The last time I saw Mr. Cent, I was asked to break up... if we ever saw Mr. Torre again, I'd like him to stay and contact me if possible.

So, after meeting Torre, while I was talking, Sieg was in Hummingbird and contacted Cent.

Then, when Tore-san finished the second challenge with two points and came back with a satisfied expression, she heard a voice.


Chent and Sien rushed in to be contacted, and we moved our gaze to you.I'm glad I contacted you safely... but honestly, I still don't quite understand the situation.

Looking at the situation, I can imagine that Torre-san stole their eyes and escaped... but for that reason, Torre-san doesn't seem to be in trouble if she is found by them.

If the two of you were to show up now and wonder how you'd react...

"Ah, Sien in Cento." Would you like to try it out for both of us?This is quite difficult. "

There is no impatience, and he smiles with a very light feeling.

"Torre-sama!" He's gone again on his own!How worried we were!! "

"... what? I left a note."

"It's not that kind of a question!"Do you know that Torre-sama, me and Chento are escorts!? "

Of course I know, and we both always count on you.

Chento and Sien kept coming, but Torre felt very calm and very paceful.Somehow, though, I felt that it was clear that Cento and Sien were struggling.

"Then why are you going out without us!"

I was just going to hang out nearby.

"After all, you don't understand at all!?"I told you before to take us with you.... "

Sien scolded Mr. Torre, and after Chent had turned his gaze to us, he approached and lowered his head deeply.

"... thank you very much for contacting me."

No, I'm glad we're safely reunited.

When she told Mr. Chent to lower her head, Mr. Chent took out a few gold coins from his wallet.

"It's not much, but I'll give you a reward..."

"No, I don't need a gratuity."I just happened to meet her, so I just wanted to thank her. ”

"You're gentle, aren't you?" Thank you again..... "

After hearing my words, Mr. Chent lowered his head again and took out the paper... which looked like a business card from his pocket and gave it to me and Mr. Zeke.

Is there an address there?It had something like the name of the city on it, and it had the name of the branch of the Sedicchi Magic Hardware Chamber and the name of Mr. Chent.

"If there's anything you need, please let me know."The Magic Crystal Division works well for the face, so I'll prepare something nice for you. "

Thank you very much.

“If you have the chance, thank you.”

After receiving the business card and returning the words, Chento bowed his head three times and went to Torre, who was still being scolded by Sien.

"Come on, sister. I'll be back."

Huh? Was it already that time?

"... no, it's annoying to preach here."

"Ehhh... you have a sermon?"

“Of course, Sien and I still have a lot to say.”


Then she grabbed Mr. Torre's neck and dragged him away.At that time, Mr. Cent and Mr. Sien bowed to us, and Mr. Torre was pulled by us with a wave of fun.

Cent and Sien continued to preach to Torre as they took him to the Castle of Chrome Aina, where they had originally planned to stop.

"... so be sure to speak to us when you go out, regardless of distance."

Yeah, yeah.


Torre nods firmly to Cento's words... but this hand exchange has happened many times in the past, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the improvement was hopeless.

Because Torre is basically an optimistic personality, and because troubleshooting is a kind of forgetting afterwards, it was not difficult to imagine that it would be "Should I contact you later?" in the future.

"... well, after all we've said, I and Sien both know that Sister Torre doesn't ask much."

“Yes, that's why I called 'Help' this time.”

"... a helper?"

Torre was leaning his neck at their words, but as he approached the entrance of the castle, he turned pale when he saw the person there.

"... ah, Elder Sister Ai and Elder Sister Tsuba... isn't it against the rules to call these two?"No, don't disobey me..... "

Ain and Zwei were waiting in front of the gate.Torre opens his mouth, sweating like a waterfall, in a clear rush to see where his seemingly extra face had gone.

"Ah, Ai-san...... Tsu, Tsuva-san... no, it's been a long time.Tsva-san came home... it was a good time ~ I'm so glad to see you both. "


"I-I 'm so scared of your face... you've ruined my beauty.I like the gentle two of them... I don't think so. "


"... I don't think so. It's over... I'm totally done."

Look at the two of them, both quietly and clearly angry.Torre looked up at the heavens with a look like he had given up everything.Little by little, Torre's screams resounded in the clear blue sky.