I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

New Adventurer and Legendary Bandit ③

As I watched the chat between Noin and Hapti, Professor Fear and the others approached me to see if the conversation was over.Teacher Fear opened his mouth with a gentle smile after he turned his gaze towards Chilari and Hapti.

"I think I've already finished this conversation, and I guess I should just say... it's been a while."

"... uhhh... um..."

"What? You're kidding, right? Maybe I'm forgotten?No, no, I fought this fiercely, but such an idiot..... "

"A fierce battle... ah, ahh!"

Professor Fier called out as the demon king who once fought, but Hapti said, "Who is this guy?It was like a reaction. But I'll tell you right away that I remembered.

"I fought over the" Heritage of the Burning Kingdom "that was destroyed with me before...."

"What is that!? Huh? The kingdom you want to burn?No, it has absolutely nothing to do with me, but that's a word that bothers me too much... "

"What?" "Ancient Takoyaki Civilization"? "

That's another matter.

"No, no, why are you reacting with your normal face!?What is this feeling, like a friend has gone far away... me?Am I crazier? "

It's okay, Dr. Fiore. The three of us are not following.No, even so, I would love to hear about the battle over the legacy of that burning kingdom...

It feels like Mr. Hapti's pace just now, but Professor Fear told him to switch the conversation after coughing for a while.

"... I'm the ex-Demonic King who fought you."

"Demon King... Ah ~ Well, if you ask me... I didn't know because it looked a lot different."

"Ah, that's right.Compared to those days... "

"When I was a demon king, for the time being, I felt pathetic at first glance with the atmosphere that conveyed," Ah, it hurts, "as if I had made the idea that" I would look like a villain if I wore dark lineage shades and sharp clothes ", but it would change if I changed ~"


"Fi, Feeaaaaahhhhhh!?"

Following the hero, the Demon King fell on his knees for moral damage... is it the strongest argument?However, as always, Hapti did not care about Dr. Fier's condition, and continued to speak with indifference to everything.

"I mean, why Sister? Has the Devil awakened to religion?"

"... no, this looks like a result of a pile of misunderstandings, I'm not a sister, I'm a doctor."

Hee ~

When Hapti nodded with a loose reply, Nein opened her mouth with her neck tilted.

"... Speaking of which, the shock of reuniting with Hapti was so great that I was late to hear it, but why did Hapti talk to the happy people?- No way!? Ha, Haptie, don't hurry!Happy people are certainly rich, but targeting them is too much.... "

"Don't say anything horrible!?You know Hikari, I don't make money that doesn't match the risk and the return... that's where I come from, right?I'm buying Kate's information... not where the risks and returns don't match!I just want you to tell me what kind of return is commensurate with the risk of cheating on Kite. "

"... well, that's right. Even you know who you shouldn't put your hands on."

"I think the risk of hostility with Kite is greater, even if everything in the world is available.It's not a level that really doesn't suit me. "

Somehow, it's amazing, Alice.I mean, I'm really in a hurry... honestly, Alice's acting is too much, and even if I knew who Hapti was, I'd almost forget Alice.

Well, thanks to that, I'm also acting like Hapti and I haven't met each other for the first time without feeling uncomfortable...

"I've been asked by King Phantom to protect these three... to be precise, the new adventurer Aoi and Hina."

"... what? Did Kusuki and Yuzuki become adventurers?"


"The other day...."

Having listened to the conversation and thinking like that that I hadn't spoken to Mr. Noyne and Dr. Fier yet, Haptie slapped me.

"Oh, yeah! Just the right thing to ask Fear."

"Huh? What is that (true), like there's another one... eh?Maybe you're still pulling the story about the kingdom you want to burn?So I have nothing to do with it!? "

"Well, leave it."

"... I don't want you to put it on your own."

"Are you qualified for a magic test?"

"Hmm? Oh, that's what I'm talking about... Kusuki-chan and Yuzuki's primary doctor.Yeah, I have both the magic test qualification and the full recovery certificate issuance qualification, so I'm fine.Even when Noah and Lou were on duty, I was in charge. "

A word came out that I didn't know, but Professor Fea nodded with a smile, and Aoi and Yang Na looked convinced.

"... Aoi, what is your magic test qualification?"

"Well, an adventurer needs to have a medical examination once every six months, but there are magic tests instead of regular ones, so I have to have a doctor with special qualifications.Even the Alliance can do it on a designated date, but it seems to be quite crowded, so if you can accept it separately, that's better.... "

"Is there such a thing...?"

"Yes, and when I get seriously injured, I can't do my next job unless I get a full recovery certificate from a doctor, but I'm also eligible to issue a full recovery certificate."

I see.

It would be nice for Aoi and Yanaka to have those two qualifications, and it was good to know here.

... uhhh, it's too late... to leave Lillian alone and leave in such a hurry... perhaps the timing was right from the beginning to talk to Dr. Fear and his doctor?... it's a story that Alice would have liked.