"Hey, Linnea."
After finishing a little late for lunch, I asked Linea.
"What is it?
"When do I get a reply to a letter?
"... I don't know. If the situation in this city has made the lord weird in the first place, it is possible that he will not return."
"That's right..."
But then I'm in a lot of trouble......
"Let's wait for temperament. If I don't hear back from you, then that's the time, and I think we should explore another way."
In the meantime, I just got a paragraph of the story, and I heard a knock on the front door.
I noticed that, and the look on my face and that of Linnea was strong.
"Hey Linea. You're closing the store now, aren't you?
"Yes. That's why it's impossible to have visitors..."
"Okay. Then I'll leave for when something happens. Is that all right?
"... excuse me. Please."
Linnea says that anxiously, so I speak a little louder to encourage Linnea,
He said, "It's okay! I don't think so! Maybe, I'm sure, probably..."
"Stop making it a phrase that makes me anxious"
Honestly, I'm a little scared too. After I saw what was going on in that city, and I didn't know what I was going to do.
Even while we're stuck, the knocks are getting worse.
Or even heard a nose song to go with the knock. Oi. You're definitely chopping the beat. This. I'm too scared.
"... I'll be there before it gets any more intense..."
"Oh, please…"
I reached for the door knob while Linea was watching over me like I was afraid.
It's okay. Whatever happens, let's deal with it calmly, calmly.
When you never open the door to your will, there stands a good young man in front of you,
"It's for you!!
and after shouting out loud, span! and he slapped an envelope in my face.
The envelope fell to the floor right in front of me, stunned without knowing what had happened, and the visitors left intact.
When I shut the door silently and locked it, Kakon picked up the envelope and spoke to Linnea, who was watching.
"... people in this city like to beat you up, huh?
"No, sir. It's a misunderstanding."
Kippari and Linnea denied it, but I saw the destination on the envelope without worrying.
"Reml Horune......? This is no way..."
"Is it from the lord!?
Passing the envelope to Linnea, who looked unusually surprised, Linnea received the envelope shaking.
Opening the seal and reading the text inside, Linea slowly raised her face.
"It is indeed a letter from the lord...... But I get back to you too soon with a boulder..."
I knew it was suspicious. You might want to be pretty careful with this.
"So, what did the letter say?
"'Tomorrow, I want you to come around noon. Let's discuss it together for lunch,' it said."
"It's tomorrow all of a sudden..."
But lunch?... Something's starting to make me feel like I might even be served with poison...
I'm not gonna miss this chance, and I'm just gonna have to go.
... I need to get ready for something.
"Linea. I'm going out for a minute"
"? Where are you going?
"It's an investigation. Even though we're supposed to see the lord tomorrow, if the lord wasn't behind this, we'd be back in the shake, wouldn't we? So let's gather some information for that time."
"Really...... I get it. Try not to be too late."
That was an excuse for a bitter thought, but you seem to have managed to mislead me.
Sometimes, in case, and this can't be known to Linea.
"Well, I'll be there."
That's what I said, I went out wearing the robe I brought.
"Take care"
I'm sorry, the voices of the invigorated lineas reached my ears.