After a short silence on the amazing words Mr. Isis told me, I open my mouth to be sure.

"... So this world is called polygamy."

"... Iptasaysay?... what... what?

"Oh, yeah..."

Well, is there no word in this world for polygamy...

I understand that in the reaction of Mr. Isis, who tilts his neck, and I will begin by explaining polygamy.

"I mean, it feels like you have one husband and more than one wife"

"... then... this world... yes... what about this world?... Kite's world is... different?

I nod convincingly to my explanation and then tilt my neck again.

I mean, now... close to my face!? I'm thrilled to be so close to my face because I'm still in a hug position.

But Mr. Isis' gaze was serious in itself, and I was caught off topic weirdly.

So for starters, I decided to try to reason again and keep talking.

"Yes, in my world... maybe there's an exception just because I don't know, but it's basically a form of saying one husband, one wife"

"... Really?... Why?

"Huh? Oh, no, whatever they say..."

Even if they ask me why monogamy, I can only say that because that's common sense......

But that's something I can tell Isis... does it feel like if the world changes, so does common sense?

Anyway, it seems common sense that this world is polygamous, and it doesn't seem funny that one man socializes with more than one woman.

Why are you being like that?

At the same time that such a question came to mind, the words I had heard before came to mind.

- Megido, "The Other World" seems to have the same number of boys and girls?

That's right. That's what Crowe did say.

I didn't mind being flushed by the situation then, but when I think about it again... the rhetoric was like saying that this world was different.

That means...

"Mr. Isis. Can I ask you one thing?

"... yeah"

"Isn't this world... 'more women than men'?

Yeah, there's a lot to be convinced of if you think about it.

Many of the people I came to and met in this world were women, and it felt very normal to say that they were female principals and emperors.

In retrospect to that, I also feel that people I see all over the city... had more women.

"... yeah... more women than men... much more"

"Ya, I knew it..."

"... for example... all the divine tribes are women... not a single man"

"Huh? Really!?

"... yeah... all god tribes are women... but... we can't have kids"

Come here. A new fact of shock, all the divine tribes are feminine.

The only people I've ever met are Mr. Shilo, Mr. Kronoa and Mr. Faith... they're all women indeed.

And I remember Mr. Faith saying that he couldn't have children.

"... people... there are men and women... there are more women"

"Cheng Cheng...... Demons too?

"... the Demons are... a little... complicated... like Megid... and they don't exist... like ChromeEina... or Chartier... and they're free to change."

"Speaking of which, I remember hearing about that"

Of course I know that Cro can change his gender freely because of what he said... I have never known that Megido has no gender or that the Phantom King can change his gender freely.

"... by the way... me and Lilywood... woman... magnawell... male"

"Cheng Cheng...... well understood. Thank you."

"... yeah... if you need to know... anything... listen"

As far as Mr. Isis is concerned, there are still more women in this world than men.

Moreover, the ratio between men and women is quite possibly extremely inclined... which is why polygamy is pervasive as a matter of course...

Now, I know this world is polygamous... but as soon as you hear it, then go out with a lot of women! It's not an idea... Well, there's no way I can be in a situation where a virgin would socialize with a lot of people in the first place...

Anyway, I may not be able to get used to the common sense of this world right away... but maybe I am.

I like Cro... but now I'm starting to get attracted to Isis too.

On the other hand, I feel sorry for being indecisive and doing things like choosing a trade-off... I am relieved that I did not have to reject Mr. Isis' feelings.

No, well, in the first place, if I confess to Cro... I don't know if Cro will take it...

I... what the hell am I supposed to do?

Mr. Isis told me that he was as good as any and that I liked someone else, too.

I'm really glad... but I haven't been able to organize my mind enough to accept that thought right now in this room.

"... Mr. Isis"

"... yeah?

"... can I say something very, very personal?

"... Huh?...... yeah"

Staring at Mr. Isis with a serious look, I speak a little bit of thoughts that I haven't even sorted out yet.

"... As I was saying, the world I grew up in was one where I only dated one opponent. So when you hear that this world is polygamous, you can't immediately change your mind."

"... yeah"

Listening to what I have said, Mr. Isis lays down his face a little lonely.

But that look makes a difference when I hear what I keep saying.

"So... can you wait and get it?

"... Huh?

"When I'm ready, I'll tell Cro about the thoughts in my heart... Then I'll think about it."

"... think?

"Yes. Think hard about your feelings... when you're ready to take Mr. Isis' feelings... then I'll confess to Mr. Isis from mine!



The thoughts in my heart right now, the feeling that I like Cro... tell Cro. And then I take it without running away about my feelings for Isis, who is beginning to be born into my heart.

That is… equal to choosing the choice to say 'Don't go back to the original world, stay in this world'.

That's why I can't decide right now.

I like this world... but my uncle, my aunt... the people who raised me so far are in the original world.

I can't cut it off easily...

"Maybe it'll take a while. Still, the... wait, will you?

I think this is a really selfish statement.

Mr. Isis thinks so strongly of me, and I'm asking you to put that answer on hold.

Mr. Isis smiles with a large tear from his eyes after quietly silencing after hearing my words.

"... yeah... wait... for as much... forever... my... feelings for kite... never fade... all the time... love it... by the time kite gives me the answer... more... more... like kite"

"... Mr. Isis"

"... Kite... I love it... so... until I feel better... as much as I want... think... fine"

"... thank you"

Too straight, pure thoughts, and impressed, I hold Mr. Isis strongly.

I'm a truly fruitful reward… I'm really lucky enough to run out of luck for the rest of my life that someone so nice is giving me thoughts.

Dear Mother, Father - I never thought about it when I first came to this world, but to my heart... the option of staying in this world is beginning to arise. The feeling is painful and happy... I don't want to leave you, I think it's really a happy thing to have met so many people who want to be with you.