The Temple of the Space-Time God Kronor on the upper level of the God Realm, and the Supreme God gathered in one of its rooms and surrounded the table.

Fate rolls up a bunch of paper and stares at Chronois and his life nervously.After hearing only the sound of paper rolling in a quiet room for a while, Fate smiles, exhaling lightly.

Yeah, okay! Let's do this!


Finally, you're one step ahead.

The three of them were discussing a festival in the Divine Realm entrusted to them by Charovanal, which Kronor and Life planned and confirmed.We can't move on to the next one unless Fate's OK.

At first, it was rejected by a quick move, and after Kronor and Life had learned about the festival of the human world, etc., and had been submerged a few more times, this time it was finally OK for Feito.

"I think this is good for the overall flow.Apart from the eyeballs, I think it would be nice if it was unique to the Divine Realm festival. "

"... unique, considering the form of the festival, is it safe to eat food, etc."

"Glorious tea and shallow grande are the most famous gods in the world, but... they're too expensive."It's extremely limited what you can buy. ”

Make a rough plan and discuss the basics.Listening to Fate's suggestion, Kronor and Life discuss it with a serious expression.

Since Fate is only a supervisor, he basically looks at the consultation between the two of them and gives advice everywhere.

"In this case, I don't think it needs to be necessarily a high-end and delicious product.The important thing is that it feels special at the festival of the God Realm. "

"I see... if so, I have some suggestions."Ingredients that don't exist in the human world or the demon world, but only in the divine world... prepare something relatively inexpensive.Is it possible to increase the ingredients in a short period of time, God of Life? "

"It's easy, except for items such as the Sharo Grande that need permission from Master Sharovanal..."

How about Glorious Tea?

It's possible, but I have a strong image of it as a very rare item.

If you can prepare a sole that has a special feeling that it can only be eaten at the festival of the god world, it will be a factor that will be pleased, and it will also be a great weapon for continuing the festival of the god world in the future.

However, too high-end items limit the number of people who can help.

“It doesn't have to be one special thing.Aristocrats, like Glorious Tea, would want something that is well known in the world, and I thought it would be good to prepare for those people. "

"I see, I will prepare both cheap and high-end products that can be sold to the general public... So, I also propose that you create a new product to commemorate the festival in the God Realm."Wine can be called shallow grande, so it's something else… but it's easy for us to make it, isn't it? ”

“That's a good idea. We'll process ingredients that we can use at our discretion to create something… I think we'll have to say no to Sharovanal, but I think it'll be a good commemoration.”

While watching Kronor and his life as he discussed, Fate thought with a light smile.

(This is a pretty good trend, isn't it?Referring to festivals in the human world and soliciting opinions from acquaintances has suppressed the idea of the divine race in a bad sense, and even if I do not revise the trajectory, the talk is going in a very good direction)

When I first came up with the plan, I saw the difference between the two of them, and as I realized their growth, Feito had an impressive expression.

(...... Sharovanal-sama is amazing.Because it's the life from Master Sharovanal, both of you have studied the festival quite seriously, and it has ended up broadening their horizons.When I supervise them first, I will suppress them from moving in a strange direction. After they grow up, each of them will take instructions from their subordinates to change their minds even for higher and lower gods...

In fact, Kronor and Life's discussions are going well from Fate's perspective, and I was confident that the festival would be completed at this pace for many people to enjoy.

And in itself, it will lead to the growth and change of the God Realm and Divine Clan, which have been closed until now... I just admire the way Sharovanal is looking ahead.

(However, if you go back to the past, it is thanks to Kai that Sharovanal-sama wanted to grow the Divine Clans and I was able to grow one foot first...... Fufu, Kai-chan is amazing after all)

Fate watches the conversation between the two of them as she thinks about it vaguely... She seemed to enjoy the meeting unexpectedly.