The headquarters of the Mitsuyun Chamber of Commerce. This time, it was the anima side that brought the story, and the anima took the form of carrying her legs to Qian.

In a simple but clean reception room, Qian and Anima faced each other. At first, I started with a light chat and gradually started talking about the deal.

"It will be a product such as..."

"... erm... excuse me, could you give me a moment to sort it out?"

It doesn't matter.

Having told her with a slightly pale expression, she got permission from Anima and then got up from the sofa, and consulted with Fluu, who was also a secretary, a little further away.

"... Fluu, what do you think? You know what I mean?"

"I'm sorry, too. As expected, even the dragon king's scales....."

"I don't know, I don't know at all." Akane, I... I don't know if it's real before the terms of the deal. "

“I'm pretty sure it's the highest quality accessory. If it's really a scales, it's like a gemstone, beautifully shaped, and the design is amazing.”

Frau is also excellent in appraisal eyes, and she has relied on Qian in various scenarios, but...... as expected, this time, she had an unusual and clearly confused expression.

It was the same for Qian, and her heart was hard to say calmly, and her thoughts were hard to hold on to.

"There is a risk that it is fake. But if it's real, it's a ridiculous story... no matter how you sell it, you can sell it like it's flying. It depends on the conditions, but in some cases, it's a profitable thing."

"However, Dragon King's scales are not the first thing you can get." Moreover, there is no other common sense to process it into accessories. ”

"... don't worry, I'll try to find out."

Although she couldn't say that her thoughts had been put together, she decided that it was still bad to let her wait any longer, so she sat back on the sofa away from Frau.

"Excuse me... So, the product that Anima brought me." It's a wonderful thing to understand at first glance... but unfortunately, we can't tell if the sole is really made of Dragon King's scales. I'm sorry to hear that, but... is there anything that can prove its worth? ”

"... do you know of any organization that conducts quality surveys or issues certificates of appraisal?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course I know... but I don't think I can issue the Dragon King's scales..."

The institution that Anima spoke of was created by King Illusion's subordinate... It investigates the quality of the requested goods and issues an appraisal certificate with a number of stars indicating the quality. It is quite expensive, but it has a solid trust and track record, and it is a very popular institution for merchants.

Of course, Qian also knows about the institution, and she has used it many times to check the quality of transactions. However, she thought it would be impossible for the institution to appraise rare items such as the dragon king's scales.

However, as if mocking her thoughts, Anima takes the envelope out of the magic box and places a piece of paper from it on the table.


"This is the certificate of appraisal."

”... you... what the hell...?”

Inadvertently forgetting the words of respect, Qian muttered with a warlike expression.

"...... but again, excuse me."

I immediately turned myself down, left my seat, and headed for Frau. Frau had the same warrior look as Qi did.

”... this is too bad for you!”

"... there, ten certificates of appraisal with stars... Ji, was it real... is it possible that it was a forgery?"

"Absolutely! He can only handle the [Phantom King himself] 's certificate with ten stars." If it was fake, all of the Phantom King's subordinates would turn against the enemy. If I falsify it... it'll be disposed of before I bring it here. "

"In other words, who are the real...?" Doesn't that mean you have a hand in the Lord of Illusions? "

"I don't know. Could it be that Master is the Phantom King?" Or the other Six Kings? No, but there's a reason we should bring the deal. I'm trying to sell it to my own faction... what's wrong with this? "

The situation was so far from imagination that Qian bothered her, but... the deal itself was a wonderful thing, and the conditions were not so bad.

No, rather, it was a good condition for the Sanyun Shokai, and there was no reason not to accept it.

"...... I understand your story. However, I think it could be an important project for us, so I would like to ask you to give me a few days to respond..."

"Yeah, I don't mind. Please let me know if you have any questions.”

In response to her desire to have time to think, Anima gladly offers a piece of paper with the address to which the letter is addressed. Then, after confirming that she had received it, she opened her mouth again.

"... now that you've finished talking about the transaction, may I speak to you a little privately?"

"Huh? Yeah, I don't mind. What is it?"

"... my Lord wants to see you." If possible, I'd like to invite you to Master's house... "


In response to the words, Qian and Frau suddenly took a breath.