I Was A Porter

57Alliance Frontline (2)


Sergey, a reporter facing Ehua and Eid, has been snorting ever since.

Seung-ho ignores Sergei's words thoroughly, even though he shouts that it's okay to fight without showing them.

At first glance, there was a smile coming out of his mouth because he must have liked this kid because he thought he would rub his face in front of his eyes.

All the hunters other than her were nothing but gazelles.

“Son of a bitch, what are you splitting up? I'll break your arms and legs... ”

Yoohwa looks at Sergey smiling and flinches his legs as if he wanted to run right away.

“Enough. It's not good to feel bad about being in the same unit all the time. ”

“They did it first, but aren't you angry? Oh, you didn't give her that look. ”

He was not a child who couldn't understand the heartache of the emulsion, so he just frowned and sighed.

“Then you must hate Seung-ho. ”

I watched the words flinch, smiling at the application, and I flicked my finger to begin.

* * *

The continuous movement that had to be expressed as flying, not just by magical force in the body through the air, was ecstasy itself.

Sergey glances at the brief struggle between him and Eid, and he reaches down to the ground and snaps his fingers, and then he wakes up.

“Come on.”

I didn't have the right to refuse because I said something earlier.

Sergey stands in front of him with dead eyes like a cow being dragged to the slaughter, but looking at his eyes, he looks at him to see if he feels uncomfortable.

“Do you want to stop torturing the weak? ”

At Seung-ho's words, he nodded and smiled and gestured to come closer.

“You don't have to make enemies. He'll thank you for your generosity. Good job."

As he stroked his head with the horse, he smiled single, with a pleasant smile.

After a short commotion, Seungho clapped his hands and gathered his gaze around him.

“If you want to capture Yeti, at least use the skills you just showed us to avoid an attack. First, we'll discuss the details and then we'll share our skills, so gather around. ”

At the end of the promotion, everyone gathered quickly to actively discuss the schedule in order to shorten the time by a minute.

“I'll teach him. ”

Of course, the small vengeance of the emulsions is not yet over.

When Eugene picks Sergey up with his finger and points, he trembles.

“You complained that you were wrong to teach anyone. ”

“I think I can do it now. ”

I could see myself stepping forward just to harass him, but I nodded.

The schedule needs to be restored, so after two days of training, I decided to enter on the third day.

Everything flows as expected just before entering the gate.

Most of the people who would take the lead quickly acquired skills, and the emulsions were replaced because they also failed to teach Sergey well.

* * *

“Enter the position in the order we discussed last night.... Are you ready?”

Seeing how there were so many people, there was a barrel of drums outside the gate.

Seung-ho, who was the first to enter, was lightly warming up in front of him.

In a thick protective clothing, Seungho turns his head toward Yeongho, looking at the draksh that will come after him once.

“Let me put it this way. ”

The overall command was left to Yeongho as recommended by Seung-ho.

Although many complaints arose from the members of the Primero Guild about the recommendation to be partisan, Draksh stepped up and silenced his complaint in one word.

“I agree.”

Just one word, but all the members of the Primero Guild step back, silent.

Young-ho died for no reason because she desperately showed how much influence she had inside the guild, but her chest widened as she patted her shoulders.

“Yeti is strong. But we're stronger. Let's go home unharmed. ”

It was so short, but everyone wanted it.

Among the attackers who stepped into the gate, the Irish Guild members who were frequently associated with Yuutai and Iris recorded their expected location as soon as they entered, looking for the location of the sun.

“I think we're about 230 kilometers south of the previous Third Grade Gate. ”

It was natural for me to write a rough map.

“The polar regions are also quite large... ”

“If you think it's about the same size as the Earth, you can't say it's that wide. ”

“But you know what? The Arctic is a desert zone? ”

“I'm not curious, I don't want to know. Eid, ask him if this is the right direction. ”

Suddenly, a blizzard erupted while talking to him.

With less than a few meters of visibility, you crouch and wait for the storm to pass.

After about a decade of storm, I noticed a spotless view of the polar landscape.

And in the direction that the attackers were trying to go, you see something wobbling.

“What's that? ”

A speckle-looking creature climbs down the ice wall quickly.

“... He came to meet the landlord. ”

I said it in ridicule, but it was no laughing matter at all.

Especially when I saw the last one running, Seung-ho reminded me of Balock.

“As I practiced, I will deal with Yeti in pairs of five. Focus on your defenses rather than your attacks, and keep your distance from the beside troops to avoid being surrounded! ”

In Yeongho's voice, the attackers raise their magic slightly as Yeti approaches.

There were five individuals who appeared to be special species among the monsters, one of whom appeared to be a gate master at a glance.

“Gate masters will be stopped, one on the left, one on the US, Russia, Asia and Primero! ”

As Seung-ho strikes forward, frightening to the end of Yeongho's words, the men who will face the Specialty Bell come forward.


