At the suggestion of Makina-san, the three of them were to play together, and Alice and I headed to the fringe stall to follow Makina-san, who had raised her tension.

However, it feels quite nostalgic for a landscape that feels exactly like a fringe.Trinia also participated in various festivals, and there were stores with a fringe-like atmosphere.

However, after all, it is slightly different, and the unique atmosphere illuminated by this lantern and the lamp of the store seems to be different again.

"However, these kinds of stores have regional colors... for example," "shark fishing" "

Shark fishing?

"Huh? Don't you know Mr. Kite?"

"I don't think it was a festive day I used to go to... but maybe I just missed it."So, what's shark fishing? It's not like you're fishing for real, is it? "

It's true that the stalls on the festival day vary from region to region and festival to festival.I think there was eel fishing on the fringe days I used to go to.I didn't actually do it because it was expensive, but I remembered it as if it was an unusual stall.

But I've never heard of shark fishing."I don't think I can catch a shark and keep it at home, or it's not real..."

"Shark fishing is like a kind of lottery.It's like catching a shark toy and winning a prize if you hit it. "

"I'll catch a shark toy, so do you want to fish for a shark..."

While nodding to Makina-san's explanation, she said, "Why sharks?The question also comes up, but I don't have a feeling of stiffness even if I stick it in, so let's stop.

It's like the shark toys were cheap or there were a lot of them.

There's no shark fishing nearby, but there's an unmolded stall there.

"Is it a mold defect... I saw it in a book or something, and I knew there was a stall like that, but I've never done it before."

Ooh, let's try it out!

When it comes to mold removal, I haven't seen a lot of molds lately, but there's a mold named Nukisaki... I pierced the thin candy with a pin with a pattern and pulled out the pattern. When I pulled it out neatly, I should have received money and prizes.

I have heard that it is rather fragile and difficult.Do you think the dexterity of your hands is important?

Then, at that moment, Alice opened her mouth with a look like she had come up with something.

Well then, let's see who can do the most beautifully with the three of us, shall we fight?

"... no matter what I think, I don't feel like I can beat you in the game of dexterity... but, well, let's do it."

"That's settled. Now, let's cut out the molds for the three of us... and grade them in the shop number paradise (Eden), so that the person who scores the highest will win!"

... I received a brief explanation, but Eden with grey eyes who is not operated by Makina... um, it's confusing, so I'll call her "Paradise" to distinguish her from the usual Eden.

Anyway, I think that Paradise-san had a [expression that looked like he was stained with despair] for a moment... now he has no expression, is it because of his imagination?

I was a little concerned, but in the meantime, it was a mold removal. In order to have a fair match, all three of them received the mold with the same pattern and started mold removal.

... but this type... is smaller than I thought.The pattern is like a wooden shape... but can this really be removed with a needle?"I feel like it's breaking right away..."

I was surprised that it was my first attempt, and I scraped it off from the edge a little bit... but it broke a little bit more than I had imagined, so it was quite difficult... Oh, one branch broke.

Somehow I just failed in one place, but isn't this difficult?Um, Alice and Machina are-- they're done!?

Moreover, both of them are beautiful enough to be said to be almost perfect."No, it's no good, there's too much difference in the specs to compete..."

Both of you seemed to be waiting for me to finish, so I was sure of the bottom line and proceeded with the molding.

In the end, well, I think it was the first time that it was made there... but it broke in about two places and there were cracks in some places, so it was a degree of completion that I wouldn't be able to get a prize.

"... I'm sorry to keep you waiting"

"I think my child is very good for the first time."

"Ahahah, thank you."As expected, it won't work for the two of you..... "

"Well then, let's get you graded... now, let's start with my child!"

Makina-san, who follows me with a smile... If I hadn't run away, I'd be gentle.That's right, if you're not even rambling, you're a nice person... if you're not even really rambling...

Looking at Paradise-san, who is a scorer, while thinking about such things, he sees my type and tells me.

"100 points."

"Huh? No, um... is it missing?"

"100 points."

"... it could be a crack-" 100 points!!!!!!!!!! "

... a hundred points were declared in a strong tone that didn't make me say whether it was there or not!?No, I don't think that's right, but Paradise-san's expression is serious.

Well, it's not a 100-point score, it's higher... it's not that kind of atmosphere. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"...... Mr. Kite, please don't bully her too much."


"Listen... for that person, Kate-san is' absolutely boss doting '."Do you think you can make a fool out of me? "

"... ah, ahh... I see."

Speaking of which, I wonder if Shiro-san is accompanying the Divine Clan to ask for a grade... I see, that's why he had such a hopeless expression earlier...

If you were in paradise... you would have played a role that absolute boss, his boss's best friend, and his boss would have to dote on me... I can't do that.There was no other way but to escape with a full score.