I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated (WN)

33 Promise before departure

Hobgoblin Crusade Expedition Day.

We were coming to Grandpa Garth's blacksmith. I asked for it, to receive the sheath.

"Hey, I've been waiting for you. Take this guy."

"Oh, this is my sheath!

Handed to me by Grandpa Garth was a black dyed leather sheath in a chic hue. Plain, but thanks to good tailoring, it doesn't look miserable.

"Mmm, master."

"Oops. Let's just..."

It fits snugly in the sheath held by Fran in front of him.



I'm so calm. As much as I am when I'm stuck on a pedestal. Rather, it could mean that the pedestal, sheath-like, calmed down.


Like when I soaked myself in a hot bath, I got an extremely pleasant voice. But it's really good. I didn't know you had a sheath storage craving for your sword.

Besides, thanks to Grandpa Garth's good arm, he fits his body exquisitely. That also gives me peace, as if wrapped in a futon. I want to fit in my sheath all the time already. That's how calm I am.

"Grandpa Garth. That's great. That's great. '

"Ha. You like it more than anything."

"Master, you look happy"

"Oh, this is a good sheath."

"Besides, it's not just a sheath, is it?

Garth smiles like a prank kid and puts his hand on the sheath.

"I thought it was just a sheath without art, so I left a little work on the sheath."

"What? Is it true, Lombe Oak!

"Ron O-Luc? Who?"

"Sorry, I was a little too excited"

Fine work on the sheath? At first glance, nothing.

"You got hardware here, don't you?


"If you take this off like this..."


"Sheath broken vertically"

"Oops, it's easy to get out of the sheath without having to use the lady's hand."

'Heh. That's good. It's easy to undo the sheath.'

If you hold it down with a mindfulness and stop the hardware, it'll be the original sheath in no time.


"You know! I had a hard time combining it with strength, didn't I?

Even though I am a blacksmith, leather products are also first-class products. You're just the highest level blacksmith.

"Well, thank you, then?

"Whoa. Good luck with that."


Okay, let's go to the rendezvous point. They gather in front of the gate and head to the goblin's nest. Goblins have not overflowed the dungeons yet, and now they may be able to destroy them without causing damage to the surrounding area.

"You were so adventurous"

There will be about 50 of them.

"But not very strong"

"Is Donado the strongest?"

Donado is rank C, but he's also famous as a trainer who trains beginners. There were other Rank C adventurers, but there seemed to be no objection to Donado playing the role of leader.

"Hey, why are the kids mixed up!

However, against Fran, you seem to have some objections. Well, some of the tingly adventurers would stand out if they had a mix of nervous thin girls, and they'd be irritated not to play.

"Bear the sword, what are you going to do?"

You're a kid too, you've been calling me! He was a skinny young man, old enough to want to say. The armor you're wearing is still beautiful and runs out.

They can't take part in G-rank adventurers, so it should be more than F-rank...... I feel like I've seen it, and even Goblin can't beat it. Slightly stronger than goblins in status, but really a subtle difference.

Maybe it's not a combat system, but a mouth ranked up for deliveries all over the city or luggage hauling requests. You're vulnerable to dantotsu among the adventurers I've ever seen, like swordsmanship lv1. I guess we're short on manpower to summon this far.

"Goblin, we're getting rid of it."

"It's an important battle to protect Aretha. Kids like you, your feet are tied! Mostly, only Adventurers above Rank F. Kids go home!

You look so unpleasant. It's just that Fran stands at my pace, ignoring the youth for cancer, and bawling.

"Hey, are you listening?

"Shit. Come here, this isn't a children's playground. Do the adventurer thing over there."

Maybe this young man is anxious, before he fights the Hobgoblin Corps. Well, he's definitely the one with the upper hand. So, strangely, where the spirit is daunting, there was this attacking opponent, so he said he was involved.

The reactions of the adventurers around us vary. Those who look funny, those who ignore me without regard, and those who look like they can, including youth. From the side, it just seems like the kids are making a mess out of place.


"Damn, don't move!

A young man yelling as irritated at Fran, who shouts his hand as a leopard. I think it's time to stop it because it's going to piss me off. That's what I was thinking, but none of the adventurers around here seem to be actively involved.

No, some of them were angry or about to yell, but they're parked by the adventurers around them.

"Hey, stop it!

"Why not?"

"That 's--"

"Rumors -"

"Seriously -"

Apparently, events in the guild and the defeat of Goblin have spread to some adventurers. However, there are people in any place who don't understand the importance of information and don't listen to the stories around them. This boy is an adventurer who has been yelling intimidating.

"Hey, you fucking kids! Just now! Get out of my way! You're on time for your luggage!

"Oh, I'm not a luggage man! He's a historic F-rank adventurer!

"It's freshly ranked f, rank g or something. Eh!

"Still, I'm rank F. You are eligible to participate!

"Me too Rank F"

As the young man was surprised, he looked down at Fran. I guess I never thought I was an official adventurer.

"Ha ha ha ha. You guys F-rank? If a miscellaneous fish kid like you is F, I'm A-ranked!

Where you don't say s, it would be the limit of this guy.

"Whoa. Are you sure these guys are F-ranked? Adventurers are a lot easier to rank."

"Well, they're relic fishermen."

"I thought it would be a connection to my next job, so I signed up, but apparently it's going to be an easy win!

Are these ex-mercenaries, too? According to what I heard, there was a war in a neighbouring country, but it ended earlier than I thought, and a large number of mercenaries were born into jobs.

I saw the status, but it's not a big deal at all. Now, how can you be so prestigious?

"Hehe. You have something nice."

"Whoa? That sounds like a much better sword."

"Give me that."

You have high eyes for me. Well, it's a diminution to reach out and take away. Mainly in terms of lack of crisis management capacity.

The young man involved in the franc has goosebumps and is flying away, even if he felt chills. Good response. I guess I felt Fran's unleashed killing spirit. By contrast, the mercenary collapses are not trying to stop the hand stretching on the inferior side.


"You guys, that's it!

It was just before Fran tried to move. Donado has broken in between the mercenaries and Fran. And mess with the men.

"Damn, you idiots! We don't need it before we leave. Don't make a scene!

"No, we're not..."

Exactly, he felt the intimidation emanating from Donado. My face is drawn.

"There is no excuse. I've been watching everything. Work at best with the Goblin exorcism! So I'll make you a charlatan."

In the meantime, Fran, who lost interest in the men, misses the killing, leaves the spot. I decided it was better not to stand out any more, my instructions. Behind you, a youth adventurer is complaining about Fran.

"He's got instructor Donald Rondo to help you, and you don't even get a thank you!

"Ha ha. Of course, I didn't help your daughter!


"Damn, before we leave, we'll lose our power."

Donald's, how dangerous do you think Fran is? No matter how much francs, they don't imitate less power before an important operation. Maybe. Plus, I overdid it, and I don't know what to do with healing magic.

"There may be some after-effects."

'Nothing. I mean, let's do our best to get rid of goblins. "

"Mmm. Sure."