I Was A Porter

quarterly return (4)


“Now, pull your chin a little bit more. One, two, three. Okay, one more time. Yes, thank you."

The photo driver was organizing Seung-ho's photo photo with Photoshop, and my mother approached behind the picture article.

“I'd like to take a picture of my family, the knight over there...”

“Oh, I love it. Mom, Dad, come sit over here. Are you going to keep your clothes on? I would love it if you could dress up and take a picture next door. ”

“I'm not wearing makeup right now...”

The photo article said, "Would you like to dress up and take a picture?" Mother shook her hand.

“You're still very pretty. Unfortunately, we'd appreciate it if you could come visit us next time. Now, sit over here. I don't want your father to get too attached and your son to be too fit. I'll put more cushions on. ”

The photo article was four years old and edited again to make the family photo look more friendly beyond Finder.

“What would you do with the size of your family portrait? ”

“Deliverable, right? ”

“Of course.”

“Then make your guess with that frame over there. ”

When my mother ordered the acrylic frame that was hanging on the other side of the wall, the photo driver's mouth was opened wide.

“Oh, I see. The price is 125 thousand won, and I will arrange for you to deliver for 120,000 won neatly minus 5,000 won. Write down your address, and here's your photo ID. I added 10 more chapters as a service. ”

Seung-ho thought he should come here often if he had to take pictures in the future of friendly service.

I felt better because I felt bent at my waist, but not bowed down and treated myself tightly.

“Thank you, and I'll be sure to promote it to the people around me. ”

“If you say so, I'd appreciate it. Take a look.”

It took me a long time to cut my head, so I left the photo studio and lunch was just around the corner.

When I told her that the East Office had already come in the opposite direction, she said that I would go tomorrow, and she became depressed.

“Son, shall we have lunch? Aren't you hungry? ”

I nodded my head because I knew how much she wanted to be with me a little more, and I looked at the dining room around me.

“What do you want to eat? ”

If I said I wanted to eat anything, I was sure I would ask her to eat her favorite food, so I tried to think about her favorite food.

However, I couldn't figure out what kind of food I liked, because I was the mother who always matched it to her children.

“Would you like a warm bowl of soup? With Sushi?”

When she came back, she was forced to ask me to eat pork soup, the food I always wanted to eat, but Mother clapped her hands, saying that it was the food she wanted to eat.

Even if I wanted to eat noodles, even if I wanted to eat potato candy, my mother would have the same reaction, but she didn't hate it.

My father walked ahead to the alleyway, saying that there was the tastiest soup restaurant around.

I went around all morning and saw my parents wandering around to feed something tastier, even though their knees would hurt, and I promised to buy them some medicine for their joints and give them a concubine.

The gourmet restaurant that my father led felt a tradition from the sign.

After looking at the sign that looked 30 years old, when I opened the door, the wheels fell off the door and the high sound of iron friction tickled my ears.

However, unlike the shabby exterior, when I opened the door and entered, I was filled with guests, so I sat on the floor in front of the room and waited, but when the guest left, I could barely sit down.

Like the shop my father confidently brought, the soup was clean and the dice were not too cold.

The meal was over, but my mother was crunching her chopsticks and rummaging through the plate.

“Can't you get up? Don't you know that the longer we wait like this, the later we'll be back? ”

My father was in mourning because his mother didn't want to fall away from him.

It was natural for Father to come back late as he got late, but Mother woke up angry and surprised that she had finally realized that.

“I have to do something and come straight home. Okay, son, I'm gonna get dinner ready. ”

I laughed when I saw Mother's hand gesturing at me to get up quickly, finish the calculation, like when she was gluing her butt to the floor.

“I'll be back soon. ”

“And here, take a taxi. It won't be a long walk. ”

My father took all the cash out of his wallet and shoved it in his pocket.

In fact, it didn't matter if I took the subway, but my father who gave me enough money to go quickly was actually like my mother.

“Father, I think you've given me too much. ”

“I gave it to you because I thought I'd take a taxi. Don't even think about returning the favor. It won't be long. You're not going to give this father any allowance after you sell all the horses? ”

When my father changed his expression as if he was angry, he had no choice but to stick it in his pocket.

“I'll be back soon, I'll take you home...”

“No, I'm going to take a slow walk with him, so hurry up. ”

I laughed awkwardly at Mother's words and went out on the road to get a taxi.

I looked back halfway along the road, and my mother was standing there, waving her hands. Seeing that, I thought I had to go quickly.

I dressed up differently than yesterday and saw my hands up to my head, so I caught the cab straight away.

“Please go to the central office of Seoul Hunter Association. ”

As my father told me, I set out for the central branch in Seocho-gu.

Although there were three Hunter Association offices in Seoul alone, Seocho-gu's central location was the largest.

In fact, the biggest reason to go there is because it's closest to home.

Twenty years ago, it was called the Seoul Hunter Association, and it was renamed to look like it was not a four-story building, but a building that was hard to calculate and had a sore neck.

Not the whole building, of course.

As I slowly read the building's blueprints as I enter the lobby, a security guard approaches me next to Seung-ho.

“What business do you have? ”

“I'm here to reissue my Hunter's registration. ”

“Well, how did you lose it... You can go up to the third floor. ”

“Thank you."

Technically, he didn't lose it. He said all the Hunter registration he used to get was made out of paper, but now he uses plastic cards.

All the cards he used were public phone cards. It's awkward, but nowadays he says he handles everything with a card.

When I was told that cards were also a time when they could be commercially available like cash, it was a shock.

Of course, he had heard that there was a card before he crossed the gate, but very few people used it.

When I went up to the third floor along the stairs that made it look great up to the fourth floor, I saw the guide desk in front of my eyes.

