It was a white wave if you want to describe it - no, it was a wall.

The way a group of people dressed in pure white coats march at an undisturbed stride is a word of rolling correctly. The crowd breaks in two because of its presence through here, surrounded by the tranquillity that was supposed to have been noisy until earlier.

We also follow Lilia to the edge of the road, kneeling ahead of Lilia in a prayer position.

Looking around, this seems to be the modus operandi, with the masterly figures of each house splitting left and right in such a way as front and the squire rearward to take a prayer attitude.

Nearly half of those here are aristocrats - that is, they should all have more than a certain status in this country, but all of them are kneeling and drooling.

In other words, it is the most important proof that nobility cannot work disrespect for the existence that will pass through here - the three great gods are those who have such strong authority.

And in the heart of those who wore pure white coats, the goddess was walking with a definite presence.

Not as watery as Mr. Lunamaria's, but as deep as the deep sea, with long blue hair wrapped around the back of his neck, eyes red and blue odd eyes, 170cm taller than me, height pairs with slurry and thin model-like body to give a beautiful and noble look around him.

Walking on long legs while surrounded by clerics even looked like a show to be done just for that goddess.

This is - the goddess of time.

In the path wrapped in silence and prayer, the goddess of time walks slowly.

In the air, which can even be called mysterious, where only the sound of a foot without precipitation echoes, the goddess of time heads to the temple - stopping her legs on the way.


The priests around them stopped simultaneously, and as the footsteps that had been ringing until earlier vanished and the silence dominated the venue, the goddess of time quietly turned her gaze here... Huh?

Have you seen the goddess of time? No, I'm looking at it perfectly. I don't happen to see eye to eye or anything, I'm looking at cancer. I'm looking at something like shooting me to death!? Why!?

For some reason, the goddess of time stops looking at me, and after giving me a look like thinking about something for a while, here in a relaxed foothold - I walk up to Mr. Lilia.

"... nobility in this country, no difference?

"Huh!? is, yes… Ri, Lilia Alberto… also, my name is"

The goddess of time stops in front of Lilia and asks in a quiet voice, returning the words as Lilia trembles her lips.

I guess I didn't think I could talk to you. I can't see my face because I'm behind it, but I can see my shoulders trembling in small pieces.

"Is the man holding back your squire?

"Yes, no, he... the..."

"Hmm...... no, sorry. I don't care if it was a difficult question to answer, or if it is, forget the question now."

After I told her so, the goddess of time shifted her gaze towards me and stared quietly at me with red and blue odd eyes.

"... man, you seem to be blessed with a lot of oddity"

"... Huh?

"No, what I said is destiny, God's domain. I don't know that much about it... Interesting, indeed. The pressure you feel... what kind of Shura devil have you seen?


Honestly, I don't know what you're talking about, but with that said, I think Mr. Shiro used that rhetoric, too.

What kind of person was seen by Kromeeina... what the hell was that supposed to mean?

I can't answer anything. Rather than confused by the question I don't have an answer for myself, the goddess of time takes her gaze off of me and looks at Mr. Lilia again.

"Did you say Lilia Alberto... surely you were in charge of this brave summons?

"... is, yes... you're right..."

"Sounds like you've attracted quite an interesting presence... I'd like to talk to you, but I can't take up time today because of something else. I'd like to have a conversation with you at a later date, if you don't mind?

Yes. If the goddess of time wishes... when... "

The goddess of time tells me that she wants to talk to me at a later date, and Lilia moves her shoulders for a moment, then takes a deep thank you with her hands on the ground, and at the same time a stirring occurs around her.

Perhaps this proposal is a good one to say that it is unusual during an anomaly. Mr. Lunamaria, who was next to me, is also so surprised that he has opened his eyes and hardened.

But that was not the end of the anomaly during the anomaly. The goddess, when she heard Lilia's reply, nodded satisfactorily once before putting her hands on Lilia.

"Well, don't take the trouble. Then let me tell you what I plan to do… It's an abbreviation, but this is for the rent -" Blessings of Time "to you."


Light overflows from his ragged hands, which envelops Mr. Lilia's body.

Blessings of the Supreme God... What it means is I can understand even if I'm oblivious to the common sense of this world.

Even a king of a nation should finally receive a blessing from a superior God, far superior to that - a blessing from being rare to even see his face outside of the Festival of the Brave. It will no longer be of such value that it can be converted into money.

"... I know this place, this place, this is my honor"

"Um. I'll see you in the conversation later. Your name 'Remember'"

After I told him so, the goddess of time turned her gaze towards me again and then walked to the temple, and the priests who were so hardened by the events followed.

And speaking of Lilia at the time, I wouldn't leave her in a slight motion while she was in a dugout position. Or it looks completely solidified.

And a little while later, when you can't see a bunch of goddesses of time, Mr. Lunamaria moves quickly in the confused air, holding Mr. Lilia and telling us.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Hurry up to the carriage!!

"" "Huh!?

That's what I say, I run out and literally throw in Mr. Lilia, who is solidifying in the carriage that was stopping him.

I threw it normally now. Is it okay if I do that to my husband?

Mr. Lunamaria leaps straight and holds the carriage's reins, confirming that the three of us have rushed in before leaving the carriage quickly.

I could understand why Mr. Renamaria was in such a hurry, with all the cracking cheers he heard right after the carriage moved out.

