I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

I think there's something cute about it.

Following the targeting, Shiro and I came with a plant that went around with Mr. Lilywood...... a giant maze of flowers. The attraction seemed popular and, unlike the target, was also described in the guidebook.

"You're here."

"We're here. Okay, Happy Man."


"'Get lost'"

"... Huh?

Whoa, all of a sudden I started saying weird things. Well, I wasn't going around with Mr. Shiro and thought he'd be fine... but I also didn't expect you to get lost... Uh-huh, Mr. Boulder Shiro. I don't think the usual way.


"No, I'm not complimenting you."

"I see... well, get lost"

"Uh, by the way, why?

"The fast man who tried this maze during the Six Kings Festival got quite lost"

"Yeah, yeah, right"

"So it's 'unfair' if you don't get lost in my time too"

"Beho...... yeah?

It's not fair...... is it? No, I'm confused. I also find it difficult to get deliberately lost in the maze.

If this maze of flowers is the same as I've experienced before, even if I don't remember it completely, I'm going to go ahead and score a goal for it crisply.

"It's okay for you to try normally. If you're a fast man, I believe you'll get lost."

"Disgusting trust...... no, no, I won't get lost that many times"



You're supposed to be faceless, but your eyes are as if you're absolutely sure I'd get lost... Damn, look at that. If this happens, I'll clear you up crisply.

Intentionally trying the maze of flowers...... 30 minutes passed. Currently before me, a wall of flowers blocking my sight...... I mean,

There was an end to it.

"... what do you think, Mr. Shiro?

"I think we'd better get back to the corner of 'Seven Before'"

"... Yes"

I don't know what this sense of defeat is...... weird, I thought the directions felt the same because I just walked in through the entrance was composed of the same flowers as when I came with Mr. Lilywood...

Something was hitting the end of the line in a row, even though we were on the right track after the middle of the day.

Mr. Lilywood should have taught me some understanding of the directions with the type of flowers......

"... Mr. Shiro, I'd like to ask you one thing"

"What is it?

"... 'Have you switched the type of flowers that are on the divide?

"... Well, let's go back"


I knew the killer was you!? You want to get that far and get me lost?


"... what an unmistakable reply..."

Why do you want to get me that far? It's hard to think of Mr. Shiro as just being mean. There must be some purpose when it comes to...

"Looks like Mr. Hayato is struggling a lot."

"Whose fault is it, whose..."

"Come on?"


"But there must be an easy way for a fast man to break through this maze."

"... yeah?

"'You can ask someone you can count on,' I think."

Oh, I understand now abruptly. I don't know why Mr. Shiro was trying to get me lost... I mean, this one...

"That's it, I don't know who. Strange. Is he somewhere? I know the answer to the maze and the person I can count on..."


What a white appeal. Moreover, it is a circumstantial almost match pump. So, that's it, you want to be counted on?

"Yes. Mr. Fast Man doesn't rely on me inside. I'm very unhappy."

"Uh... and Mr. Shiro... please help"

"You have no choice. It's a favor from a pleasant man like no other. I'll lead you."

It's a completely orchestrated stream, but when I give up and ask Mr. Shiro for help... Mr. Shiro responds with the same unchallenged voice.

But the face was slightly... about a few millimeters but upwards, and I felt like I was looking somewhat doozy.

"As far as I lead, no more fast guys will hit the end of the line"

"Ha ha... uh, I can count on that"

"Keep up the good work, don't count on me when you're in trouble. I will rejoice."


I feel like I'm getting some kind of a wuss, and I seem to have more mouth count than usual because of my mind... well, you wanted to be so relied on...


Again, there is no stray response.

"The Happy Man is putting me behind him"

"Yes, no, nothing like that..."

"The Happy Man is putting me behind him"

"... ok. I'm counting on you a little more in the future."

"I'll take care of it"

I feel like I have no heart or chest. Uh-huh, maybe that's why Mr. Shiro can also be called a caretaker. I can't even imagine it from the looks of it, but the personality is surprisingly childish.

Somehow, for better or worse, I'm honest with my emotions...... I don't know, maybe that's Shiro's greatest attraction.

At least, it's obvious that you don't feel bad about spending time with Mr. Shiro around my face smiling naturally.

Dear Mother, Father - I think that the Creating God of this world is honest and a little waggy as long as his expression is hard to read... somehow, awesome - he has something adorable to say.