The tea ceremony was really free, except for Lilywood's opening remarks, and there was no designation on the initial table, so I waited for the ceremony by interrupting Jutia, Erial, and Till at the table as I declared.

I'm looking forward to it ~ I'd like to drink the tea prepared by Kaitokun-san, Till, as soon as possible

"I agree... I mean, I'm looking forward to it too." I can't hold back my expectations... I mean, Jutia feels like she can't wait any longer than we can. "

Till talks to Nico with a cute smile, and Elyal tells her with a gentle smile. I heard that you two are close, but it may be the first time I've seen you together like this.

And, as Elyal said, Jutia's start time was approaching, and she seemed a little restless.

Jutia was quite small, and the way she was moving her little body was kind of adorable.

As she did so, Ms. Lilywood appeared from the back and greeted her lightly with loud magic. It was really simple, and it was like, "Thank you for your hard work at the Harmonic Symphony. I want you to slowly deepen your rapport today."

Anyway, now that the tea party has begun...... Jutia's gaze pierces like she can't wait anymore.

And smiling bitterly, I take the pot of tea out of the magic box.

"Well, it's in here... I'm not very familiar with it, but is there a pouring method?"

I remember pouring it to make it free of air, and I heard about it.

"That's right. Well, then, shall I make some?"

Ah, can I ask you a favor?

"Yeah, yeah, I'll take care of it. I'll take care of it."

When Jutia receives the pot from me, she prepares four cups and pours the tea with the familiar touch.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. It looks like Gloria Tea....."

Ah, because Nepula tea leaves are not used alone, but blended and used.

"I see, I see..."

Jutia was staring at the cup with a serious expression while hitting on my words. When she put the poured cup in front of me, Erial, and Till, she looked at me.

Can I have a drink? Jutia nodded as if to confirm. She took a sip of tea with a slightly nervous expression and opened her eyes wide in amazement.

"What!? What!? What!? Awesome, awesome... the taste is definitely Glorious Tea, but no matter how I brew it, I can't give you this taste... I don't know what's going on!? Why, why can you give me this taste....."

Jutia-san's expression was deeply stunned... I guess, Jutia-san is definitely quite a tea lover, and she knows all kinds of teas like Ein-san.

That's why I'm amazed from the bottom of my heart at the taste that has been elevated to 120%.

"Amazed... I mean, I was amazed too. The difference is obvious... I mean, it's obviously tastier than the Gloria tea I drank before."

"Hatwa, that's amazing." I've never had such a delicious cup of tea. "

Elyal and Till both have a look of surprise at the deliciousness of the tea, but Jutia's reaction is still dramatic.

Jutia stared at the tea for a while as she muttered, but suddenly she raised her face forcefully and came to us.

"Kite! Tell me, tell me, what kind of tea leaves can make this taste!?"

"Um, this tea leaf..."

I will briefly explain Nepula's tea leaves to excited Jutia-san. Every time she heard the story, Jutia opened her eyes wide, and she was really surprised from the bottom of her heart.

And after all the explanation, Jutia put her hand on her chin and thought about it with a serious expression.

"... amazing, amazing. The idea is the same, but the tea leaves that do not disturb the taste of the original tea at all and that can only add miscellaneous flavors are too amazing. If I had a cognac, if I had a cognac, the taste of that black tea... no, no, that's not all. If you use this tea leaf, the blend of combinations that weren't possible until now may also be harmonious by combining this tea leaf... really, really, this tea leaf is a revolution in black tea."

Ah, um, Jutia-san?

I was thinking about it more seriously than I thought, or with a sneaky expression on my face. That was also the case with Ain-san, but Nepula's tea leaves are still very attractive to people who know black tea well.

And, Jutia looked at me with serious eyes thinking about it, then got out of the chair and sat down... wait, what are you doing?!

"Hey, Jutia-san!?"

"Kite! I know this is a frivolous favor. But, but, but, I really want this tea leaf... I'll cum as much as I can, so just be flexible..."

"Please get up for now!?"

All of a sudden!? You want so much... For now, I can't wait to get my attention, so I hurriedly let Jutia stop me.

"... well, it feels weird, but I think Jutia also wants this tea leaf for a souvenir can."


"Ah, and I've also checked with Nepula, and if you want Jutia, I think I can give her about a can a month, just like Ein, but well, I'll let you talk to Nepula directly for more details-uuh!?"

I thought I would want it regularly like Ein, so I checked with Nepula beforehand, and she said that it was okay to give it to Jutia.

Ein-san seems to be paying for it and buying it, so the price negotiation around here will be done with Nepula at a later date... When I was talking about it, Jutia-san's expression jumped with emotion and got tired.

"Kaito!? Thank you, thank you!"

"Ju, Jutia-san, calm down..."

It smells nice, like the smell of the forest, and Jutia's body is a little warm and soft.

Jutia, whose tensions were going to be terrible, was holding on to me happily, and it would take quite some time to forgive her.