Blessed by the supreme god, Lilia, who is an unusual and unusual person, is now exactly in the human condition of time, so if she stayed there, she would have attacked the question, and that would have been a hell of a thing already.

Thanks to Mr. Lunamaria's driving, we managed to escape the scene before we made a fuss. There is no reason to be a criminal on a boulder, so without a chaser attached, Mr. Renamaria also exhales for a while and deposits the reins with his original squire, returning to the carriage.

And while in a perfectly thrown position, wake up Mr. Lilia, who is stiff, and shake that body.

"Lady, lady! Please hold on!!

"... Ha!? Ru, Luna? Oh, wow, me, you know, what..."

"It's amazing! Lady! Not only did the goddess of time remember her name, but I can't believe she even gets a blessing for abbreviating it!! It's a feat!!

"Aww, no, no, I knew it, it wasn't a dream. And, and the goddess of time... shush, bless..."

No, Mr. Lilia, I'm totally tempered.

I'm shaking in small pieces like I can't imagine from what I usually calm down, and my gaze is moving around like a newborn little animal. Honestly, it's so cute.

"No, ma'am. I don't know what you're talking about. Please calm down."

That's what you should say about Mr. Renamaria, Lilia in that state. Something you can often cut into the other person.

But unfortunately, apparently, Mr. Lilia is the type of person who doesn't have a toothpick when tempered out.

"Mmmm, I can't!? Hey, why are you doing this... Awwww!"

"Lady!? Hey, lady!?

Oh, it seems that Lilia's confusion has finally crossed her personal tolerance, and Lilia has turned her eyes. I think something like hot air is coming out of my head.

For now, the trip will be a one-end break until Mr. Lilia's condition is restored, the carriage stops a little off the main street, and Mr. Lilia is lying in her seat with a wet towel on her face.


We talk about what happened earlier, laughing bitterly at Lilia, who is making a lovely roar.

"Senior Invitational Cat Effect...... you should be terrified"

"Yep... I was wary too. I'm glad I didn't have to pray to Miyama."

"Huh? Is this my fault?

"Whether it was Miyama or not, the goddess of time was obviously interested in Miyama, right?"

I guess so? He also said something odd, and he said that he was the goddess when he said Mr. Shiro, and that he would be blessed with all these odd edges...

"Is that it? With that said... it changes the story, but what do you say is the name of the goddess of time after all?

"I don't know. Basically, we don't call ourselves gods, and we call ourselves gods about the same gods, so at least I don't know them. If you're a lower god, you seem to know more than a temple priest... but if you're also a higher god, don't you know anything but the Divine Clan?


- Not like the goddess I know (Mr. Shiro). 'Cause you're the one who gets the best name for opening it!

Well, I know that Chro... I've left Mr. Shiro out of the box for now, and that's what I'm worried about right now.

"But can Lilia talk to the goddess of time 'one-on-one' at this rate?

"Hih!? Yes, one-on-one!?

'Cause you signed up for a conversation, Lilia, you're the Duke of Lilia, and the person in charge of the summons is Lilia...

"Ru, Luna... help..."

"I can't do it to a boulder. I can't be present in a conversation with the Supreme God, no matter how much, as a servant of an introduction. Or not allowed."

When she heard my words, Lilia jumped up and looked at Lunamaria with her gaze, but Lunamaria shook her neck to the side feeling sorry for herself.

"Neither can I.!? I can't believe I'm one-on-one even though my body trembles just thinking about talking to the Supreme God..."

It is half crying. They're really full.

"... Miyama-san, wouldn't you be allowed to be present?


"Sure, the goddess of time seemed interested in Miyama, and I was rather wondering if the main purpose of the conversation with the lady was that way..."

Is that it? Something's getting suspicious in the clouds.

Lilia is looking at me with her crying eyes. I'm watching you die.

"Yes, no, but I'm a normal ginger -" Please be present! Mr. Kite!! "- WOW!?

In the meantime, I didn't want to wish for a place where my stomach was going to ache like that, so I thought I'd say no... Lilia literally jumped in.

"Please! Please help!!

"Ri, Mr. Lilia!? Kao, face, close!? Powerful!?

"There's no one else I can count on anymore!! I can never do this alone!!

Lilia's appearance fits correctly with the expression desperate, but as for this one, it was more of a problem being held by Lilia than that one.

Amazingly soft, tear-eyed combo for a good smell that tickles the nostrils if it's perfume...... the destructive power is immeasurable.

Moreover, to strip it off, it was so incredibly powerful that I didn't know where in the luxurious body such a force existed that I couldn't strip it at all.

History without her, equals. This stimulus is too strong for me to age up. I mean, they're holding me more than that. My back hurts, it hurts so bad!

It's possible that this is mostly a rust fold...

"Wow, I get it! I'll be there! Because I will!!

"Kite, no!!

"Wait, Mr. Lilia... bitter..."


"Hey... really... fall... ru..."

Rather than reason as it is, my life is in danger. I told Lilia desperately that the only way to peel her off was to accept her presence.

Lilia then gave me a superb look in hell, not even with the Buddha... "Stronger than earlier" I hugged her, I heard a mistletoe and a terribly unpleasant noise from her back, and my consciousness went dark.

Dear Mother, Father - I don't know what to say. I'm treading and kicking today, really. - How did this happen?