I Was A Porter

& 3 Synapse


After the discharge process, Idd got into the back seat so naturally that he caught a taxi.

He turned his head and looked away, but Eid didn't say anything with his arms folded.

“Go to Soyoung Villa in front of Sungsung University. ”

I spoke to the taxi driver with a weak voice. The taxi made its way to Soyoung Villa in a matter of ten minutes.

On the crutch, I tried to climb the stairs one space at a time, and when I got to the second floor, Eid's expression began to change subtly.

And as she stood at the door to enter her home, Eid grabbed hold of her shoulder.

With his hand turned around, his face stiffened.

“Is there someone in your house? ”

“No, I live alone. Well, if you marry grace... ”

“Well, who's in there? ”

When Eid said there was someone in his house, his race creeped out on his back.

“... Open it first. ”

At the end of the conversation, Yid stepped forward and slowly opened the door as he carefully pressed the password.

Eid slowly took a step toward the living room with full of magical powers.

But I was nervous for a moment, and the moment I saw the man sitting on the living room couch, I approached as loudly as I could and punched him in the cheek.


At the sound of the rumbling sound in the house, the nation who was waiting in the hallway carefully pushed its head into the house.

Since there was no sound of fighting inside the house, the nation who was worried for a moment slowly entered the house.

When I entered the living room, I could see the man's legs hidden behind him. Ethnicity didn't see the man's face, but I felt like I knew who he was.

“Ayd, my hands are still coming out first... ”

As expected, the protagonist of the voice was Khan.

The Khan then turns his head slightly to the side and looks into his eyes, noticing the race entering the living room.

“I told you you'd never see me again, but your promises never came true. I'm sorry."

Religion did not know whether to apologize for failing to keep the words in front of the gate, or to apologize for breaking the bridge at that time, or to apologize in advance before killing it.

Tried to open his mouth calmly, barely swallowing the dry saliva, but Idd grabbed hold of the collar of the car and stood it up and missed the moment.

“At least! You should have contacted me! ”

“I've been sober ever since, and I forgot to contact you. I'm sorry. ”

It looked awkward and familiar to Eid, who was 10 centimeters smaller than himself.

“Are you sorry? You think that's all you want to hear? ”

“… you know me? ”

At the words of the Khan, Eid punches the Khan in the stomach and the Khan sits on the couch.

And looking down at the space, he swept his head roughly.

“Son of a bitch. ”

Race winces at the chewing eyed blasphemer, but the car sitting on the couch, although it was a painful face, has a young smile on its mouth.

“Thank you.”

“Shut up and talk to me. ”

I wanted to ask her to shut up and talk, but I didn't open my mouth because I didn't think she would end up with one or two teeth after touching Eid's wick.

“Good of you to come. ”

At Khan's heartfelt words, he glanced at Eid, looking out the window with his back turned.

Khan reached out his hand and asked me to shake his hand as he was restless.

“Apologize again. I'm sorry about that. ”

“I'm sorry about him. She just lives with her mouth shut. ”

As I continued to apply the window, Aid muttered as he followed the awkwardly.

“Since Eid is with you, I'm sure you've expected all my actions. Can she tell you a story of how I might have guessed it? ”

“… He said that if I helped him dig behind Draxi, he'd come to see me if he knew why he had changed so much. ”

“Exactly. I thought I'd find out if Draxi didn't tell me when I was drinking, but as soon as I thought about it, you came to me. ”

“You should look for Seung-ho, not me. All I know is what I got from the article. ”

Khan smiles bitterly at the words of his people.

“I've thought about it... Wouldn't he get beaten up? ”

“Clearly, he's more of a punching man than a horse. ”

At his words, Eid, who was looking out the window, suddenly approached me and sat on the couch.

“Oh, my God. Did Eid get you? ”

“I got you. I mean, he'd be crushed if he came at me head-on. ”

When Aid smiles bitterly, Kan shakes his head.

