When I come back to my room and check the clock, it's 23 o'clock... pretty late.

While I felt the sweet feeling on my lips, I took off my jacket and tried to change over the hanger...... the view turned into an 'aerial garden'.

"... what?

It should have been my own room at night, but in a flash the blue sky's expansive aerial garden...... ugh, yeah. I recognize this place, but what the hell is this all about?

I know this is definitely the top level of the divine realm, the Divine Domain...... where Mr. Shilo lives, but I don't see why I was suddenly called here.

I can hear my ears flashing without discouragement, as always.

"There is no night in the divine world. It can be done at night..."

"... I see, by the way, Mr. Shiro? Why all of a sudden..."

Looking back, it's natural that there's Mr. Shiro there, telling him without a look on his face.

As I look back at that voice, I ask why I suddenly called him by force, but Mr. Shiro takes his gaze off of me and makes the table and chair appear.

"I'll have some tea"

"... to?

"I'll have some tea"

"Hey, why all of a sudden... I'm going to sleep..."

"I'll have some tea"

"Yes, no so..."

"I'll have some tea"

"... Yes"

Pushed off by an infinite loop, I sit in a chair with a gut drop of shoulders.

Then a cookie shows up in front of me for tea and I'm ready to make tea... but there was more to it than that.

"... Um, Mr. Shiro? Maybe it's my fault...... aren't you 'in a bad mood' something?

I can't read Mr. Shiro's emotions with sensory magic. So I can only guess from the slightest change and experience regarding Mr. Shiro's emotions... somehow, I felt in a bad mood.

Perhaps the cause is this too sudden tea...... Mr. Shiro is certainly abrupt and natural, but basically if this one asks, he explains why.

But this time they pushed me off to "make tea" without explanation, and I wondered if the cause was in the mood.

"Yes, I am very upset right now"

"... I see"

Mr. Shiro admits that he is in a bad mood. No, as always, there's no change in expression or voice, so I can barely tell the difference from normal...

So, but I guess he's in a bad mood...... why? Maybe I did something wrong without realizing it.

"No, you don't"

"Oh well... that's good"

I thought I might have done something to disturb Mr. Shiro, but I'm relieved that Mr. Shiro told me it wasn't the same.

But the relief was... shattered by the words of Shiro, who sipped a cup of tea and then whined.

"... I could do it."

"... Huh? What is it?

"... I have also been transferred to Crowe by the Fast Man and the Demon King..."

Is that it? Something's getting very suspicious about the clouds... Ooh, that's crazy. I feel like a lot of sweat is starting to flow from my back.

While I feel unspeakable pressure, I quietly wait for the next word.

"I don't care at all about shards or this kind of thing...... Mr. Fast Man said, 'You didn't rely on Earth God, you didn't rely on me'"


Shh, you're obstinate!? Mr. Shiro, you're totally obstinate! 'Cause the way you say it, you're the one who cares about doom!?

"No, I don't care... Mr. Fast Man didn't rely on me when he was attacked by the Black Bear at the Treasure Tree Festival, when he was attacked by the King of War, when he was kidnapped, when he was Cro, when he was looking for the killer involved in the Duke's past, when he was taken to another country by Fate God, in the matter of Earth God, in this case..."


So, I've been caring for a long time!? The resentment accumulated in the accumulation for quite a long time feels superficial in this case.

Yes, no, it's not that I'm unwilling to rely on Mr. Shiro... I'm just refraining because Mr. Shiro is too powerful and asking for a detour would be a big deal...

"Both Crowe and Earth God have the same power as I do"

"Ugh... that's..."

"The fast man doesn't count on me"

"Yes, no, so this one..."

"The fast man doesn't count on me"


"The fast man doesn't count on me"


"The fast man doesn't count on me"

"Actually, there was something I wanted to ask Mr. Shiro!

"You have no choice. I'm in a very good mood right now, so say anything."

This is scary!?... No. This is the one that feels like it's going to go on and on until I ask you something.

When I said I had a reflexive favor right now, my mouth angle rose slightly larger than usual.

In the meantime, the norm today is one favor... think, something, anything? Any favor that would convince Mr. Shiro... Oh, yes!

"... Actually, thank you so much for taking care of Shea this time... I'd like to get something to thank you for, but I don't know Shea very well... Well, I'm glad you got in on the consultation..."

"Okay. Disaster God likes spicy food."

"Oh, I knew you were... well, have some spicy foods..."

"But he complained that existing spicy foods were 'too sweet'"


I've felt that way since Hydra Kingdom, but it looks like Mr. Shea loves spicy stuff after all.

... eating such a spicy treat as to blow a fire, I didn't know it was sweet... isn't the taste broken?

"You're in trouble. If you like spicy things that much, it will be loud for flavor... uhh."

"I'll take care of it"

"... Huh?

"... go ahead"

"What is this?

I prefer something sweet to something spicy, so I lean my neck to see what to choose... Mr. Shiro makes some fruit appear.

About the size of an orange, it feels beautiful in deep red like ruby.

"We 'created' fruits that are 1000 times spicier than the spicy seasonings that exist. If we plant seeds, we grow them in three days."


I've created some new ingredients!?

"It's special because I'm in a good mood today"

"Oh, thank you......"

Mr. Shiro, you said you were upset until a few minutes ago, right? Oh, you wanted me to rely on something so badly?


… In the future, I will ask you to consult me regularly. When grievances are charged, they can distort the laws of the world...

"... by the way, what happens if I eat this?

"Probably after you've been stunned and lost your mind, you'll 'not feel the flavor for the whole day'"


Isn't that a weapon, not an ingredient? Is it okay for you to give this to me? As it were, well, Mr. Shea said he was a root-spirited party... and surprisingly, he might be fine?

When I send it properly, I'll explain the degree of spiciness before I give it to you.

"Well, let's get back to tea"

"Oh, yes."

In the meantime, it seems that fulfilling my wish has fixed Mr. Shiro's mood, and I've suggested it with a slight increase in the corner of his mouth, so I'll snort at it and have tea too.

We had tea chatting for about an hour afterwards... when I returned to my room, the date had completely changed.

Dear Sir, Mother, Father - The end of the day was concluded by Mr. Shiro. Yeah, I don't know... well learned. When you make Mr. Shiro dissatisfied - he says he's afraid of later...