When I slowly opened the lid, which smelled good and was closed, I saw Mr. Sieg brewing tea with magic utensils like a portable stove.

When I wake up gently shaking my head still slightly asleep, Mr. Sieg smiles noticed here.

"Good morning. Mr. Kite."

"Good morning...... Um, how long have I been asleep?

"About two hours."

"Oh well... you could have woken me up on the way"

"I was asleep looking good... wait a minute, have some tea now..."

Apparently I slept longer than I thought, feeling a little sorry for myself, and receiving the tea that Mr. Sieg offered me.

Warm tea flavors stain my sleeping body and I wake up slowly.

"Mr. Kite, this too"

"... What's this?

"Fruit sticks are a popular treat for the Elves."

Mr. Sieg prepared an elongated treat about the size of his palm...... it looks like a spring roll.

Fruit stick...... with that said, Alice said buy me a souvenir or something? Is that where Rigforesia's famous confectionery is?

When I took one and ate it, it seems that there is jam in the mouldy skin, the natural sweetness and soft tooth texture of the fruit is very tasty.

It doesn't feel like bread as much as jam bread, and it's not as hard as scones. The jam also contains large cut fruits, a great dish with a sometimes changing texture.

"... that's so delicious. I like this a lot."

"If you like it, I'm glad too"

"Somehow, but I remember the jam cookies I bought the first time I went out with Mr. Sieg"

"The shop over there buys fruit from Rigforesia."

I have a light chat with Mr. Sieg and get some delicious tea and fruit sticks.

The fact that I slept for two hours after lunch is just about tee time and it feels just right in time.

"It's just that, Mr. Kite, it's actually just a little different... it wasn't that day that I first followed you as an escort to Mr. Kite"

"Huh? Really?

"Yes, Mr. Kite may not have noticed... in fact, I've been about your escort since the first day Mr. Kite came to this world. Well, now that you have the Phantom King, you're relieved of your duties."

My impression was that the first time I saw Mr. Sieg was when he went shopping with me, but the truth is, I just didn't realize that all this time Mr. Sieg had been escorting me away when I was out.

Cheng Cheng, that's why when ETA and Theta attacked you, Mr. Sieg showed up first...

"I didn't realize that. You've been taking care of Mr. Sieg for a long time."

"... I lost sight of Mr. Kite on the first day. It's a useless escort, though."

"No, no... uh, thanks again"

"... thank you to me."

"... Huh?

You've been protecting me all my life where I don't know you. When I say thank you to that fact, Mr. Sieg slowly shook his neck to the side and stared at me with his blue eyes.

"I first thought Mr. Kate was a mediocre, unreliable person... flushed by the situation and confused with no certainty of will. I thought you were everywhere."

"Haha, I think you're actually right"

"No, that impression was just cloudy in my eyes. You've always been stronger and better than me."

"Yes, no, in such a great presence..."

I reply with embarrassment to Mr. Sieg, who, in a gentle tone, throws words of admiration, but Mr. Sieg stares at me with an unmistakable eye.

The emotions you convey, dear? Respect? Anyway, something very favorable and strong......

"... I've been watching Mr. Kite. I've come to strange worlds unprepared, and all around me are stronger men than I am, and many are not in my favor… I can't even push how anxious or how heavy it was."

"... I have been blessed..."

Indeed, as Mr Sieg said, I was very anxious at first, even if I was behaving somewhat cheerfully.

A world where your common sense doesn't work, a situation where you have to rely on strangers... there's no reason not to feel anxious.

But I'm lucky to be on the verge... of the people who patrol me. Thanks to that, I'm having a really good time now.

"Being blessed with the edge, I think that's a fine talent too. But more importantly, I think there were a lot of people around you because of Kate's character."

"... Mr. Sieg"

"A strong, upright, gentle and strong person who can think of someone more than anything else… I have received a lot of courage from you."

"... courage, is it?

A calm but firm core voice...... I think this is probably a very important story for Mr. Sieg.

That's why I feel it, too, staring straight at Mr. Sieg with a serious look and returning the words.

"Yes... you were very dazzling to me for wanting to change the status quo but still not being able to move in fear of turning to the worse... and Kate easily changed what I couldn't change over the years"


"My relationship with Lili, the guilt in Lili's heart, and my voice I was losing...... Mr. Kate has done so many miracles. You picked up what I wanted, what once broke... one by one, and offered it to me before."

"... I've never done anything that big, have I? If there's been a good change for Mr. Sieg, I think it's Mr. Sieg's power, not mine."

Lilia and Sieg's relationship was repaired only because they were thinking about each other... I think I was just a little triggered.

Lilia's heart's guilt loosened because Lilia herself, with a strong heart, stared firmly forward.

And Mr. Sieg's voice is back, thanks to Mr. Lilywood... of course I could have helped a little bit, but I think Mr. Sieg himself is more powerful than anything else.

Returning the words that way, Mr. Sieg smiles gently, feeling that he knew I would answer that.

"Yeah, that's what I thought Mr. Kite would do. Because you're so sweet, I..."

"... Mr. Sieg?

"... even if you thought so, the gratitude you have for Kate in me is not something I can say. Again, thank you so much."

"Oh, yes, no, duh, you're welcome?

Mr. Sieg says so, bows his head deeply and says thank you, then opens his mouth with his face up again and a straight stare into my eyes.

"... Mr. Kate is like the sun to me. A dazzling, big, yet very warm and powerful guide… such a lovely you…"

"... Dj, Mr. Sieg?

"... I am a weak elf. I've never had the courage before. But finally, I have the courage to convey the thoughts that I've been holding on to. I want to keep looking at you. Closer than ever..."


What, right? My chest sounds so loud. Every word that is uttered in a serious voice sounds somewhat louder and clearer.

I can't take my eyes off Mr. Sieg even though I'm confused by that, no, I don't think I should.

And after a little silence, Mr. Sieg uttered the word with very strong thoughts.

"... I like you, Mr. Kite. As one heterosexual..."


My thoughts were completely rigid in those words that I was told with a sense of universality.

Dear Mother, Father - Not at all unexpected... I was aware that Mr. Sieg was pointing favorable emotions at me. But I thought it was close to dear... on my own. But I was wrong about that, and today, I was confessed to Mr. Sieg.