I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

New adventurers and legendary thieves ⑨

Shortly after I mouthed the spell of doom, my body was once again wrapped in a semi-transparent sphere and the view switched.Hapti, Aoi, and Yanaka are not alone, and it's a dark space like mine.

I mean, there's no Wyburn who might be the target, but right after I thought about it... there was a spotlight in front of me... something like a high-speed rotating wheel.

And at some point, there was a palm-sized button in front of me.

... uh, so I guess we can pick on the wheel because there are several types of attack?I somehow realized that Shiro was "stretched out."I suspected that whatever eyes I had, Wyburn would have no future of survival.

While feeling completely unspeakable, pressing the button in front of me... immediately afterwards, something flashed in the space in front of me, and Shiro's face came out with a cut-in look.

As usual, it is a faceless expression, but somehow it feels like the face is at an angular angle.Then there was something big in the fucking red that said "hot", and when the cut-in disappeared, the wheel glowed rainbow.

I don't know what kind of information I've bought this time, but just one word... this god is getting pretty tense.

And the wheel stops. Um, it's written in rainbow letters... what's the "End of Story (Epilogue)"? Is it a trick name?

Almost at the same time as I tilted my neck, my vision switched again... it was the universe, and I saw Wyburn a little further away.

Shortly after that, a meteorite-like object that flew at light speed hit Wyburn directly.And as the meteorite continues to fly through space, if you move your gaze to follow the sole, it suddenly becomes a stunning view... like you're looking down the entire universe.

Beyond the gaze, you can see an object like a giant black hole, not only a meteorite that crushed Wyburn, but also a number of planets and galaxies that are being sucked into, and the black hole is getting bigger and bigger.

And when it reaches a certain size, I think I see something shining in the center of the black hole... an explosion that swallows the universe, or the whole world... triggers a big bang.

It was as if the whole world would be surrounded by light. Suddenly, the scenery was switched three times: "The TV went off so that it turned off".

Now it's a flower field that stretches beyond the horizon, with pots and white tables, and I saw Shiro sitting in a chair reading a book.

The way Shiro was reading was kind of fresh, and before such an idea came to mind, Shiro closed the book that he was reading and took his hand off the book in such a way that it fell on the ground.

Then he switched to the book-up, where his sight fell, and the book burned out until Shiro took his hand off and shoved it to the ground, and even the ashes flowed into the wind.

Without a glance at such a sight, Shiro drank a cup of tea taken from nowhere, and his vision rose sharply, and the blue sky... I saw the biggest three-dimensional letter I've ever seen, Doya.

At the end of that giant letter, I returned to where I was, but Wyburn was nowhere to be found.

... it's like a super special attack!?Probably made it with a lot of thought?That space seems to have been deliberately created for this technique, and it seems like a great effort.In fact, it was very powerful, and I feel like there was a lot of performance, including how to show it.

Well, that's it... let me say it again, what the hell did Wyburn do!?

The first meteorite collision already looked like an overkill, but on top of that, he was drunk by a black hole, caught in a big bang, and eventually disappeared from the world?It's too much for me.

"... uh, Kate? We were technically in a few seconds, but is it over that Wyburn is gone?"

"... Hapti-san, fighting is... pathetic."

"I don't know what happened, but I only knew that Wyburn had bad eyes."

I kind of felt that the sky today was so blue.In the meantime, let's not eat Wyburn meat for a while.