"... nothing's going to happen..."
The evacuation of the villagers was now under way, based on the rates of the village chiefs and testas, but no signs of evil gods coming out could even be felt of fine dust.
But it's also possible to alarm them this way and then suddenly come out. It would be better to keep your mind tighter.
That's what I thought, but the vigilance was also muddled, and the evacuation of the villagers ended in a much lighter fashion.
Why won't you show up like this?
We must have been called to the village of Syrus by the evil gods. Yet, at no time did the Evil Gods show up, nor did they get their hands on evacuating the villagers.
Though the other three had not lifted their guard, they seemed surprised.
"Hmmm...... I wonder why you're not coming out? I think you're looking at us somewhere..."
"Maybe you left this village for some reason."
"I hope so..."
Mr. Helen also has a point. Nor is there a zero chance that the evil gods are not already in this village.
But the Evil God wouldn't be that sweet. Absolutely evil gods should be somewhere in this village.
But if you don't show up this far...
"... all you can count on is testa info..."
Three people turned to the words I whined about.
"Mr. Testa... surely the man who was leading the villagers earlier, wasn't he? What's this all about?
"I said it earlier before I went to lead the villagers." There have been some suspicious signs lately "..."
Fall seemed to have something in common with my words.
"Hey Al, you. Remember the story about the Knights coming to investigate this village?
"Oh. I remember you."
Surely the King sent the Knights to find out who I am. But when the cleric who accompanied him came near the village, he felt something and made me feel bad...
"... No way"
"I think maybe Al is exactly what you expect, but what the cleric felt then was a sign of an evil god?
"The thing is, at least by then, the Evil God was already sitting in this village...?
"That's the best way to think about it..."
Thinking about it, Testa also said she felt "recently (...)" suspicious signs.
If the evil gods started sitting in this village yesterday, what words should not have come out lately.
Sitting in this village the whole time, what the hell was the Evil God doing...?
"Oooh! Was there nothing?
When I shook it, a testa that would have finished the pull was rushing toward us.
"Oh. There was so little that there really was an evil god. How's that?
Testa gets in front of me, huh. and take a breath,
"There's no abnormality here either. But the village chief said he'd take the villagers to evacuate further afield just in case. I had to teach you something, so I asked you to come back."
"Oh well... Sorry. Get involved in something dangerous..."
"Don't worry about it. We've been getting into a lot of trouble with each other."
As I was impressed by the kindness of Testa, Mr. Helen opened his mouth.
"I'm sorry I'm talking to you. Mr. Testa, is it true that there are places where you feel suspicious lately?
"Uh, Al told you. It's true."
"So could you show us to that place?
"Fine. I meant to do that from the beginning, and I just..."
Testa looked sorry and cheeky.
"Only one person will guide you, please."