214. Red Thread Dropped in Hell [Abyss]

"I remember my little finger being touched, but I didn't hear it was a red thread!"

"Hah, didn't I tell you?" However, if you connect the red (magic) threads that are destined to never cut the pinky fingers of men and women, it's like you already promised a contract as a divine ceremony..... "

"What a pushy god! Were you that kind of personality!?"

"Well, I tried not to talk too much." Well, more than that. "


No, Wise God Fragment.

Perhaps it is another consciousness of God Weiss that wants to save the entire human race, not just people.

It opens your mouth.

“Are you going? You're not going? Now, if you follow the red thread, you'll know where Lugi-kun is. The rest depends on how you feel."

"No, no, no!"

While blushing.

While the fate of the world was at stake, Fine, who could not help but be blushed, shouted:

"It's impossible!? What do you think!?" In hell!? Even that Fenrir-sensei would risk his life if he touched the flames of hell. I'll see you soon. "

But God Weiss looked at Phine like that, and when he winked his eyes,

"Isn't there a great wise man who believes in human bonding?" Will he ever overlook the fact that men and women get torn apart? No. "

"Don't talk to yourself, Pinot."

I say it in awe.

However, his mouth would have been smiling.


"Our school does not prohibit romantic relationships in school. Do as you please. Besides, at this time, someone like Lugi is determined to save it."

Hmm, I totally agree.

Pinot and I said with our mouths shut.

"A man like that needs a sister-in-law like Phine."

"Hey, what the hell is that?"

Increasingly blushing, Finne's mouth twitched.

"Nothing, nothing like this." Phine. Haaaaaa!!! "

"That's right, Fine." Come on, get out of here. I'll put all my skills on you!!! "

Pino and I intercept the rambling shadows.

"Hey, I'm at my limit!" Why don't you come back and start talking nonsense! "

"That's right! It's a pain in the ass, even from the elves." Let's just bring her home and hang out! "

My classmates say it too.

I mean,

Milord, it's time to go to the limit.

The Holy Spear will temporarily open the gates of hell!

“Assemble the Shadow Interceptor Formation around me. It will last a minute.”

The faces of the Wise Men's Party also opened their mouths.

"Fuck you. Either way, if you don't go, you're doomed."

"Oh, no! But I can't be responsible for the future of this planet...!"

I shook my head smiling.


That's not true.

"It's the other way around." Fine. It's your bond with that idiot that's going to save Lugi. And it has to be. "


Fine tilted her neck.

"The evil god (cosmic cancer) has left." However, in the far future, the next evil god was likely to come. I don't even know when the gates of hell will open. I don't know what will happen to the human beings who live on the continent. "

That's why

"The fragmentation of God Weiss explored the possibility of governing by force with people at the top. I chose the possibility that all living creatures on earth could join forces to create a future for the stars."

"In other words, Sensei...."

Oh, I'm nodding.

"The Human Demon Alliance School was built for that. It's not power, it's just bonding. More to the point, we should be able to help our friends regardless of their race. What is Luigi to you?"

"A dear friend."

Without putting it in her hair, Fine replied.

I nodded,

"Isn't that good enough?"

Yeah, that's right.

Fine nodded her head convincingly, and she saw her fighting spirit in her eyes.

"I don't need a reason to help my friends!!"

At the same time as I heard her, I stroked the wise man's staff.

To give her enough support skills to survive in the abyss of hell.