I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

Mission ③ "Head to the designated store!"

In the meantime, it seems that the theatre is about to start now that there are more people in it.

"... erm, well then, let's put our hands together. How do you connect it?"

"Um, Miyama-kun's palms are up and I feel like I'm stacking up there!"

Roger that.

In the meantime, in order to comply with Mr. Fear's request, he put his palm up as he was told, and Mr. Fear layered his hands there.

I felt more relieved by the touch of the supplemental Subesbe's hand than I thought, but for now, let's concentrate on the theater. Fortunately, thanks to Mr. Torre's nail, it is reassuring that there will be no further offensives while the performance is in motion.

And the theatre started... but it's a pretty romantic stage. Honestly, I can't say that I'm very good at genres such as movies, but... the actor's acting ability is high, and when I tried to start the story with a sense of royalty, I was quite attracted.

When I suddenly activated my induction magic...... it seemed to me that Mr. Fear wasn't enjoying it much, and that he was struggling to detect the emotions that were being transmitted.

Well, Dr. Fear, when it comes to romance, push it... or even if it's not romantic, you can act immediately, so you may feel the frustration of this romantic thing in your hand.

After a little more than an hour of theatre, she calls out to Dr. Fear as she watches people leave the theater.

How did it go, Dr. Fear?

"Ah, hahaha, it's hard to fall in love. As for me, I was the first person, and I thought I should go to the other person and confess."

"That makes it difficult because the story ends in a flash... let's quickly check the next envelope for now."

"Oh, that's right. You can't stay here forever."

Talk about your thoughts later, then open the four envelopes to see what's going on. This time, the contents of the envelope were the same for me and Dr. Fear.

"To go to a designated shop and eat a couple-only menu for lunch! * Open 5 after meals."

There is a map in the envelope, and I nodded face-to-face with Dr. Fear, aiming for a designated shop.

I don't come to the north section very often, so I can't imagine what kind of store it is in the first place where it is written.

Well, I'm getting hungry as the day approaches, so just say it's just right...

That's why we moved to the designated store with Dr. Fear, but we had a puffy expression in front of the store.

There was a card hanging on the door of the store just before my and Dr. Fear's gaze. "Closed today"...

"... um, Professor Fear?"

"I'll teach Miyama-kun good things." Torre's dictionary doesn't say anything like that, so basically 90% of the actions are random. "

"... I see... but what should I do?"

"Um, um, I don't have to eat anything else, but Miyama-kun is hungry, right? Would you like to eat at a different restaurant somewhere nearby? I can't help it if it's not open."

Well, that's right. I planned it, Mr. Torre... it's more unnatural for everything to go around perfectly as planned. Yeah, Fear-sensei looks like "Torre-san can't help it", so it's a common thing.

“I see. Just a moment, I'll see if I can find a good place.”

Ah, it's Chrome-sama's book.

Somehow, this is very convenient, isn't it?

What I took out was a whole food walking guide... really, this book is more useful than I imagined, or it really covers all the regions, so it's just right when I want to find something a little more delicious on the go.

Moreover, with the exception of Baby Castella, Kuro's taste rating is quite accurate, and the stars are basically all delicious.

Also, because I come to the store every day, if there is a closed store, it will be corrected on the spot, so the information is quite up-to-date.

Is there any kind of food that Mr. Fear likes?

"Um, um, it's difficult. I don't eat much... but I like the food that I use herbs for. Basil sauté, vanilla grill....."

"I see, that's the recommended store... oh, how about here?" They say they're famous for grilling chicken with herbs. ”

"It looks delicious. The location is also close to here... if you like Miyama-kun, let's do it there."

Kuro's rating was also quite high at Star 7, so he decided to go there, and when he tried to move, Fear-sensei suddenly spoke to him.

Isn't that right, Miyama-kun?


Let's connect hands!

"Huh? No, that instruction is while you're watching the play?"

"Yes, that's why I want to connect my hand with Miyama-kun, regardless of that...?"

No, no, it's not a bad idea, but I was surprised because it was sudden.

"I see? Because I'm dating someone I like." I want to connect my hands. "


As expected, it shines unexpectedly with the feeling that the love affair is only muddled by the behaviorist teacher Fear Sensei, or Dostraight, who is in favor of us all.

When she offered her hand without any reason to refuse for the time being, Fear-sensei walked out happily holding hands with Nikon.

"Alright! Now, shhhhh ~!"

"I understand... hey, Dr. Fear!" Signage!? "


Then, activating the natural dozi-chan and hitting his face against the protruding sign, well, somehow... it was very much like Professor Fear.