“That was definitely scary. When I watched from the street and then suddenly disappeared... This is as far as I go, but do you know why Draksh changed so much? ”

“Seung-ho, I think we need to have an honest conversation. ”

“When will he come? ”

* * *

Seung-ho and Ehua were in a commotion as they exited the gate.

It was a natural reaction that no one would have imagined that it would be possible to handle a Grade 3 gate alone.

Seungho wanted to report everything together, but he couldn't see the lies because the association staff had been watching Iris guild members from the beginning.

Eventually, reports were made in an instant and the Association's gaze at winning changed dramatically.

Evaluation of the ascension was again adjusted to a ridiculous level of hunter who alone solved a Class 3 gate in an arrogant hunter whose mere measurements were less than twice that of a Draksch.

The incident led to a bend in the association and a full use of the shares of the horse's association, as Ascendant had originally requested.

“That's what they said. ”

As soon as Seung-ho left the airport, Magithae stayed close to me and told me the story. Seeing her attitude changing rapidly in the next few days, the association seemed to want to show itself well.

I finished speaking, but Magithae, who was sneaking next to me, was pacing at the entrance to Elongated Airport.

Following Magenta's gaze, he turned his gaze to the entrance, and there was a man who had never seen, but was familiar with, race and identity.

“Seung-ho, wait a minute. ”

Margaery suddenly opened her mouth, grabbing onto the sleeve, noticing that Seungho's eyebrows were trembling.

“I don't know what's going on, but he asked me to tell you this. I don't want to be hostile, but I want to be helpful. ”

I was surprised by Khan's visit, but Seung-ho was almost angry with the indifference of the race who waves to herself when she smiles next to someone who almost killed her.

As I approached the rapid pace, I felt tense on Khan's face.

He noticed the change in the mood of the car, but he stepped forward and shook Seung-ho's hand, ignoring him lightly, and stood in front of the car and faced his eyes.

It was about the same height, but it was nothing compared to the sheer force emanating from its body. Khan naturally dodges his eyes.

“I came to you like Eid said. So, did you ask them what they were gonna do? ”

Khan turns to his countryman and asks, but shrugs and gestures that he hasn't heard the answer yet.

“I didn't tell him anything until he got here. Now that you're here, let's talk freely. ”

* * *

[After the third grade gate in Sweden, then Egypt?

Is there nothing wrong with the health of a Drakshire who took a day off and left for Egypt after dealing with a third grade gate in Sweden two days ago?

Is it because of the emotional pressure on Lee Seung-ho from South Korea? Despite many expert concerns about streamlining the murderous schedule, the Egyptian gate can also be solved without harm…]

“What are you looking at? ”

When Seung-ho couldn't take his eyes off the smartphone screen, the neighbor smiled.

“Looks like Drax is running through the gate in a row. It's Europe. It's the Draxi Chamber, but I get it all the way to Africa... Are you pushing it away from the Association? ”

“Weren't you pushing your brother away from the association? ”

It was difficult to complain to the association because Seung-ho had tasted the question of religion, but he was not even ten.

However, in a situation where I still had a bad feeling about the drash, I did not like the idea of giving the drake a chance to become strong.

“How am I going to get to Europe or America? Now, if it's time, I'll go... Do you think we should accept them better than that? ”

Seungho talks to Khan and Idr, who were separated a moment ago from the story of Draksh.

“You've talked about everything. The decision is yours... Khan will follow your brother, and Eid will follow Khan. Just think of him as a mercenary. Two... especially Eid, one of the best hunters in the world. ”

“Of course. But you have to believe it. Oh, this is so troublesome... ”

As Seung-ho wrapped his head around him, his nation clapped his shoulders with a meaningful smile.

“Isn't there something more troubling? ”

“Ha…. Should I tell her when I get home...? Even if I put him on lockdown over there, I can't help but talk... It's gonna be okay. ”

Seung-ho had not been hidden from his parents for less than two weeks, but he laughed in his current situation to reveal the truth.

But if I told you the truth, I hypnotized myself about how to get over it.

“Can you write an article for the evening news? ”

“Of course. I'm always ready to write about my brother. ”

Seung-ho felt a little relieved at the sight of the nation speaking with trembling nervously.

