't say it anywhere...
"Yes. It's rather here, so I can say. I can't tell you if it's in Gale Street. Mind you, Al."
Be careful......? No, I'm not going to say anything bad... but if I say something bad about a lord in Gale Street, will it even be a heavy punishment? No, that's not in the boulder... If you do that, you will lose your position as lord...
Well, whatever it is, it's not a question of how we can do this about the scrap line, and we have to walk here.
"It's still lunch, and as far as the map goes, I think if we walk hard from now on, the sun will fall by the time we get through the woods. That means we're going to be in the wild there, okay?
"It's okay. So please."
"Okay, if you decide to go"
Me and Linnea started walking toward Gale Street, steadily moving on.
I kept walking across the conversation and eventually went into the woods, but I didn't mind going on.
Through these woods lies today's wilderness. The woods don't feel safe, and get out quickly -.
"... Mori?
"... Mr. Al?
Yes. This is a forest. Speaking of forests, demons. When I say demon......
"... Lineasan. Hitotsu Listen Kitaikotoga"
"Speak properly. What's the matter, sir?
I asked Linea a question, shaking and rattling.
"Kono Mori Ha...... Oakno Habitat Deska?
"Is that what you mean...... No. So don't worry."
"Really, Ni?
"It's true, so stop that unpleasant talk."
"Oh well... Good......"
I put my hand on my chest and relieved myself.
Good...... Really good. I could not walk properly if they told me that this forest was an oak habitat......
... Is that it? But you have something to worry about.
"Hey Linea. I think Orcs are mostly in the woods, but how come they're not in these woods? Is there a reason?
"It's a natural enemy."
"... natural enemies?
"Yes, there are natural enemies in the oak, but there are also natural enemies in this forest. That's why the orcs stay away from these woods."
Natural enemies...... so...? Isn't that the best ally for me...
Probably a demon, so you won't speak the language, and I know you'll be attacked as soon as you meet him, but at least as much as I'd like to say a word of thanks to that natural enemy.
"... you seem to be very happy, Mr. Al..."
"Oh. Because orcs are natural enemies to me, too. Hey, Linnea, what's the name of that natural foe?"
That's when I heard the sound when I stepped on the branches to block my words.
"Good for you. Your natural enemy has just arrived."
"Is that true!?
"Yeah, look over there"
At the tip of Linnea's finger, there's a demon with some familiar hairy twitches, big eyeballs, and a bear-like figure...
"That's Momogalos, the natural enemy of the oak."
Momogalos, the demon I've been sexually assaulted in the past.
I see. Either way, he was my natural enemy.
Goodbye my hope. And hello my despair.
"- What a nagging thing to think!!!!"
When I held the linear, I ran straight out.
"A, Mr. Al!? Duh, what's going on...?
"Linea...... Actually, it's also my natural enemy (trauma)...?
thumbs up with the hands of those who don't have lineas and say so while shining their front teeth,
"You're dressed. The dialogue is the worst."
"Don't tell me that. But if I don't, I'm going to faint from fear."
"What happened to Al in his past..."
Though Linnea frightened me, I kept running until I couldn't see Momogallos.
Did this make me happy? I was able to get through the woods earlier than planned.