The central cathedral and the central square, both of which are very close to the center... or if you leave the cathedral, it's the central square.

Considering that, Olivia, who has only been to the Cathedral and Central Square, has a really narrow range of action.

"... I see, the atmosphere is different from that of the Festival of the Brave."

"During the Heroes' Festival, there was a main stage and it was quite busy." Still, it feels like a small festival and there are many stores, so this must be the main tourist destination in the friendly city after all. ”

“Yes, we have a lottery shop on the square that opens every month. Otherwise, they would want to open too many stores.”

"I see, well, it's a big tourist destination and sales are likely to be expected, so there are probably a lot of people who want to sell it. Let's take a quick look."

The central square, which is also the main venue for the Festival of the Brave, is large enough to think that even a small village can enter the festival suddenly, and the number of stores opened is greater than the number of regular festivals.

I think it would be very difficult to go around all the stores in one day. Well, it's the main venue for the world's biggest festival every 10 years, so it might need to be this big.

In the meantime, I'll move to a nearby store with Olivia. By the way, Olivia is completely unnoticed... Of course, she's a beauty, so it would catch my eye, but she doesn't seem to be noticed at all as a godmother.

Perhaps that's just too strong an impression of your usual outfit... well, I don't think you're a godmother because you've never changed from that outfit in 1000 years.

Or maybe you're using recognition inhibition magic on me.

Olivia has a bit of a special ability, and she seems to have a power comparable to that of the Supreme God within a friendly city, so it would be easy to use a cognition-impeding magic.

On the contrary, it seems that outside of friendly cities, we can only exert ordinary people's level of power. However, if you are willing to do so, you can ignore any transfer inhibition from anywhere and transfer it to the cathedral, and if you die outside of a friendly city, it seems that you have the ability to automatically revive between prayers in the cathedral.

"...... Stitts? It looks like some kind of food, but is it a specialty?"

"It's a stick of confectionery. It was written in the literature that the flavor was close to that of doughnuts.”

A stick of doughnuts... a stick of doughnuts, maybe a stick of doughnuts...

Incidentally, although Olivia has rarely been outside, she seems to remember various materials and books through her eyes as a godfather, and she has considerable knowledge.

"It looks delicious. Why don't you try it?"

As Miyama Kaito wanted.

Ah, hahaha

After all, my tone is hard in normal times... but I still feel that it's a mystery when compared to the beginning.

With that in mind, I bought two Sticks and handed one to Olivia... who gave her a giggling expression.

Shall I serve Miyama Kaito at the end of his first meal?

Huh? No, it's for Olivia, isn't it?

"... my?"

Did you hate it?

"No, it was never... a little unexpected, so I was surprised, but I appreciate your generosity."

After a soft thank-you and a light bow, Olivia looks around.

"I can't find the table"

No, I think this is something to eat while walking.

"... do you eat while walking? Oh, oh, I've read about it in books. It's like walking around eating."

"... well, that's how it is"

Perhaps not exactly, but nuanced enough, Olivia nodded... and asked anxiously, lightly sweating on her forehead.

"... it's not an exaggerated expression in a creative work..."

I don't know.

"I see... you really eat while walking."

On the surface, I don't feel that my expression has changed that much, but the emotion conveyed by induction magic was strong, so I feel quite surprised to eat while walking.

Olivia sends her gaze to Stitz and me again and again and tells me with a confused expression that she feels like she's somehow a stranger to the world.

"... I think it's very disrespectful, but would you mind taking your gaze off?"


"No, if I eat this... I have to open my mouth a little bigger, so I'll say that it's a little distracting to be seen. If I show you something ugly... I mean..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't take it personally."

"I beg your pardon."

It seemed embarrassing to be seen eating with her mouth open. When I turned away, I found that Olivia was moving with the sound of breathing a little.

When she turned her gaze back toward Olivia, thinking that she had probably taken a bite, Olivia opened her eyes wide and gave a surprised expression.

How did it taste?

“It's hard to express.”

What do you mean?

"...... I've never eaten anything before, so is this a delicious feeling? I think so, but I'm not very confident..."

"I see, well, it's probably the first time around, but I don't know." You just need to get used to eating a lot of other things. "

I see, this is probably the first time you've had a meal... or a drink...