As I watched the incoming tide, the more frenzied creatures sped up.

Seung-ho leaped into the air to ignore the crumbs and lightly greeted the Yetiking face with a magic bullet.

You rush at him, not knowing if it was an impenetrable attack.

When he arrived quickly into the air and soared high, he also jumped high, striking the ground with both hands.

Ascension was much higher than I expected, so Seungho was surprised and went down instead of going higher.

“Shhhhh!! ”

Fooled Yetiking starts screaming in the air.

Seung-ho shoots a magic bullet into his hollow butt, and Taunts him properly.

He stepped on the ground, pushing the Yeti between Seung-ho and Seung-ho with his arms, running toward Seung-ho.

Among the Yeti who were overwhelmed by such a Yetiking frenzy, Seungho cheered.

Seungho tries to divert a little further and divert between the Yeti, but the Yetiking turns his eyes to the spot.

“... He's the same person who's after the basics. ”

The other day, I remembered a lot of people had died, so I decided to just stick to it.

As Seung-ho came down from the air, the Yetiking rushed in excitedly revealing his teeth.

Fortunately, there was no one around because the Yetis had already run toward the mainland in case they were attacked together.

I sent a dozen drills close to one spot, but he just blocked it with his palm.

Without magic.

“Harder is harder. ”

I dug between my legs like a wooden column, dodging like a rat, and dragging time, he hit the ground hard.

Suddenly, the polar ice shatters across the floor, narrowing your vision for a moment.

Due to his narrowed vision, Yetiking quickly swings his arm at Seungho, who quickly retreats back.

Although it did not hit the arm directly, Seungho bounced off the floor with a simple wind pressure.


Even though I protected myself by my magic, my bones waved so much that I didn't know how many times I was spinning in the air.

Before Seung-ho woke up, Yetiking had already leapt into the air.

I clasped my hands in the air and slammed Seung-ho into a squeeze.

You lose some sense of direction, but you don't disappear to the extent of the Yetiking attack coming down.

You unscrew your fingers and swing your arms toward Ascension, but fortunately, you are not caught in the wind pressure this time.

I dodged into the air for a moment, avoiding the successive swinging of the Yetiking attack, and looked down at Yetiking with a seemingly ridiculous eye.

“What…. ”

It was an absurd flesh-eating monster.

When Seung-ho got tired of seeing a tough guy like this and floated in the air, he opened his mouth like a powder.

“Hey... ”

Seung-ho, who barely managed to avoid the incoming attack without joining the horses, sighs.

As Seung-ho continued to stay in the air, he looked at the demonstration as if to ask him to come back down again.

Baloch couldn't have handled it this hard, but he wasn't in any trouble.

If I had the time, I would try to take it step by step, but as a hostage, I demanded a melee battle, so I had to go down again.

“I want to punch you... ”

If he had discovered it first, Yeti, who was insensitive to magic, would have gathered magic from a distance and then attacked, but the sky helped them.

Seung-ho was forced back down to the same gaze as the counterthreat, and quickly dodged like a rat in front of the cat.

“I'll help you!”

He tried to come screaming from afar, but there was no room to interfere in the situation where Seungho was swinging around and swinging unilaterally.

Especially in the case of weak melee combat, it was useless to interfere with the lungs, so I only bit my lips tightly.

However, when I helped him from a distance, all the attacks at the oil level were blocked.

The overwhelmingly durable body and the Yetiking ability to pull magical power out of the body did not enter the attack at the usual level.

Yetiking remained intact as long as the regular yeti and special papers were processed little by little.

In the meantime, Draxi and Eid have also arrived, but there is no way to strike from a distance.

“Seung-ho! Draksh said he'd buy time close by instead! ”

Not only did he choose the method, but he took the bait himself with a magic move that had not yet been completed.

Seung-ho left immediately as the Draksh grabbed Yetiking's back and caught his eye.

“Whew, you're damn strong. ”

“Could it be a hedgehog? ”

“If we can get inside that tech's usable streets, it's a good way to die. ”

Seung-ho said, as his expression became depressed, he tried to feel himself, but he couldn't afford it.

“I'll deal with Draxc alone. Help me clean up behind him." ”

Even though I cleaned up about halfway, I was able to see how many people had lost a lot of horsepower despite a short battle, and even a lot of people backed off.

To encourage the feeling of depressing oil, I stroked my head once and ran straight back with a smile.

Draksh was no different from himself.

Seung-ho started reading his patterns because he was spending as much time scratching his nerves as he could, but he couldn't hold on indefinitely.

Draxi was moving in the same pattern as possible, whether it was for such a victory.

Before the Yetiking realized that, he had to punch him.

Once in the sky, I was prepared to demonstrate the Centaurus-inspired archer.