“Then tell your parents during the afternoon... They'll have to wait a few more days before coming to a conclusion. I can't believe it. ”

“Do as you please. But in a word, the car looked desperate. ”

His eyes frown in support of the compartment that almost killed him.

“Okay, let me think. ”

“Oh, get me out of here. Thank you, Taeho. ”

“You have to write a good article, you know? ”

Once again, emphasizing the race in front of the villa, she put her hands on crutches and waved to the hull.

“You don't have to tell me. I know. Don't worry, just go home and convince your parents. ”

“You've turned my insides upside down. ”

“Haha, brother, go inside!”

As Seung-ho laughs and enters the villa, Taeho quietly drives his car home. The closer I got to the house, the heavier my heart became.

* * *

“You've been busy since New Year's. Oh, I bought so many presents. ”

He left Nusreh, holding a gift full of both hands and handing it over from Seungho's hand.

“I didn't buy it the last time I went to Japan. I bought all the presents at once. ”

“Uncle, what's your name? ”

Sung-ah took out a neatly packed box and glanced with her eyes, asking if she could open it. Next to him, Shia picks up a car and stares at it.

“What you're holding is a toothpaste. Try it. It's my grandmother's, and my mother's most famous urong car in Taiwan.”

“Brother, I just bought all the food, so I guess it was delicious. ”

The democrat looks at the goods that Seungho bought next to him and smiles lightly.

Seung-ho smiled at the democracy and looked around the house looking for his father. But I didn't feel like he was in the house.

“That's right... What about my father?”

“Wait a minute. He's out learning the way. You're not used to it yet. ”

When Seung-ho came to Taiwan this time, he said that the clothes that his mother had taken were helpful because it was colder than I thought, because it was so hard because it rained too much.

After talking to my father about Taiwan, I started to tell him the full story.

“Seong-goon? Would you like to take Shea up for a moment? ”

Seong, who had already eaten the sixth fungus, tilted his head with his mouth, but quickly read Seung-ho's atmosphere, grabbed Xia's hand and went up to the room.

However, when Seung-ho was holding the mood to lose his luck, his father put his hands on Seung-ho's shoulders.

“If it's hard for you to tell, I will. ”


“Honey, let my son just let Hunter do his job. ”

Seung-ho was surprised by Father's sudden words, but he was just looking her straight in the eye.

“What the…. ”

While Mother was confused, I was thankful for the situation my father gave me, and Seung-ho held Mother's hand.

“Dad, let me tell you something. Mother, I lied to you. It wasn't an association model, it was actually closing more than Grade Three gates. ”

At Seung-ho's words, Mother hardened her face and cared for her words, and the time of silence followed.

“Mother, do you remember Gate 20, 21 years ago? It's trying to reopen, and I need to help stop it. ”

Even though the voice was full of appeal, Mother did not have a word, even with her eyes closed. Seung-ho was just continuing to stroke the back of his mother's hand.

“You'll hate me for being so stubborn, but trust me once. ”

“… Huh? ”


I kept my mouth shut for a long time, and I didn't know if Mother's voice was heavy or if she could speak properly. Mother watered her neck with cold tea water.

“Do you really want to do this? ”

Mother's eyes, looking at Seungho's eyes, were not as stubborn as they used to be.

“I might be able to stop it if I don't go. But we don't know how many people are going to die. Mother, no one is stronger than me by my measurements. They say strong power comes with responsibility. But don't worry, I don't want to get hurt. ”

“… one thing. ”

My mother stopped talking as if she were strangled, clearing her throat.

“Promise me one thing, son. ”

“Yes, speak to your mother. ”

“I don't need anything else, so I'll just come back like I left the house..." Promise me you'll come back in one piece. That's one thing for this mother. ”

Seung-ho took his hand out of Seung-ho's wrapped hand and wrapped it around Seung-ho's hand, and he nodded briefly, looking at Mother's eyes, with her permission to stroke slowly.

“I promise.”