I Was A Porter

Was a Porter for 15 coins (4)



“What happened to your leg? N-no. ”

He opened his eyes to the voice of Seung-ho, whom he longed for.

Where there was a Gigantgorilla, Seung-ho looked at him sadly.

You see a gigantic gorilla beyond the shoulders of Ascension, but no monster can survive without its head.


“Well done.”

Seung-ho came to the nation and knocked on the shoulder, and tears welled up.

Seung-ho tries to hug Seung-ho, who is tapping his shoulder, but Seung-ho grabs and stops Seung-ho's shoulder.

“Hey... you... pants...”

Seung-ho's eyes glazed at the lower body of the species as he cut off the word.

As I watched the liquid still flowing down the sloped hill, I couldn't put my pants on, my race got out of touch.

I relaxed and looked at the woman sitting behind her, raising the shoulders of a nation that almost sat on the ground.

“What about her?”

“He's the savior of my life... I would have been in that guy's boat without him. ”

Seung-ho sat on the floor, startled, and met the woman staring at him with a blank face.

With one hand, I raised my ethnicity and reached out to the woman, and still held hands with a mute look on my face.

The woman's hands that were touching the cold floor were not cold, and she stood up on the cold floor feeling the warmth of her hands.

When I felt the warmth, I felt relieved that I was really alive, and tears were shed.

“Thank you. Thank you. ”

The woman thanked me with a 90-degree bend at her elongated waist, but I wanted to stop her from bowing to this cold winter floor.

I tried to ask if there was more, but I could feel something coming from afar.

However, the size and shape I felt was not a monster.

I waited for it, probably because it was presumed to be members of an association that was running late.

The master of the pilgrimage suddenly enters Seung-ho's sight and sprints to find the other party.

“Gate out area!! It's dangerous to be here. There's a monster... still there? ”

I was surprised to see a man in the gate area and came to evacuate, but somehow Gigantgorilla was stuck on the inside staircase of the central library with her head missing.

The suspect who made the monsters like that was left with only one person left, except the tribe standing on one leg with a broken leg and a crying woman.

“You're a hunter?”

The opponent looks up and asks with a snappy tone.

“Yes, well...”

Seung-ho replies with a blurry tail, but the other person doesn't seem to mind.

“Oh, I'm late for my introduction. I am the only person in the special department of the association. Would you be willing to cooperate with the investigation? ”

Asking politely was not so bad, but Seung-ho pointed to a deformed, ethnic bridge.

“I have to go to the hospital first. This guy's leg looks like this... I only caught monsters. ”

“Very well. Ah, this is the middle of Sungsung. We have a wounded man. I need vehicle assistance." And that concludes with the current hour. Say that again. Exit in current time. Send him up to the middle of the apprenticeship. More than. ”

At Seung-ho's words, the man nodded his head, relayed the situation to the radio on his chest, and sat down in front of the people and tried to look at the broken bridge.

If it wasn't for those tribal trousers and marks on the floor.

“I'm not a doctor. I'm not a surgeon. ”

Before the atmosphere got awkward, the only thing I went to look at was the corpse of Periodgorilla.

The stairs were all broken and full of gold around the twisted periodgorilla.

The direct cause of death was the head that disappeared, but even with the head, the chest recesses like a dump truck.

The area around the gigantic gorilla was covered in blood from the back and waist that exploded against the wall.

The more I watched Gigantgorilla's corpse, the more I was afraid of the person standing outside.

Killing a Gigantgorilla can do the same.

But even so overwhelmingly, it was impossible to wake up dead.

In the meantime, an ambulance has arrived to pick up the race.

“Sir, are these the men? ”

While Choi only touched the corpse of Gigantgorilla, one of the men who got out of the back of the ambulance found the only one and approached and asked.

“Yes, I'll go with you. Get to the site, figure out the scale of the damage, see if you can raise it. ”

“I understand.”

Because of the blood on the only shoes walking in the ambulance, the library lobby was engraved with footprints as if following the only one.

* * *

After arriving at the hospital, the race was given painkillers, pulled a broken leg, roughly fitted the bones, and waited for surgery.

On his way to the hospital, he told Choi everything except the story of the man who broke his leg.

The broken bridge is surrounded by the corner of the newsblock where it fell while running away.

I was suspicious, but there was no part of it. I thanked him for his cooperation and left in prayer for a refreshment.

When Choi only left, Seung-ho quietly called out the story of the man who broke his leg and told him what he guessed.

