When I was relaxing store number with Alice, a familiar angel suddenly appeared...... Mr. Eden.

Look at that. Alice opens her mouth with increased vigilance.

"... I don't know which god of the world you are, but what the hell are you going to..."

"... of another world... God?

"Yes, the power of Koitz is obviously comparable to that of Mr. Khlo and Master Shalovanal. It's impossible that I don't know of a being with such joking power in this world... then it would be reasonable to assume that it came from another world"


Alice speaks of Mr. Eden as the god of some world and nods that Mr. Eden is right too.

God with comparable power to Mr. Shiro means... the apex of some world? If so, Alice is right, I don't see why such a presence is coming into contact with us.

With that in mind, Mr. Eden and I met each other… For some reason, Mr. Eden looked at me and smiled graciously.

"... You said dialogue before. What is it this time?


But when Alice talks, Ms. Eden returns to expressionless and does not answer Alice's questions.

While I realize the nasty tension, I will also try to speak to Mr. Eden, who I fear.

"... What can I do for you again?

"Affirmation, me, you, conversation, hope. Body, Adjustment, Completion, Preference, Coverage"

"Why don't I ignore it and respond to Mr. Kite's question in a way that I'm eating... or will you just talk normally like before? It's hard to understand."



The difference in response is so blatant between me and Alice that Alice has a drawn grin.

"... uh, from me, too, please. I would appreciate it if you could talk normally..."


"... can I punch you? Koitsu......"

"Shut up, your strength is acknowledged. but you are not my son. So we don't talk about it."

"... and let's buy that fight. I'll kick your ass!

"Ah, Alice. Calm down..."

To Mr. Eden's response, Alice seemed unusual and frustrated, and she really seemed to hit me now.

But I am more concerned about what Mr Eden said than that.

"... Oh, you know, Mr. Eden. Can I ask you a question?

"Of course it is. My dear child, let me answer anything."

"Ha ha... uh, what does that my child mean?

"You were born in 'The World I Made'. That's why he's my child."

"Huh? Huh!?

Hey, wait... were you born in the world I made of Mr. Eden? I mean, Mr. Eden...

"I see, are you the god of Mr. Kite's world..."

"Exactly, but I'm in conversation with my child right now. Stay out of my way."

"... Kachi ~ n. This is a Buddha named Alice, but it's a busted case. I mean, you're definitely selling fights, you!

That Buddha Alice and I are first ears, but as it is, it really develops into a battle like it used to be, so for now Alice decided to settle down and I would talk to Mr. Eden.

"I see. So, what business was Mr. Eden on?

"I'm here to see you. My darling, my child."

Why not? I felt like I even got some ice stuck in my back right now... my eyes that are supposed to be brightly colored look like some kind of drooling black... Huh? Why is that?

"Oh, to see me...... why not?

'Cause you're what I've always wanted.'

"... And that mind?

"I've been waiting a long time. My child, born in the world I have created, will come to me with his teeth. Yes, yes... it's about you. You have confronted me from the front before... with very ambitious, brilliant eyes... oh, wonderful. I can make as many beings as I want. I only want to give favor to those who turn to me. Yes, it is. Thou art my ideal, my supreme. My dear child...... oh, let's thank you. A miracle for you... show me your face more often, no, Mother. Very powerful shiny eyes, how beautiful. Oh, you don't have to be scared. I will spoil thee to the point of wandering. Whisper enough love to burn it down. But I can't believe how loving my child is breathing the air of this world... Oh, no, no. The same air as such an elephant doesn't suit you. Let's make air just for you. Yes, that's good. Create that kind of air for you alone, that only you can breathe. Rest assured, my dear child. I have properly, once back in the original world, remembered 'all the records'. Yes, my dear, you know my child best. Weight at birth, type and number of ingredients I've eaten so far, until how many times I've breathed... I know everything. I've adjusted this' body too 'to suit you like that. Everything you feel most comfortable with, according to your taste, has been' rebuilt 'from scratch."

This is scary, huh!? What is this person giving me more fear than ever!? I didn't say anything, but I keep talking about it extensively... something is missing the highlights from my eyes!?

"... Mr. Kate's god of the world is a bummer. My eyes are completely gone..."

"I didn't want to know. Such a fact......"

I didn't want to know if the god of my world was Yandere and totally locked on to it or if I could. I want to get away super.

Something's still talking like a broken radio, I can see more and more black behind my eyes... seriously, I'm scared.

Looks like Alice the boulder is pulling, and she was pulling in her anger earlier and turning into a subtle look.

"... Oh, yeah, yeah. I know my child best. My, I can love my child the most. Oh, well, let's make a world for you. Yes, that's good. Produce only a being that affirms you. Prepare what you deserve. In that world, I will love you as much as I wander. Yes, that's for my child... just now..."


Before Mr. Eden, who was escalating more and more and more and saying terrible things, suddenly Crowe appeared...... without saying yes or no, he beat Mr. Eden up.

Mr. Eden was sucked into a black vortex and disappeared... but it should be called a boulder there or he came right back with a face like nothing.

"... what do you do? Half of God. I was just thinking about my glorious future with my son. I won't forgive you if you stand in my way."

"It's a dialogue over here, that! If you suddenly go back to the original world and think you're back, what are you kidding me about... If you bother Kate, I told you I'd eliminate you!

"You're not bothering me, are you? My child is happy to be loved by me."

"... No, it's not"

I have tried to assemble some horrible happiness on my own, so I will immediately deny it with respect to it.

I thought I'd be mad at the boulder... but for some reason, Mr. Eden makes his eyes shine when he hears my cold words.

"Ah... again, you defied me... how successful. Oh, you are the supreme!


No, this god, I can't get my hands on it...

"I don't know... anyway, if I scare Kate any more... I'll beat her up"

"... if you can, do it"



Mr. Eden, who sells fights without any hesitation, even to clos who are completely cut off, is really awesome... and more importantly, bad at the end of the day.

From now on, I'm getting very anxious.

"... Mr. Kite, would you like a cup of tea?

"... sinister."

I drink the tea Alice brewed me with a tired face as I watch Mr. Crowe and Mr. Eden sprinkle the bees with sparks... the hot air stains my eyes... I'm crying.

Dear Mother, Father - What a god Mr. Eden seems to have been in my world, but he was protruding and intense even as I have been. And it's completely locked on. I don't know - love is too heavy.