Mr. Faith, I'm done talking to Mr. Life, and I'm going to talk to Mr. Kronore next... I don't know, this, like, peace of mind...

Like Mr. Faith and Mr. Life, I have a sense of misdigit security even if I just find out I'm not coming with a color-rigged array.

Slowly...... Mr. Kronore's head came next to mine over quite a while was in a pretty low position.

Mr. Chronoa is about 180cm tall and if he sits normally his head should come quite high...... as I mentioned earlier, Mr. Chronoa's head position is low.

That's because the shoulders are soaked deep enough in the water to even soak up the gray neck, so much so that Mr. Kronore is still this... he seems to be embarrassed.

"... mi, miyama... here, don't look at me! Never look at that!

"Wow, I know. I won't look."

"Damn... why, my, in these eyes..."

"Hey, something... sorry"

"Oh, no, I'm sorry. I didn't blame you."

Half the cause of Mr. Klonore's current endurance to shame is me, so I uttered an apology, but Mr. Klonore still has a gentle personality and denies it in a hurry...... by the way, the other half is caused by Mr. Shiro.

I don't see Mr. Chronoa, but he's probably in a bright red face panic right now... there's a gap between him and normal, and I feel so cute, but when I say that, I'll be absolutely angry, so I'll keep quiet.

"... I'll be honest with you... I've never had a bath with a man like this before. So I don't know what to do."

Yeah. I guess...... I get it. If you look at the reaction earlier, you can see that you don't have this kind of experience.

"In the first place, why don't you take a bath with me?


"Why shut up?

"... oh, no, uh... I'll be honest with you, too. Of course I'm confused and panicked... but with a beauty like Mr. Kronor, uh, I still feel happy."


Well, I'm a healthy man, too, and on the other hand, I find it hard with lighting and nervousness, and I feel happy to mix up with these beauties.

I mean, a situation where you get superb bait hanging in front of you and you don't eat it if you want to... well, it's hard...

Listening to my words like that, Mr. Kronore sounds stunned, then silences for a while, and squeals in a small voice.

"... ho, are you serious?

"What is it?

"So... you've been telling me for a long time that I'm beautiful... or cute... and that's not what you're making fun of me, is it?

"... I'm not going to be bad enough to tease a boulder like that. I meant everything I said to Mr. Kronor. I think Mr. Kronoa is really beautiful and a lovely woman"

"... well, really... um... thank you, should I?

"Come on?

hey, what is this, some kind of doomsday embarrassment!? Ku, Mr. Kronoa is also kind of different than usual, or he feels strangely feminine and very conscious.

Or maybe it would have been nice to keep it out of my face... if I saw something in my face in this state, I wouldn't be embarrassed and able to talk properly.

Should I describe it as sweet or sour, such silence flows between me and Mr. Chronoa, and a little while later Mr. Chronoa speaks slowly.

"... Hey, Miyama. It's a corner opportunity. Let me tell you what I really mean."

"Seriously, is that it?

"Oh... I... you're 'horrible'..."

"... Huh?

The words, which were quietly told, were unexpected.

Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of me, Mr. Kronor, the supreme god of time and the most powerful man in this world? Why not?

As he answers the question that came to his mind, Mr. Kronor continues his words in a quiet but somewhere heavy voice.

"... you come to this world... it's only been a few months. Yet you have easily changed things that have remained unchanged for hundreds and tens of millions of years."


"You are making a difference in this world... that would be an indisputable fact. In the past, there have been people who have made a huge difference in the world... the first brave man, he's one of them again"

The first brave man out of Mr. Chronoa's mouth...... the story of Mr. Noyne.

Mr. Noyne has made a very big difference in this world, and he is still a hero to be told.

A being that has taken away the hedges of the three worlds and spinned the world...... honestly, I think it's even a tremendous thing to compare. But Mr. Kronor's mouth feels like he likes me more than Mr. Noin... No, or more than that...

"... Still, it took him 10 years. I'm not going to say it's up there early or anything, but still, Miama, you're making a much faster and bigger difference in this world than the first brave man."


"Everyone who has been involved with you changes... Master Sharovanal, Fate God, God of Life... that's why I'm afraid that you are... talking to you... it seems that the self that has been unwavering for so many years will be changed without the art of fighting... that's what I can't help but be horrified"

It's horrible that things are changing... it was a feeling that I, the human being, could understand to some extent.

Transformation is not always a good thing, to change oneself... in a sense it is also to lose oneself in the past, in a sense it is also an encounter with the unknown.

That is why Mr Klonore's opinion was particularly...... I was not even willing to complain.

But Mr. Kronor doesn't finish the conversation there...... he goes on with the words in a slightly bitter voice.

"... but at the same time... I prefer you to me"

"... Huh?

"None of the changes you make are bad... Master Sharovanal, Fate God, Life God... I feel the way the divine world is changing in a good way. That's why I'm afraid it's going to change. On the other hand, I'm looking forward to the change that I'm going to visit."

"... Mr. Chronoa"

"Hey, Miyama. I... feel scared about how you're going to change this world... but I want to see what lies ahead, I want you to see it. I count on you."

That's it, Mr. Kronor holds the pee in his hand, gives it to me, and then pours it out for me.

At the end of his natural and moving gaze, he smiled gently and calmly, staring at me with eyes of different colours, left and right... there was the figure of a beautiful and powerful goddess.

"... so... miyama..."


"From now on, you are what you are... you will live up to my expectations. If so… I will always be on your side."

"... I'm not that good of a person, and I think what I can do is really trivial... but if it's going to happen, then... I don't think I want to live with Mr. Kronore's expectations."

Honestly, I think it's a good place to buy it. I'm not that awesome, I think I'm just a little bit of a blessed, mediocre person everywhere.

But if such a tiny guy has someone to look forward to... I want to do everything in my power to meet that.

"... you're warm. Everyone likes you... and I think I know what you mean."

"Uh... thank you?

"Hehe... Miyama, will you pour it on me too?

"Ah, yes. Go ahead..."

I haven't really had a chance to see it before, Mr. Kronore's smile...... it was so beautiful and I felt somewhere divine.

Hear Mr. Kronor's request, pour alcohol on each other, gently pee together and toast.

Soon Mr. Kronor's nervousness faded too, he could see only a little of his slender beautiful body, his heart pounding high without thinking of his brilliant skin with the Shizuku of water.

"... it's a corner opportunity. Tell me more about you, trivial things... I need to know a little more about you."

"Ok... then tell me about Mr. Kronor instead"

"Is that what you came for? Hehe, oh, I don't mind, but don't expect any funny stories, huh?

"No, I'll expect plenty there"

"... at all, a guy named you..."

When told to stand aside, Mr. Chronoa smiles with pleasure.

Are you saying we had a crack in the stomach and discussed it? I kind of feel like Mr. Kronor's impression has changed dramatically in today's conversation.

Dear Sir, Mother, Father - I am so glad to hear what Mr. Chronoa really means. Sometimes I thought it was too much to buy, but I was still happy with the expectation, and it was never like I was going to be overloaded. I know it's hard, but I wanted to keep trying - to be there to live up to Mr. Kronor's expectations.