“Draxi's minions? ”

“Bro, you're louder. ”

I circled the E.R. bed and put a curtain around it, but the top and bottom are all pierced and the thin cloth is soundproof.

Jungho's face hardens, though he gives Seung-ho a good name.

“What about him? ”

If you were as religious as you expected, you could have attacked yourself.Why would you attack a race as a mere journalist?

“Maybe it's because I'm digging behind Draxi. ”

Seung-ho's face turned red like an angry man.

“I told you to stop that, right? You said your family was too dangerous to tell if it was true, that it was a waste of time if it wasn't. ”

“That's not wrong. Ha... If I had a laptop, I'd show you a picture."

When Seung-ho said in anger, he stopped because of his broken nails, trying to tap his chest or his chest.

“Do you know who did this to my leg? You'd be surprised to hear that. ”

The face of the race who spoke with her face held up to Seung-ho was smiling.

“… Who is it? ”

I couldn't win over the eyes of the race who wanted me to ask, so I sighed and asked.

“Victory Khan, commander of the 4th Battalion of the Draksh Guild, who soon disappeared after returning from the Gate. I told you before, didn't I? I was a little old, and I didn't know it at the time, but now that I think about it, he's right. ”

Victory Khan was already a class A hunter 20 years ago.

He may be weaker than himself, but he could kill enough of his own kind with his fingers.

As the ethnic group would know, he was a natural journalist when he laughed at the fact that he had received new information for his life.

“Shouldn't you take your hands off her now? ”

I wanted to give him a beating as he got information about the smiling ethnicity, but the words that came out of his mouth were words of concern.

However, I shook my head as if I was wrong about such a victory.

“No! If you take your hands off me now, I'll stick my neck out for you to kill. I'm gonna wring up the data as soon as the surgery's over, and then I'm gonna write a fucking article! If I die in a publication, where would I be suspicious? Even a clumsy knight, that knight will be my shield. Rather, more exaggerated, more stimulating. ”

“If I knew you were alive, would I have come to you tonight? No, if you tell them Hunter attacked, the Association will protect you! ”

Seung-ho blamed his race for falsely investigating him because he thought Victor Khan might come at night and could be protected by the association.

However, there was no change in the expression of religion in Seung-ho's eunuch.

“… how many people at the Association could protect me from Class A Hunters 20 years ago? And would he believe this nonsense? Don't you think the Drakshire rope will reach the Association? ”

Seungho admitted defeat, raising his hands.

“At least let me stay by your side today, right? ”

“Yeah, just in case...”

When I saw Seung-ho with a fabulous smile, I saw the unemployment smile and sighed.

If I called and briefly explained my situation, my father might understand, but my mother was troubled.

In order to prove that his legs were really broken and he was in the hospital, he took a picture of the swollen leg of his race and selfie to show his face.

Race glanced at Seung-ho, taking a selfie against the background of his broken leg indescribably.

“Never mind. ”

Seung-ho was slightly reminded of the embarrassment and sent a picture to his father in Kotok explaining the situation.

I got a call right away, whether he had been waiting without sleeping.

“How much did you drink? You hurt yourself like that. ”

“I'm sorry, Father. I don't have a protector right now... I think I should stay with you. I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it home today. ”

“Very well. I'll tell your mother. ”

"Yeah, don't worry, Dad. Sleep well."

“Okay, bye. ”

After hanging up the phone with my father, I nodded my head to the ethnic community, and my expression became clear.

“I'm going into Choi's O.R. ”

“I'll be back.”

The nurses dragged the ethnic bed past the emergency room to the operating room, and the escort followed the nurses out of the emergency room.

“Oh, well...”

Outside the door of the emergency room was Minji, who saved the ethnic race. Minji gave me some cold cane coffee, which he was holding in his hand as he watched the victory coming out of the emergency room.

“You're not home yet. Is there somewhere you're sick? ”

“Oh, no. Thank you so much for saving me. ”

After saying thank you so much, I was thankful for the candy in my hand.

Seung-ho had nothing to say, so the silence continued, and Minji began to wait as if he had something to say, not just to deliver canned coffee.

“Oh, um, I'd like to serve you dinner next time, if you don't mind, can you give me your contact information? ”

I gave him my contact information, but he was hesitant to say anything else.

“Anything else you'd like to say? ”

“And her contact information...”

Minji turned his head slightly in the direction of the disappearance and asked for the contact information of the race.

Seung-ho felt uneasy, but he disappeared out of the hospital with a bright face when he gave her his contact information.


Out of Seung-ho's mouth left alone in the hallway of the hospital, a faint sigh came from the ground.