There is a saying that regrets does not come first.Most failures in the world are noticed after failure, and at the same time, it is often already too late.

It may often be the case that a single coincidental statement can cause an extraordinary situation.However, when you become a party, the despair is hard to put into words.

Man is a creature to regret.At that time, if you keep an eye out there... you look back and hold your head back.

I'm not a god, but I can't go back in time, but I still think... I wonder if I can make that mistake over again somehow...

Thinking of the unchanging past, I've already asked a question in my mind that I don't know how many times... why did this happen?

"What's the matter, my dear boy?" Thinking about it? "

No, it's nothing.

I see, today is a big opportunity, so let's do a 'walk alone' to your heart's content.

”... yes...”

Even though you smile like an angel and look like an angel... why do you see all the phantoms of salivated predatory beasts?

With a polite tone and a seemingly gentle expression... why is there no hidden madness?

In the first place... I really... don't know why this happened, but I sincerely regretted my inadvertent remarks.

The origin of this goes back a little while.A regular tea party with Eden that appears about five times a week.It really was the usual course.

About 15 minutes have passed, and the rampage phase is about to pass 2, so I thought that in a few moments I would send a signal to Kuro and open it with the usual flow.

If I told you... I think I was "out of my mind" at the time.No matter how much Eden-san was a Yavvy in my acquaintance, she already had a classic flow.

That's why I was relieved that this time it would be the same, as usual...That's what happens when you're so irregular.

"My dear child, my mother has traveled a lot around the world and has found a place that she likes as a piece."

"Hey, I'm a little curious about the place Eden likes."What kind of place is it? "

“There are a few of them, but one is a pretty scenic island, which is large but not very populated by organisms.It's a place of natural beauty that is different from the beauty that is arranged and managed. ”

"Huh, that sounds good."I'm sure Eden will like it, so I'm sure it's a good place. "

While smiling and having a conversation, I concentrated on Eden's appearance, which was going to be rampaging not far from the conversation.Although Mr. Eden has a feeling of taking a quick breath, his expression is not a deep smile, but he smiles, and his madness has not yet been oozed, so from his experience so far, it seems that he will be fine for a while.

"Yes, I would definitely like to show it to my beloved child."

Okay, I'd like to take a look at it.

When I changed to a deep smile of Phase 3, I thought about sending magic power to the necklace and contacting Kuro in advance.I couldn't concentrate on the conversation... that was the first failure.

“So why don't you and I go around the place together today?”

"Ahh, I don't have any plans today, Daejeon... eh?"

And the second time I saw it, it was a fatal failure.While returning to Eden-san's words, I declared that "I'm free for today"...

"Well, then, it's settled." Fufu, I'm so excited to go out with my dear child. "

"Huh? Ah... yes, that's right."

When I noticed my disfigurement, I could no longer correct it.Eden decided to go out with me, and now I'm going to quit... it's too terrifying.

Moreover, even if you refuse now, you have confessed that you have no plans, and Eden who can read your mind can't make up an appropriate reason for the opponent.

And above all, it was my responsibility not to properly concentrate on the conversation. Although it was a matter of returning to life, I am not concerned that I will stop now after accepting it.

In other words, I have no choice but to... be prepared.

As a result of those two failures, I was forced into a situation where I had no other choice but to worry about what would happen, "Strolling with Eden all day", but my chest was full of anxiety.

No, no, maybe it could get rampant and crack open soon... um, yeah... well, I guess I'll manage... I hope... after all... I don't feel like it's going to happen.