I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

It looks like a lot of tough relationships.

I finally reached Central Square after I accidentally thanked Shea for her previous encounter and handed her the seeds of the spicy vegetables she had created.

No, nevertheless...... I really thought many times that I met a lot of people today......

Chris, Eden, Vols, Ragna, Magnawell, Zwei, Raz, Ahat, Eva, Ain, and Shea... that's about all the people we had a conversation with. Lilia and the others have actually encountered as many as 14 people if they want to count too.

No, well, not that it's ever going to happen because we're all at the same festival, but given the odds that we happen to encounter each other in a venue as wide as this idiot, I'd say a tremendous rate of encounters.

Well, it's almost the central tower, so meeting someone else any more...

"... Hey pervert. I've told you many times not to show up before me. You want to die?

"Just watching, it's hot and painful... the lower bitch brain muscles aren't as intelligent as they are... if they disappear right now from before me, I'll let them get away with it?


... There's something there. There's a stare in the middle of Central Square... Oh, so there's no one at all in Central Square...

That's right. One or the five kings of war headed, one or the strongest earthly high-ranking demons...... the two seemed incompatible no matter how they looked, they exchanged words scattering their killing.

"... Hey, Alice. If it was my mistake, it would be you... Agni and Pandora are not close?

"Yeah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I

Hi Agni and Pandora seem to be seriously unfriendly. I'm not saying we're rivals who recognize each other like Mr. Ain and Mr. Kronor, but they seem to have a hateful relationship with each other.

Well, I do think about the two personalities, but I don't feel like meshing...

"I just came to apologize to Miyama for the trouble my men caused, and I have nothing to do with you. I'm gonna miss it all today. Get out of my sight quickly."

"Oh, good. I am disrespectful enough to keep the vermin away from Master Miyama... I am really glad he is here. Especially not that bad pests are trying to lean against Master Miyama...... disrespectful"

"How rude it would be for a pervert like you to wander around."

"Ha, the brain muscles seem to be not only retarded by the head but also by the eyes...... I'm the pervert? Ha, makes me laugh. I just want Master Miyama to 'tie my body up with wilderness ropes and chains' and then 'humiliate me until I run out of essence with my beast lust'!!

"I don't care what you look like from anywhere, though!!

I fully agree with Mr Agni. I mean...... I'm thinking something outrageous, Mr. Pandora!? No, this guy... we have to do something soon...

"... Alice, you're one of your men, do something about it"

"... no, as far as that kid's sexuality is concerned, I already threw a spoon... so it's out of jurisdiction"

As I was donning to Mr. Pandora's too much desire, the two statements were escalating more and more.

"... you are the female gorilla who leans on the dead man, aren't you? Oh, excuse me. You were right to say it and shake it..."

"Hey pervert, I won't forgive you if I'm going to insult Master Osma anyway... I'll kill you!

"Did you take me? Heh heh, it's not what you say you can't do... it's hilarious"


Akan, this is where the battle begins.

"Alice, come on... stop it"

"Ha, now, that's a problem for that kid...... man, then stop - you don't seem to have to"


"Arbitrator is here."

It was almost at the same time that Alice uttered those words and Mr. Agni and Mr. Pandora fisted each other. Two beatings with overwhelming power...... if you suck, Central Square is going to blow up, but it didn't.

Soon Mr. Osma appeared between Mr. Agni and Mr. Pandora, who had received the two unleashed fists.

"... Uncle, I like healthy kids, but I think we should pick a time and a place. Fighting at the Six Kings Festival venue is forbidden."

"Oh, Dear Osma!?


Seeing Osma tell with a gentle bitter smile, Agni let her eyes shine and Pandora tongued.

Then, after confirming that the two of them have unloaded their fists, Mr. Osma utters words as he turns his tobacco around.

"I'm not forcing you to get along with horses that don't fit, but you have to take care of them around."


"Why, if I'm not instructed by you -" Pandora, House "- Huh? Shit, Master Chartier!? Hey, where are you taking me? Oh, come on!?

"... I don't know why you're tense over there... ha... anyway, you're preaching over there"

"Thank you!

"... ha"

Mr. Agni's will disappeared due to Mr. Osma's appearance, and Mr. Pandora took Alice's split in sigh. Yeah, it's pretty chaotic.

Anyway, I thought this was a paragraph... but it didn't.

"Dear Osma!


"We admire you! Marry me!!


Something suddenly Mr. Agni started proposing to Mr. Osma!? Wait, wait!? It unfolds too rapidly to follow.

I mean, why are you proposing in this...

"... I don't know how many thousands of times I've said it so far, but my uncle says celibacy suits his sexuality... sorry"

"Okay! Now, 'Tomorrow' I confess again!

"... Yeah, Agni and Epsilon don't understand anything, do they? Almost the same interaction every day, right? I don't know what a young kid's hobby is... what's so good about an uncle who ate it this year..."

"It's everything!

"... ugh, yeah. Well, thank you..."

I've never seen Mr. Osma give a serious troubled look at what can be described in a way as a rare sight.

Dear Mother, Father - I've encountered someone who really knows what's going on today. That being said, Mr. Osma... is Mr. Agni confessing to you every time you see him? And every time I say no... Ugh, yeah, something - it seems like a lot of tough relationships.