Day 5 of the Saturday month. Currently I was in front of the East Gate of the Sinfonia King's Capital.

Stone or baked stone? I don't know as much as I can tell from just looking at it, but the heavy and robust walls and the large gates are majestic inside when I look at them again.

Because the fence covering the Wang capital has a magical technique of junction, basically the demons are not close and the gates seem to be open.

Exceptions are demons with more than a certain amount of power, such as Wyburn, that can still fly, but there are few demons in the demon world that have the ability to fly at that level without knowing.

Mr. Lilia's mansion is so aristocratic that it is near the center of the Wang capital that he has never come very close to the gate.

I've never been to the East Gate before, but I've heard it's usually busy with merchants, etc... now it's even a minimal number of gatekeepers, surrounded by so much silence that I don't think it's before noon.

The reason for this is simple, because Mr. Isis will be here shortly... I myself do not fear the magic of death thanks to sensory magic, but that is only a special example of me, and it seems that sooner or later this will be the case if Mr. Isis is to visit some city.

The pocket watch on hand indicated 11: 00 and at the same time it was time to meet Mr. Isis, Mr. Isis showed up as the ice columns appeared before me and the crushed ice danced like petals.

"... kite... hello"

"Mr. Isis! Hello, thank you for coming out today."

"... yeah... but... okay?... isn't that annoying...?

"I've never thought of annoying you like that."

Mr. Isis didn't say exactly what annoyed him, but I can imagine it because he's moving his gaze at the flickering, trembling gatekeepers.

He seems to be worried that he might come to the King's Landing and bother me.

"I'm sorry I asked you out of the blue...... uh, remember what I said when you helped me at the Treasure Tree Festival before?

"... ugh, yeah"

Hearing the words I said with a smile, Mr. Isis nodded slightly bewildered.

Yes, this time I called Mr. Isis to the King's Capital... about inviting Mr. Isis to dinner with me when he helped me at the Treasure Tree Festival before.

"... so, but... me... when I go to a normal store..."

"It's okay. I've been thinking about it."

Yes, this is something I realized later too... Mr. Isis is constantly entangled in the magic of death and unconsciously intimidates creatures nearby.

So assuming you went to a regular restaurant, the service would be frightened, and the other customers would feel like that when they distance themselves... Isis would not enjoy it in that condition either.

"So, Mr. Isis. Let's go to the picnic with me today."

"... a picnic?

"Yes. I heard from someone I know that there seems to be a small tall hill at the end of the East Gate overlooking the King's Capital, and let's go there. I've got my lunch ready."

"... of Kate... annoyingly... won't it?

Yes, it was a picnic that I've been thinking about for today.

Because I thought this would be good because Mr. Isis wouldn't have to worry about the sights and reactions around him, and even if I confessed, I could be alone with nature.

However, still, Mr. Isis seemed to care about me, and he had a worrying look on his face, so I opened my mouth with the gentlest smile I could.

"As annoying as it sounds... actually, it feels like I'm going to get more help from Mr. Isis"

"... Huh?

"Look, I'm weak, so I can't leave the city alone... I wish Isis could protect me, what a convenient thing to think about."

"... hehe... yeah... it's ok... i'll... protect kite"

"Thank you. Then let's go."

"... yeah"

Apparently my intentions were conveyed, and Mr. Isis smiles and nods happily.

And me and Mr. Isis go out through the East Gate, a little off the street and start moving towards the hills.

"I'm glad it's a beautiful day."

"... yeah... these days... you're warm"

"With that said, there are seasons in this world too...... eh, are there warm or cold moons?

So I walked down the hill and asked Isis about this world.

The current climate is about spring in Japan, but are there four seasons in this world?

"... yeah... the moon of light... the warmest... the moon of heaven... the coolest... the demonic realm... different from region to region"

"Well, then, it's just the middle climate right now."

"... yeah"

Speaking of the 30th of the month of heaven, the day I was summoned to this world... the temperature from there to the New Year was about precisely autumn, so this world doesn't seem to have as much temperature difference as Japan.

I'm pretty fine with being cold, but I'm a little bad at being hot because I look like a sweaty physique, so this world is very easy to spend, with temperatures around spring and fall.

