After we bought clothes, we were traveling around town for lunch. The place to aim was a store that said 'Recommend to Women' in Chro's guidebook.

"... um, I kind of just got it from Mr. Kite"

"Never mind. I bought it because I liked it."

"Thank you...... no"

"What? Huh!?

Tell Mr. Sieg again that he still cares a little about what happened earlier, that he doesn't care. Then Mr. Sieg smiled happily and then hugged me on my left arm with a very cute hanging voice.

"Dj, Sieg!? What the hell..."

"Lili, okay? We and Kate are lovers. It's very natural to walk in arms like this."

"... yes, no, I feel that's too much to say..."

"I see, well, you did... here, like this..."

"Even Lilia!?

Lilia, who believed her slightly exaggerated words to be clammy, also hugged me to my right arm with a bright red face to make up her mind.

Terrible pinch of being able to hold both hands...... in an instant your body temperature will rise and your face will get hot.

Soft feel felt from both sides. Is Mr. Lilia shy or is she pressing her body slightly harder, with horribly soft double hills pinching my arm, in a very dangerous condition.

Mr. Sieg, how much can he afford compared to Mr. Lilia, lays his own hand on my hand with a hug and connects him to his lover, hugging him so that he can be supple.

This, this sucks...... I don't know why this suddenly happened, but this feeling sucks so badly.

Lilia, Sieg...... both of those smell amazingly soft, warm and good.

Mr. Sieg's body, tall and slender, adheres to my arms to fill the gap perfectly and is in such a position as to rub his face against my shoulder that his face looks very close.

Mr. Lilia is not as tall as Mr. Sieg, but he has a very fine murder weapon on his chest, which, by clinging to him, changes shape on my arm.

You couldn't wait to be ashamed of yourself, the way you hid your face with my arms was also adorable, and it felt like gullibility and reason were being shredded.

The situation where beauties with their own strengths are taking both arms is exactly a flower in both hands...... totally now I would be a rear charger.

But I couldn't afford to enjoy the thing, wrapped in the scent and warmth drifting from both sides, and I managed to calmly think about it all.

All of a sudden, with all the damage to reason, I went for a restaurant while I felt the gaze of the people going to the city.

When we got to the restaurant where we were meant to be, Mr. Sieg and Mr. Lilia finally opened my hands. It was dangerous... something was at stake. Situations like this are surprisingly damaging to reason.

The restaurant we arrived at was a little off the boulevard and the store wasn't that big, but it was stylish with beautiful, tasteful tables and chairs.

It's lunchtime, but I didn't know you had a lot of guests.

I sat at the table and looked at the menu the clerk had brought... I see I just recommended it to women, there were many dishes made with eggs and vegetables, and it felt like there was a wide variety of salads.

An item that may be a casual bias, but is suitable for a woman's lunch...... yeah, I think it would be perfect for Mr. Sieg's image.

However, Lilia... I have the image of eating meat one way or the other...

"Mr. Kite? Are you thinking something weird right now?

"Yes, no!?

... was in danger. I was about to be preached at risk.

Slightly in a hurry, I finished my order and waited while we chatted... Sometimes there were no other guests, and the food came out immediately.

I asked for the recommended set, but it feels like omelette, bread, salad, soup and simple but delicious.

Well, as for the guy's me, I feel a little less... if it's not enough, you can order extra, and let's just have it.

Put your hands together gently and start with the salad and point the fork at you... I immediately pulled the fork in.

...... mitakunaya saiga al.

A green object that shines to show brilliance and presence… The sole, thinly cut and added to the salad, has given me an unspeakable fear.

... It is a pepper... I will say it again because it is important, but it is a pepper.

I can't help it. Unfortunately, this salad will give up. There will be no other. I can't have peppers. Pepper, seriously, I'm scared. I wish I was extinct of peppers......

All the while, at the time I tried to give up the salad thinking about it, a hand stretched out from the side grabbed a plate with the salad.

"... excuse me. Mr. Kite. I, in fact, 'I really wanted this salad', but I ordered it wrong... sorry to say Wagamama, but it would help if you could replace it"

"Huh? Yeah......"

"Thank you"

That's how I smile, and Mr. Sieg trades my salad for his own. Mr. Sieg didn't recommend the set, he ordered the salad individually... what was left before me was a very regular Caesar salad.

Turning to Mr. Sieg after changing plates, Mr. Sieg winked at him and then began eating the salad as if nothing had happened.

Lilia doesn't particularly touch on Pepper either, and she goes ahead with her meal with a smiling chat without any other love.

It doesn't make a fool of my childish taste, but rather cares for me gently...... once again I realized the kindness of these two.

... Yeah, this makes me fall back in love. Both Sieg and Lilia felt so proud to think that she was a really nice woman and a lover with these two.

The salad I had that day was strange and… it tasted better than usual.

Dear Mother, Father - Caring, caring... When I turned my back on favor... Again, I thought lovers were good things. Do you call it warmth? It was such a - a very pleasant meal, like staying with me and resting my ho.