I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

Idiocy, Chent, Sien ~ Transformation of the world with the sun ~

--The world was small and cold... at least for them.

The world was a terrible one for Cent, Sien, and the demons who were born twins.

Demons are not like humans, they don't necessarily have parents.Particularly, there are many cases where a demon race called a single species is born based on magic power, and it is not uncommon for people not to have parents or even relatives.

For the twins, the world was so narrow that only two of them could complete it, and it was also cold and dark that they could not feel the warmth.

The demon world at the time of their birth was about to undergo a major transformation with the spread of the system of six kings and titles.

They lived in such a time, supporting each other.They used the big city as a base for doing things like a convenience store.

Fortunately, the demon world was confused by the transformation, and it was not difficult to get enough money to live.

Both Chent and Sien were satisfied enough.They were quite capable of fighting, could have belonged to some kind of faction, could have taken their rightful place.

But they didn't take it for granted.As long as they stayed with each other, they would have lived together for a long time, but now they didn't feel like serving someone, and they continued to work in a convenient store without deeply engaging with anyone.

A turning point came to them... and the hanging was abrupt.I happened to see a demon in the city who was lost, and I asked if I could show him around.

Of course, it's not kind. I thought I could make some money, but I had such a plan.

"Really!? That would be really helpful!"

I didn't feel any emotion for the purple-haired woman who received a little reward and showed me the way... "Until I saw that I was lost again the next day."

When I looked at her face in amazement as to why she was lost in the same place for two days in a row, the woman noticed and asked for guidance again.

And the next day, when I saw a woman in the same place, I sighed unexpectedly.

"... so why are you lost in the same place for three days in a row?"Are you stupid? "

“Wonderful. The view looks different than it did yesterday.”

"The street is a bit different..."

The fact that they had been lost for three days in a row stunned both of them.To those two women...... Torre tells them with a bitter smile.

"No, actually, I was taking a long vacation and sightseeing, but this city is quite complicated and difficult to find."

"... no, it's usually the first time... if you get lost at the latest the second time, why don't you try to take measures?"

Torre opened his mouth in a casual manner, even though he talked with three directions.

"It's okay! Most things in the world will be handled!"

”... no, I'm not, so I'm lost right now?”

Sien puts a trick in Torre, but Torre laughs, wondering what's fun about it.

"It's happening? Look, you guys are helping me again."

"...... that's just for reward"

"Oh! Yes, I was wondering if you could show me around the city on your vacation?"


"... ah ~ you want me to guide you all the way during your vacation, or give you a tourist guide? It depends on the reward."

"Hmm, how much do you want..."

Torre came to the conclusion that he was a fool, and Chent was dumbfounded but told that he would accept it as a job for the time being.

I think it would be easy if I could just get paid for the tourist information, and I don't seem to be smart enough to fool us. I think I would be willing to get paid as long as I can...

It's been 30 days, so how about 3 gold coins?

"... what about you?"

Hearing Torre's words with a smile, Cent and Sien stiffened for a moment.Then he said he would talk to me and let Torre wait for a while before discussing it away.

"... three gold coins on the 30th?"What do you think, Sien? "

"It's too suspicious, but it doesn't look like you're trying to trick me... maybe some rich girl?"

"I pay well, I don't know about you... but do you need to hire a child who's barely the same as a vagrant like us?"

"...... in the meantime, would you like to try it?" Of course I'm vigilant, but.... "

"With three gold coins... you can buy a magic tool."Let's take a look..... "

Many of the magic tools invented by one of the six kings are extremely convenient, but they are not reachable by the two of them because they are only just beginning to become popular and their values are high.

I don't want to be extravagant, but I wanted to get a magic box that I heard could be preserved without deteriorating the ingredients.

That's why they thought this was a good opportunity, and the two were fully alert and accepted Torre's request.

And after 30 days of sightseeing... they were already swayed by Torre.Torre is basically optimistic, and he acts in a spirit that he will manage for now, so it's hard to guide him.

On top of that, Torre said that Cent and Sien would also go sightseeing and play together.I had no reason to refuse all the money if I had Torre, but anyway, I think Torre has the ability to act and will really go around the vast city in 30 days... somehow, it was very difficult.

Torre was very positive at the bottom and was very good at having fun.If they were attracted to it, they would stop and have sparkling eyes, be surprised by the greatness of the small things, and anyway, the appearance of Toré, who seemed to be enjoying the present moment with all his strength, was terribly dazzling for both of them.

As a result of Torre's swing, there was a new discovery in a city that was supposed to be inhabited for a long time.Pulled by Torre, he entered a high-end restaurant he had never used before, and was stunned by the deliciousness of the food served.

The frequency of conversations increased with each passing day, and one day the mood changed from "Torre tells me to hang out" to "Enjoy sightseeing with Torre".

And as the 30th day of the appointment approached, the loneliness that could not be said in their hearts grew.

For them, the world was a complete one...However, a third person broke in by force.

In a world that was supposed to be cold... I felt a warmth other than each other's.

"... hey, are you two coming with me?"

That is why the words that were spoken at the end of the thirty-day tour shook their hearts greatly.

The smile on Torre's face was too dazzling to turn away, and his hand was too warm to wave away...

Then they took Torre's hand and chose to go with her.Brought to Torre, Chromeina and her family walked by, and their world grew wider and warmer.

Having gained great strength from Chrome Aina's leadership, the two of them volunteered for her escort in return for the Torre that changed their world, and continue to do so.

Lying on the bed, Torre murmured with a relaxed expression.

"... I was scolded. Do you usually scold me that much?"

Cent and Sien smiled bitterly at Torre, who was narrowed down by Ain and Zwei.

It's like this right after being scolded, but it's about a relaxed and positive torre at the bottom, so it's because I can see that I'm a little bit frightened.

... that's why we've been scolded so many times... well, we both think we won't be punished.

"... Sister Torre, do you want something to drink?"

"Ah, tea would be nice!" You bought one last time, didn't you?The one with the scent of an orange! "

It was like this when Chento shouted.In the meantime, I completely forgot that I would go out on my own like this time, and they both sighed.

It's a really troublesome story, but Cent and Sien... they love Torre deep down, and since they admire him sincerely... they're kind of sweet.

"Yes, yes, listen to both of you."I went to the seafood restaurant that Chrome taught me before, but it was quite delicious, so let's go with the three of us next time. "

"Oh, that store." Sien and I were a little concerned. ”

What did Sister Torre eat?

Torre, who was already fully rejuvenated, talked happily, and Chento prepared tea for three people. Sien prepared tea candy and sat down at the same table as Torre.

― ― To them, the world was narrow and cold.

― ― To them, the world was a two-way street.

--That's right, until the bright sun shines through their world...