"... Sometimes like this, it's good to go out. Isis went to various places to collect."

"... yeah... but... going out with someone... it's been a really long time..."

"Yes, what is it..."

"... so... kite is with me today... so... so glad"

Having said that and a happy grin, Mr. Isis could recognise him as a cute looking smile after all.

And Mr. Isis dyes his cheeks just a little shy and tells him to whine in a small voice.

"... that... kite... hands... can I connect... okay?

"... Yes. Absolutely."

"... ah... warm..."

I smile and answer Isis, who speaks modestly of hope, and I gently hold Isis' hand.

The small, soft hand, which fits perfectly in my hand, had a slight tingling sensation with low body temperature, but immediately mixed with my hand's body temperature and a warm sensation.

Walking for about an hour having a fun chat with Mr. Isis, he arrived at a wide place to say even with the grass carpet.

Moving your gaze, it is quite high, and the beautiful streets of the king's capital appear on the green earth, with a sight that can be described as spectacular.


"... yeah... because the weather is good today... the Wang du looks good"

Stand alongside Mr. Isis on the hill and gaze at the view that stretches beneath his eyes.

Mr. Isis leans on me perfectly, feels the temperature he feels from his slightly touching body, and gets more and more nervous when he thinks about what's to come.

"It's time for a good time, and let's have lunch!

"... Huh?...... yeah"

I accidentally raise my voice because I told him nervously, and Mr. Isis leans his neck strangely.

In front of Mr. Isis like that, I take the leisure sheet out of the magic box... and take out the beautiful cloth and lay it on the ground.

And make sure Mr. Isis sits down, and then take out his lunch.

"... uh, right. Well, I'm sorry if I didn't make it."

"Huh? Or did Kate... make it for me?

"Ha, yes...... I'm not that good at cooking, but I know someone who cooks well and has been taught lately...... let me, corner, thank you to Isis, so think of myself..."

"... ahhh... but..."

Yes, actually, this lunch is my handmade...... well, that said, I can't make anything difficult, so it feels like I managed to take shape while Mr. Sieg instructed me.

Sometimes in the creative world, the hero just lived alone and was a master cook... unfortunately, I'm not.

I lived alone, but cooking was to the point of sautéing BBQ over vegetables and meat, and there was no way I could make anything elaborate.

No, I knew experience was huge... even if I cooked with the same ingredients, the same amount, I knew Mr. Sieg's cooking would be many times better... and I'll have to practice in the future.

Uh-huh. If I knew I was going to get a chance to behave like this to a woman, I'd be practicing some more...

"Uh, I may not be dressed... but I have a good taste, so there..."

"... yeah... kite made it for me... awesome... so glad"

I tell him with my head on, and Mr. Isis smiles with a really heartfelt joy and says, "I'll have it," and then he reaches for the dish.

Hey, something makes me nervous... Mr. Sieg told me he was doing well, but I'm still anxious to see if it fits Mr. Isis' mouth.

Mr. Isis chops the egg roll in half and stabs it with a fork, carrying it with one hand to his small open mouth.

Even one way to eat is feminine and beautiful, unlike some idiot (Alice).

And chewed as if spared, then Mr. Isis shed a glimmer of tears.

"Huh!? Oh, I'm sorry! Wasn't it delicious?

"... yeah... no... really... yummy... better than anything I've ever eaten... much... yummy"

"... Mr. Isis"

"... my heart is warm... happy..."

With that said, Mr. Isis overflows tears like pollows and pearls.

Look at my awkward hand cooking, Mr. Isis, who is really delightful from the heart, and my heart is twitching and warming.

And at the same time I thought... if I were to tell you, now is the time.

"... Ah, Mr. Isis!

"... Huh?

"I have something to tell you..."

Realizing my voice trembles with nervousness, I stare straight into the eyes as beautiful as Mr. Isis' ruby.

Dear Mother, Father - I came to the picnic with Mr. Isis. After all, Isis is feminine, very cute... but the tension grew. But I've decided if I'm ready. I'm going to confess to Mr. Isis.