“Hello, I'm here to reissue your Hunter ID. ”

“Pick a number and wait. ”

I reached out to the receptionist, but the employee stared blankly.

“Give me the number card. ”

“Puhaha, you're funny. You're trying to get my number, right? I have a boyfriend. ”

What do you mean, you got a number? Give me your number and I'll be waiting. ”

“Oh, just verse one. ”

Until then, the receptionist frowned, not understanding what it meant.

“Pick a number on the back and wait. You can wait here and I won't take care of it. ”

Then I looked back and saw a man later than me pulling paper from the white machine.

“Ah! I see. Thank you."

You bend your head lightly, thank him, turn around, take a quick look at the machine, and pull the paper slowly, revealing the numbered paper.

“367, please come to bay six. ”

Seung-ho circles around in a broadcast of information ringing in his ears. Within a moment, a man approached a window with the number 6.

Above the window was a red number that flashed 367.

Seung-ho, who then understood what system he was working on, sat back and looked around.

Compared to 20 years ago, there were many beautiful girls in talent class, so I had fun with my eyes.

There were also so many girls who dared to expose themselves with enormously short trousers, unlike when poop trousers and stretch pants were mainly trendy.

I dared to suppress the rising clown without his permission because I couldn't beat happiness, and I waited about ten minutes for the announcement calling his number to Window 4.

“Welcome. What can I do for you? ”

At window 4, a pretty girl smiled and welcomed him.

“I'm here to reissue Hunter's registration. ”

After 20 years of living alone to make direct contact with the pretty girl's eyes, she tried to avoid her eyes, but she rubbed her fingers and replied.

“Your name and social security number should be preceded by 6 digits. ”

“I'm Seung-ho Lee. National ID number 760105."


The window maid, who was trying to enter the information while keeping her face fixed on the monitor, asked again with a dumb voice.

“Seung-ho Lee, 760105. ”

“Oh... yes. ”

The woman who thought she heard it wrong once again tapped the keyboard and looked up.

“… One moment please. ”

The woman who looked at the monitor and Ascension alternately asked for understanding with a confused face and left.

Seung-ho nods and starts reading the pamphlet in front of the window.

- Get the Official Association App Now!

- Free 6-month subscription to Hunter Monthly.

While I was reading the eye-catching pamphlet, a missing window girl came to me with a man.

“Is it you, Seung Ho Lee? ”

“Yes, that's right. ”

“May I see your ID, please? ”

Seung-ho took out her unprecedented National ID card from her pocket and showed it to her, and she looked at it curiously as if she had never seen it before.

“Greetings, I am Choi Myeong-soo, Foreign Administrative Director, Seoul Central Branch, Hunter Association. Let's go inside and talk. ”

Like my father said, there will be troublesome things, and I think he said something about this.

“Isn't this where we reissue Hunter's registration? ”

“Oh, yes, but Lee Seung-ho is a bit unusual, so there is a small desire to have a deep conversation inside. This shouldn't take very long, but would you mind giving us a moment? ”

I wanted to talk to Seung-ho in a very respectful way, but instead of wasting my time like this, I wanted to be with my parents for a second and see my sister for a minute.

“If I don't get reissued soon, I'll just go. Good work.”

Seung-ho got up right away because he was afraid to take his time.

As Ascension rose, the man desperately grabbed onto the sleeve of Ascension.

“Oh, no. Right away, so we can talk while we're issuing it here. ”

Seung-ho, who was somewhat weak-hearted, sat back in his seat because he wanted to hold it somehow while sweating on his shiny head, and the man noticed the woman.

Do you have a photo of me? I need a new one, an old one. It's so blurry. ”

In the morning, he took out the photo of his ID and handed it to him, and while she was scanning, a man began to question him.

“Seung-ho, can I ask you a question? ”

“If it doesn't interfere with reissuance, I'll answer it. ”

“When did you get back? ”


“Why didn't you come to the Association right away? ”

Seungho's eyebrows trembled greatly because of the pouty words.

“Don't you think it's natural to see your parents before you do? ”

When the man apologized without knowing what to do in the harsh atmosphere, Seung-ho unravelled.

“Well, I guess I just got here. It's been less than 24 hours. ”

“I'm sorry. I'm a little excited. I'm sorry. ”

“It could be. ”

Instead of looking at him, the man became even more fascinated, but he still wouldn't stop asking questions.

“How did you get back? ”

“I made it to Bundangcheon Gate. ”

At Seung-ho's words, the man muttered, shouting Bundangcheon and Bundangcheon.

A woman who had finished scanning came and sat down in front of Seung-ho, but was waiting without saying if it was because of the man next to her.

“Don't mind me, please continue with the reissue. ”

“Ah… yes, the reissue fee will be 50,000 KRW. If you're coming to look for him today, come this afternoon...”

The woman who was speaking was not sure what to do, because the man next to her was actively sending a signal to make an impression and buy more time.

“Don't play, you'll die. ”

Seung-ho stared at the man with a murderous look in his mouth, and the air around him became heavy at the crack of the iron, making it hard to breathe.

I stared at the man who could not breathe properly and bent with cold eyes. I sighed and let him go.

“You must come today to find it. ”

“Oh, no… you just have 3 months to find it. Oh, by the way, aren't you gonna retake your grades? ”

The cowardly eyes of Seung-ho answered with a mosquito-like voice.

Later, however, I recommended that he re-measure his Hunter rating in order to appeal to the manager standing next to Ascension for the best possible time, but he had no intention of doing so.

Monsters beyond the gate have grown tired of it.

“I'll come back for the registration next time. Here's 50,000 won. ”

She shook her head and gave 50,000 won to the warehouse lady's recommendation and quickly left the association building before even hearing the answer.