Though not all of them were fine…, the pair for now was also decided to change into swimsuits and regroup.

We're going to move to a pretty solid building with a dressing room where men and women are going to be separated and dressed... well, naturally, the fastest way to get dressed is for me to wait for everyone.

... and that's what I thought...

"... It's early, isn't it, Mr. Shiro?

"In the first place, you don't have to move to the dressing room"

"... Speaking of which, you did"

In the same white-coloured swimsuit I used to wear when I went to the sea with him, Mr. Ciro, wearing a floral paleo and changing his hair to ponytail, was waiting at the rendezvous point one foot away.

This is the second time I have seen Mr. Shiro's swimsuit, but it is still a beauty that I think may be something of an incarnation of beauty.

"Uh, Mr. Shiro. Swimsuit, it's so beautiful. Besides, that hairstyle looks great on you."

"Thank you. You can give me more compliments, right? Praise me, I rejoice."


I was thinking about what was to come, grinning somewhere at Mr. Shiro's condition as usual. I mean, in short... I was a little nervous.

Because now the lovers, who have been dressed sequentially, come here. And I don't even bother to think about it, I think they're all so cute.

Then again, it would be worthwhile for me as a lover to praise him firmly for his appearance. And if you can, I just want to compliment you with different rhetoric.

The only problem here is my vocabulary...... whether it comes to mind that I can just fulfill and give the Seven a solid compliment from here......

This was the second time I've seen Mr. Shiro, so I don't feel like I could have seen him calm down a bit, but from here on out, I totally saw him for the first time...... I'll have to get in the mood.

And, thinking about it, I heard Clo's bright voice shortly afterwards.

"Sorry to keep you waiting..." Oh, that?

Looking back, I saw Crowe coming this way with a bright smile on his face.

The chrome swimsuit is a seemingly simple black seperate type bikini with a calm, dark shade of floral paleo...... is that it? This combination...

Cro, who appeared in a pair of swimsuits that looked familiar somewhere, came close to me and Mr. Shiro... and gave me a stunned look when I saw Chirali and Mr. Shiro, and once I took my gaze off, I looked at Mr. Shiro again... and I fell on my knees.

"... or was it worn?!?

Yes, Clo's swimsuit was the exact same combination, so to speak, of Mr. Shiro's different colors. On top of that, the hairstyle is also ponytail...... well, Clo's hair is not as long as Mr. Shiro's, so I wear it when I say it's short pony, but the hairstyle is also worn.

No, well, there are eight of us, and I don't think there's any choice in wearing a swimsuit...

"Oh, calm down, Cro. If there are eight of us, we can't help but wear it... it looks better than that. I think it's cool to feel a little grown up in dark shades."

"... kite kun. Eh, thanks."

I was a little shocked that my swimsuit was worn, but I stood up with a hazy smile on my face when I brought it back with me to follow up.

... But ironically, there was now a better ability on this scene to read the air by default.

"You're my winner."

"... ugh, yeah? Winning... what?

For some reason, Crowe tilted his neck with a strange face against Mr. Shilo, who suddenly made a declaration of victory.

"I've never seen this swimsuit before. And Crowe's never been in that bathing suit before… I mean, I'm the first."

"Ugh, yeah?

"... I mean, 'Cro is my second fry', which is my win"

"... what...?

Whoa, that's getting some weird air. The look on Clo's face when he heard Mr. Shiro's words solidified, and a little bit of black misty stuff leaked out of his body.

"... hey, what is this? I don't care if I've worn it already, but that's why Shiro's so proud of me... something annoying"



At that moment I felt like I could hear something hanging up with Putung. It's something I've known for a long time, but Mr. Shiro is only confrontational to his cro opponents. And Crowe, too, has no mercy for Mr. Shiro. From what I've heard, he sometimes quarrels with both warm cro and Mr. Shiro.

That is also proof that we are close... in this case...

"... Shilo, let's exercise a little before the sea bath, shall we? Right?"

"Do you want the addition of black stars? I don't mind."

"I didn't lose in the first place...... was it hard to understand with Shiro's stone head? Then I'll knock you in."

"Take it. Let's stand."

Clo, who tells with a drawn grin, and Shiro, who is expressionless and full of confrontation, disappeared after that exchange. I think he probably went for a fight.

... Well, it looks like you just don't start here all of a sudden. You'll be back by the seawater bath.

When I was in the shape of being alone on the beach and feeling an indescribably subtle air, I could hear such a lovely voice soothing my heart.

"... kite... please wait"

"Mr. Isis."

"... how about...?

With a slightly shy look on his face, Mr. Isis, who came, wore a cute swimsuit with lots of frills.

Longer hair is wrapped in a single piece behind the neck, and its appearance exposes clear white skin at all costs is adorable for the contrarian class. Just looking at it seems to purify my mind...... it is exactly angel.

"The bathing suit is adorable and looks great, and its hair is fresh and lovely."

"... thanks... glad"

... I think it would be wrong to give such a cute person such a noisy street name as Death King. I know the guy I put it on as well as I want...

"Kai-chan, thank you for waiting"

"Ah, Mr. Faith - Huh!?

And the next thing that struck me was a shock... Mr. Faith appeared in a swimsuit with a tremendous impact the moment he saw it, which seemed like he would accidentally say "so" or something.

Mr. Faye's swimsuit... I don't remember wandering, but did you just say cross holter? It was a bikini with cloth crossed in front of the neck and a view of the valley of the chest.

I think the white, purple and black tri-colors look good on Mr. Faye in balanced shades, but it is the breast size of all that spills that really shocks me more than that.

The impact of Mr. Faith's swimsuit, who is also the biggest boobs of my lovers, is sobering, and sometimes he walks normally without a cushion right now, and his eyes are unintentionally drawn to that shaky chest.

When I look at him, I feel reminded of the appeal of something called a transistor glamour.

"... Mr. Faye, it's kind of fresh that when you're in a swimsuit, it usually changes your impression of glare, but it's so cute."

"Aha, thanks...... but I've never worn a swimsuit before...... hey, that's cramped"

"Oh, really?

"Yeah, there's some kind of pressure around my chest, it feels different than usual."

"Hey, I see..."

I'll tell you casually, Mr. Faye, but I can't calm down enough. Because that statement means... after all, Mr. Faith is usually... unworn... hey, no, calm down, don't imagine! I'm in my swimsuit now, too, and if I get weird and conscious, it's gonna be a big deal.

Oh, calm down, it's a deep breath... but there's still four of us... I mean, if you think about it... you're surrounded by eight swimsuit beauties, right? Will I be able to stay calm until the end?