A second encounter with Princess Daiki Jutia in a wealthy store. I'm really surprised at the odds.

I'm sorry for Lilia holding her stomach, but it looks like Sieg wants to talk to Jutia, so it's nice to see you like this.

When I looked at Chirari and Sieg-san, I didn't feel like they were getting any closer to each other. Maybe he'll wait till my story is over.

Well then, let's start by saying thank you for what you did in the Divine Realm.

Jutia-san, thank you for your help in the Divine Realm in the past.

"Oh, you're welcome. Eheh, I'm so glad, I'm so glad. It's so nice to say thank you." I'm going to be happy here, too. "

"So, I've prepared a simple thank-you gift... which is better, food or accessories?"

"I don't need either of them..." I was going to say, but if that's the case, I wonder if you'd be bothered by that? Let's do this! Will you let me out with one hand in the parka? "

Huh? Like this?

While leaning his neck at the strange request, he opened his right hand and pushed forward. Then Jutia-san shook my hand and shook it, moving her hand up and down with a happy smile.

"Ehehe, hey, hey, hey, that's a very warm and gentle hand. Yeah yeah, I feel like a naturally loved child!"


Well then, well then, that's enough for me.

"Huh? Huh? Handshake as a thank you?"

"That's right, that's right, that's enough." I mean, I mean, you took the trouble to smile and thank me, and you shared the happiness. On top of that, I was able to shake hands with a gentle, naturally loved person. Hey, hey, I'm so happy right now! Even if you give me something more, I won't be able to hold it with my little hand. "

With a dazzling smile, Jutia speaks happily. The emotions conveyed by the induction magic were straightforward fun and kindness, and Jutia's words were true, and it was conveyed that she thought that there was no need to thank her anymore.

"I'm so happy, I'm so happy. I'm so happy that you've survived that battle."

Jutia let go of her hand and thumbs up...... I can't help but feel like I'm being forced to give you something if I'm told this much.

So I looked straight at Jutia's beautiful green eyes and said thank you again.

"...... Mr. Jutia, let me just say this again." Thank you very much. ”

"Oh? Hehe, you've been added. I'm so happy, I'm so happy, today is such a good day!"

Even after a little talk, Jutia is a good person, and it's fun to have a conversation with this bright person.

However, after speaking for a long time, I feel bad for Sieg, so I will send my gaze to Sieg in the sense that I have finished my business to some extent.

Siegs nodded and approached Jutia in a nervous motion.

"... ahhhh, Ju, Jutia-sama!"


"Nice to meet you, I'm an Elf... my name is Sieglinde!" It's a pleasure to meet you! "

I've never seen Siegs so stiff. It seemed like a very long-awaited opponent, and even induced magic conveyed quite a strong tension.

It was Jutia who looked at Sieg and gave her a groaning expression, but she immediately smiled brightly.

"I see, I see, you're an Elf boy. Nice, nice, I'm so glad you called!" Looks like you know me, but I'm Jutia. Nice to meet you. ”

Seeing Jutia smiling brightly, Sieg felt a little relieved as the conversation slowly progressed.

Looking at the sight, Luna came close and spoke to me.

"... Jutia-sama is a very kind and famous person. Even if the ordinary people call out, they will respond with a smile, and if there is no urgent business, they will stay with the public."

"Oh, you know somehow." Jutia-san is a very nice person, isn't she? "

Indeed, Jutia has an atmosphere that makes it easy to speak out. Is it a personality? For example, there is an atmosphere that seems to respond happily to the image of people who think it is easy to listen to the road in the city.

In fact, I feel that Sieg, who was nervous at first, is talking to Jutia with a lot of pleasure.